Slide 9
Slide 9 text
Quantum algorithms for cryptanalysis imply error correction will
be necessary to run the relevant circuits at scale*.
Increasing the security of the key increases the number
of error opportunities (i.e., circuit size).
At currently-recommended key strengths, both RSA and
ECC require circuits with a size so large that
implementing them w/o error correction seems
*Note: Advances in quantum algorithms for cryptanalysis are taking place.
A full understanding of their import for cybersecurity has yet to happen.
The sooner a migration to quantum-safe
cryptography, the sooner the cybersecurity
risk* is remediated.
State-of-the-art, non-trivial implementations of Shor’s algorithm for RSA integers
show very little progress has been made with real hardware to tackle cryptanalysis.
Successful hardware experiments have been shown
for integers with no key strength.
The most impressive simulator results (c.2023) required a GPU supercomputer.
IBM Quantum | Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.