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 ΞϓϦ঺հ Introduction of apps developed by Japanese

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 ATP Ecosystem঺հ Introducing the ATP Ecosystem developed by the Japanese

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※։ൃ్্ͷΞϓϦ͕ଟ͍ͨΊ ࣗݾ੹೚Ͱ͝ར༻͍ͩ͘͞🙏 NOTE: Please use at your own risk as many of the apps are still developing 🙏

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Skylight The first (maybe!) 3rd-party web client in the world that allows users to view timeline and submit post. ● A minimal featured client created for users without iPhone to take a peek at Bluesky. ○ The first version was finished the night the author was invited to Bluesky. At the time, this was one of the few ways to access Bluesky without iPhone. ● Not currently working due to lexicon refactor (#658). 😥 ○ It will be fixed over this weekend! by ぽーまん/penpenpng (

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In Skylight, we “take off” instead of logging in. ● Repository ○ ● See also… ○ by ぽーまん/penpenpng ( Skylight

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໨ࢦͨ͠ͷ͸ ɹɹ།Ұ • Elegant UI. • Light movement. • PWA • PC/Mobile/Tablet

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• Elegant UI. • Light movement. • PWA • PC/Mobile/Tablet ໨ࢦͨ͠ͷ͸ ɹɹ།Ұ

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mimonelu 🦀

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Shinya Kato

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͓ؾʹೖΓͷπʔϧͰBluesky ָ͠Έ·͠ΐ͏ʂ Enjoy Bluesky with your favorite apps!