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Building the next generation of 
 Edge Cloud services with GCP

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@Randommood Hi, I’m Inés Sombra

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Globally distributed & Highly available

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built in the time of Cloud Native

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CDN redefined

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CDN redefined
 Cloud Developed Native*

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CDN redefined
 Cloud Developed Native* * not an actual industry term ⚠ Slide NOT vetted by Fastly Marketing

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Edge Cloud Services

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A tale of two Services ImageOpto Streaming Logs

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Building Edge cloud Services + + + Goals Constraints ! Small Team

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Edge Cloud Service Constraints Highly Available Globally distributed Horizontally Scalable Secure Performant Gracefully degrade under faults* Latency sensitive 
 and fast! (* when appropriate)

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GCP & Fastly’s ImageOpto Service

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JPEG 1920 × 1080 px Max quality 2.3MB Original image

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Hero image Thumbnail image 200 × 200 px Quality 85 6.93KB vs 2.3MB JPEG 800 × 560 px Quality 85 47 KB vs 2.3MB

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Edge Cloud Services

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Origin ImageOpto Service

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gordo-thumb please! Origin ImageOpto Service

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original gordo please! gordo-thumb please! Origin ImageOpto Service

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there you go gordo-thumb please! Origin ImageOpto Service

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Origin gordo-thumb please! gordo-thumb please! ImageOpto Service

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Origin Done! gordo-thumb please! ImageOpto Service

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there you go gordo-thumb please! Origin ImageOpto Service

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YASS! Origin ImageOpto Service

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gordo-thumb please! Origin ImageOpto Service

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Origin YASS! ImageOpto Service

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ImageOpto Design Decisions

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Orthogonality / Composability for request management for logging for authentication for state management for API translation for fault tolerance for caching!!! CDN for doing less work & max speed!

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ImageOpto Pools Scaling ImageOpto with GCP

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ImageOpto Pools Scaling ImageOpto with GCP

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ImageOpto Pools ImageOpto GCP Scaling ImageOpto with GCP

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ImageOpto Pools ImageOpto GCP Scaling ImageOpto with GCP

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ImageOpto Pools ImageOpto GCP Scaling ImageOpto with GCP

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ImageOpto Pools ImageOpto GCP Scaling ImageOpto with GCP

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Leveraging GCP Allows strategic infrastructure planning to meet customer needs in new regions Terraform for easy region bootstrapping GCP is a seamless part of our service infrastructure Easy to get spendy POP to GCP connectivity planning (PNIs) Really tested our service operational processes Pros Cons

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A neat Story ☠ us-east4

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A neat Story ImageOpto us-east4 RPS

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A neat Story ImageOpto Global RPS

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A neat Story ImageOpto Global RPS whatevs

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Learn more about ImageOpto

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GCP & The Fastly Streaming Logs Service

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Edge Cloud Services

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Streaming Logs Service

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Streaming Logs Service s3 syslog gcs sumologic bigquery ftp papertrail … Aggregators Endpoints Senders

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Streaming Logs Service s3 syslog gcs sumologic bigquery ftp papertrail … Aggregators Endpoints Senders &

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Streaming Logs Service s3 syslog gcs sumologic bigquery ftp papertrail … Aggregators Endpoints Senders &

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Streaming Logs Service s3 syslog gcs sumologic bigquery ftp papertrail … Aggregators Endpoints Senders &

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Streaming Logs Design Decisions

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Streaming Logs pipeline is stateless We don’t batch your logs We don’t store your logs We stream your logs in near real-bme to your defined endpoints

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Logging Endpoints Aggregators Endpoints s3 syslog gcs sumologic bigquery ftp papertrail … Logging endpoints support various cloud services They enable our customers to perform traffic analysis

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GCP Logging Endpoints GCP endpoint requests have increased as new services become available GCS has gained a lot of popularity since its introduction in Feb 2016 Big Query has lots of customer interest & we have recently re-architected it to support more volume Lots of opportunities to grow!

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Classic integrabons challenges (each endpoint is a downstream dependency) Standard clients oeen don’t meet our needs as SDKs have different perspecVves Having our own clients allows us to befer support mulb tenancy. Collaborabng with the GCP team to maximize our collecbve throughput Our Challenges

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Learn more about Streaming Logs

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GCP & two Services ImageOpto Streaming Logs

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TL; DR GCP allows us to easily grow new edge cloud services & be more targeted in our hardware investment GCP Big Data allows Fastly customers to extend their application insights from the Edge to the Cloud Happy relationship (as consumers, partners, & integrators)

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@Randommood THANK YOU