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import static FancyFeatureRequiredIntranetConnectionSpecIT.isUrlAvailable @Requires({ isUrlAvailable("http://some-host.intranet/") }) class FancyFeatureRequiredIntranetConnectionSpecIT extends Specification { //could be also from trait or other class static boolean isUrlAvailable(String url) { //... } def "should do one thing in intranet"() { ... } def "should do another thing in intranet"() { ... } ... }

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import static FancyFeatureRequiredIntranetConnectionSpecIT.isUrlAvailable @Requires({ isUrlAvailable("http://some-host.intranet/") }) class FancyFeatureRequiredIntranetConnectionSpecIT extends Specification { //could be also from trait or other class static boolean isUrlAvailable(String url) { //... } def "should do one thing in intranet"() { ... } def "should do another thing in intranet"() { ... } ... } MissingMethodException

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import static FancyFeatureRequiredIntranetConnectionSpecIT.isUrlAvailable @Requires({ isUrlAvailable("http://some-host.intranet/") }) class FancyFeatureRequiredIntranetConnectionSpecIT extends Specification { @Memoized //could be also from trait or other class static boolean isUrlAvailable(String url) { //... } def "should do one thing in intranet"() { ... } def "should do another thing in intranet"() { ... } ... } @Memoized

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@Requires({ System.getProperty("os.arch") == "amd64" }) //old way def "should use optimization on 64-bit systems"() { ... } @Requires({ System.getenv().containsKey("ENABLE_CRM_INTEGRATION_TESTS") }) //old way def "should do complicated things with CRM"() { ... }

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@Requires({ System.getProperty("os.arch") == "amd64" }) //old way def "should use optimization on 64-bit systems"() { ... } @Requires({ System.getenv().containsKey("ENABLE_CRM_INTEGRATION_TESTS") }) //old way def "should do complicated things with CRM"() { ... }

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spock.util.environment.OperatingSystem os.version String getName() //Linux String getVersion() //8.1 Family getFamily() //SOLARIS (enum) boolean isLinux() boolean isWindows() boolean isMacOs() boolean isSolaris() boolean isOther() @Requires({ os.linux || os.macOs }) def "should use fancy console features"() { ... }

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spock.util.environment.Jvm java.version java.specification.version boolean isJava7() //true only if Java 7 boolean isJava8Compatible() //true if Java 8+ String getJavaVersion() //e.g. "1.8.0_05" String getJavaSpecificationVersion() //e.g. "1.8" @IgnoreIf({ !jvm.java8Compatible }) def "should return empty Optional by default for unstubbed methods with Java 8+"() { ... }

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spock.util.environment.Jvm java.version java.specification.version boolean isJava7() //true only if Java 7 boolean isJava8Compatible() //true if Java 8+ String getJavaVersion() //e.g. "1.8.0_05" String getJavaSpecificationVersion() //e.g. "1.8" @IgnoreIf({ !jvm.java8Compatible }) def "should return empty Optional by default for unstubbed methods with Java 8+"() { ... }

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spock.util.environment.Jvm java.version java.specification.version boolean isJava7() //true only if Java 7 boolean isJava8Compatible() //true if Java 8+ String getJavaVersion() //e.g. "1.8.0_05" String getJavaSpecificationVersion() //e.g. "1.8" @IgnoreIf({ !jvm.java8Compatible }) def "should return empty Optional by default for unstubbed methods with Java 8+"() { ... }

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//from trait or util class private static final PreconditionContext XXX = new PreconditionContext() @IgnoreIf({ !XXX.jvm.java8Compatible }) def "should return empty Optional by default for unstubbed methods with Java 8+"() { ... } @Requires({ XXX.os.linux || XXX.os.macOs }) def "should use fancy console features"() { ... } PreconditionContext

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//from trait or util class private static final PreconditionContext XXX = new PreconditionContext() @IgnoreIf({ !XXX.jvm.java8Compatible }) def "should return empty Optional by default for unstubbed methods with Java 8+"() { ... } @Requires({ XXX.os.linux || XXX.os.macOs }) def "should use fancy console features"() { ... } PreconditionContext

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//from trait or util class private static final PreconditionContext XXX = new PreconditionContext() @IgnoreIf({ !XXX.jvm.java8Compatible }) def "should return empty Optional by default for unstubbed methods with Java 8+"() { ... } @Requires({ XXX.os.linux || XXX.os.macOs }) def "should use fancy console features"() { ... } PreconditionContext

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setup/cleanup def "complex logic should work with fixed thread pool"() { setup: //alias for 'given:' ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) when: String returnedValue = threadPool .submit({ "val" } as Callable) .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) then: returnedValue == "val" cleanup: threadPool?.shutdown() } where

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setup/cleanup def "complex logic should work with fixed thread pool"() { setup: ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) when: String returnedValue = threadPool .submit({ "val" } as Callable) .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) then: returnedValue == "val" cleanup: threadPool?.shutdown() }

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def "complex logic should work with fixed thread pool"() { setup: ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) and: Callable task = { "val" } as Callable when: String returnedValue = threadPool .submit(task) .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) then: returnedValue == "val" cleanup: threadPool?.shutdown() }

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def "complex logic should work with fixed thread pool"() { setup: ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) and: Callable task = { "val" } as Callable when: String returnedValue = threadPool .submit(task) .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) //null is returned! then: returnedValue == "val" cleanup: threadPool?.shutdown() } Runnable Callable

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def "complex logic should work with fixed thread pool"() { setup: ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) and: Callable task = [call: { "val" }] as Callable when: String returnedValue = threadPool .submit(task) .get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) then: returnedValue == "val" cleanup: threadPool?.shutdown() }

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class FancyDBSpec extends Specification { @Shared private DBConnection dbConnection def beforeSpec() { dbConnection = new H2DBConnection(...) } def cleanupSpec() { dbConnection.close() } def "should do fancy things on DB"() { ... } def "should do fancy2 things on DB"() { ... } } interface DBConnection { ... void close() }

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class FancyDBSpec extends Specification { @Shared private DBConnection dbConnection = new H2DBConnection(...) def cleanupSpec() { dbConnection.close() } def "should do fancy things on DB"() { ... } def "should do fancy2 things on DB"() { ... } } interface DBConnection { ... void close(); }

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class FancyDBSpec extends Specification { @Shared private DBConnection dbConnection = new H2DBConnection(...) def cleanupSpec() { dbConnection.close() } def "should do fancy things on DB"() { ... } def "should do fancy2 things on DB"() { ... } } interface DBConnection { ... void close(); }

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class FancyDBSpec extends Specification { @Shared @AutoCleanup private DBConnection dbConnection = new H2DBConnection(...) def "should do fancy things on DB"() { ... } def "should do fancy2 things on DB"() { ... } } interface DBConnection { ... void close(); } close()

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class FancyDBSpec extends Specification { @Shared @AutoCleanup("release") private DBConnection dbConnection = new H2DBConnection(...) def "should do fancy things on DB"() { ... } def "should do fancy2 things on DB"() { ... } } interface DBConnection { ... void release(); }

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cleaup cleanupSpec close() @AutoCleanup("release") @AutoCleanup(quiet = true)

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@Before @After setupSpec() setup() cleanup() cleanupSpec() @BeforeClass @Before @After @AfterClass

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+ ^ | +---------------------+ | BaseIntegrationSpec | +---------------------+

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+ ^ | +---------------------+ | BaseIntegrationSpec | +---------------------+ ^ | +------------------+ | BaseDatabaseSpec | +------------------+

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+ ^ | +---------------------+ | BaseIntegrationSpec | +---------------------+ ^ | +------------------+ | BaseDatabaseSpec | +------------------+ ^ ^ | | | | +-------- + +---------+ | DbSpec1 | | DbSpec2 | +---------+ +---------+

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+ ^ | +---------------------+ | BaseIntegrationSpec | +---------------------+ ^ ^ | | +------------------+ +----------------- + | BaseDatabaseSpec | | BaseWiremockSpec | +------------------+ +------------------+ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | +-------- + +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ | DbSpec1 | | DbSpec2 | | WiremockSpec1 | | WiremockSpec2 | +---------+ +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+ ^ | +---------------------+ +--------------------------- + | BaseIntegrationSpec |<-------| BaseWiremockWithDbSpec ??? | +---------------------+ +----------------------------+ ^ ^ | | +------------------+ +----------------- + | BaseDatabaseSpec | | BaseWiremockSpec | +------------------+ +------------------+ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | +-------- + +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ | DbSpec1 | | DbSpec2 | | WiremockSpec1 | | WiremockSpec2 | +---------+ +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+ ^ | +---------------------+ +--------------------------- + | BaseIntegrationSpec |<-------| BaseWiremockWithDbSpec ??? | +---------------------+ +----------------------------------+ ^ ^ | BaseWiremockWithActiveMqSpec ??? | | | +----------------------------------+ +------------------+ +----------------- + | BaseDatabaseSpec | | BaseWiremockSpec | +------------------+ +------------------+ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | +-------- + +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ | DbSpec1 | | DbSpec2 | | WiremockSpec1 | | WiremockSpec2 | +---------+ +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

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+---------------+ | Specification | +---------------+ ^ | +---------------------+ +--------------------------- + | BaseIntegrationSpec |<-------| BaseWiremockWithDbSpec ??? | +---------------------+ +----------------------------------+ ^ ^ | BaseWiremockWithActiveMqSpec ??? | | | +----------------------------------+ +------------------+ +----------------- + | BaseDatabaseSpec | | BaseWiremockSpec | +------------------+ +------------------+ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | +-------- + +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ | DbSpec1 | | DbSpec2 | | WiremockSpec1 | | WiremockSpec2 | +---------+ +---------+ +---------------+ +---------------+

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trait DatabaseTrait { static DBConnection dbConnection def setupSpec() { //or @BeforeClass or inline //prepare DB } def cleanupSpec() { //or @AfterClass //clean up DB } }

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trait DatabaseTrait { static DBConnection dbConnection def setupSpec() { //or @BeforeClass or inline //prepare DB } def cleanupSpec() { //or @AfterClass //clean up DB } } //no more infrastructure code needed in specifications class Fancy1DatabaseSpec extends Specification implements DatabaseTrait { def "should do fancy1 thing on database"() { //fancy1 things on database } } class Fancy2DatabaseSpec extends Specification implements DatabaseTrait { def "should do fancy2 thing on database"() { //fancy2 things on database } }

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trait DatabaseTrait { ... } trait ActiveMQTrait { ... } trait WireMockTrait { ... } class VerySpecificIntegrationSpec extends Specification implements DatabaseTrait, WireMockTrait { def "should do very specific integration things"() { ... } }

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@AutoCleanup cleanup(Spec) @Shared static static

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@Unroll def "should validate PESEL (#pesel) correctness (#isValid)"() { expect: sut.validate(pesel) == isValid where: pesel || isValid "123" || false "abcd" || false "97110208631" || true } where

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@Unroll def "should validate PESEL (#pesel) correctness (#isValid)"() { expect: sut.validate(pesel) == isValid where: pesel || isValid "123" || false "abcd" || false "97110208631" || true } #pesel #isValid

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@Unroll("PESEL '#pesel' should be #description") def "should validate PESEL correctness"() { expect: sut.validate(pesel) == isValid where: pesel || isValid "123" || false "abcd" || false "97110208631" || true description = isValid ? "valid" : "invalid" }

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@Unroll("PESEL '#pesel' should be #description") def "should validate PESEL correctness"() { expect: sut.validate(pesel) == isValid where: pesel || isValid "123" || false "abcd" || false "97110208631" || true description = isValid ? "valid" : "invalid" }

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@Unroll("PESEL '#pesel' should be #description") def "should validate PESEL correctness"() { expect: sut.validate(pesel) == isValid where: pesel << ["123", "abcd", "97110208631"] isValid << [false, false, true] description = isValid ? "valid" : "invalid" } <<

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@Unroll("#pesel is valid (#dbId)") def "should validate PESEL correctness (CSV)"() { expect: sut.validate(pesel) where: [dbId, _, _, pesel] << readValidPeopleFromCSVFile() .readLines().collect { it.split(',') } //ugly way to read CSV - don't do this }

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@Unroll @Unroll @Unroll class PeselValidatorSpec extends Specification { def "should pass valid PESEL #number"() { ... } def "should reject too short PESEL #number"() { ... } def "should pass Mr. President PESEL"() { ... } (...) }

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//dependency in Gradle/Maven/Ant testCompile 'info.solidsoft.spock:spock-global-unroll:0.5.1' @Unroll class PeselValidatorSpec extends Specification { //unrolled automatically without @Unroll def "should pass valid PESEL #number"() { ... } (...) }

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@Roll @DisableGlobalUnroll @Roll class PeselValidatorSpec extends Specification { //one big test for multiple input parameters def "should not be unrolled for some reasons PESEL #number"() { ... } (...) }

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@Unroll @Roll @Roll class PeselValidatorSpec extends Specification { //one big test for multiple input parameters def "should not be unrolled for some reasons PESEL #number"() { ... } //unrolled anyway @Unroll("PESEL '#pesel' should be #description") def "should validate PESEL correctness"() { ... } (...) }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub consecutive calls" () { given: Dao dao = Stub(Dao) dao.getCount() >> 1 >> 2 expect: dao.getCount() == 1 and: dao.getCount() == 2 and: dao.getCount() == 2 } }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub consecutive calls" () { given: Dao dao = Stub(Dao) dao.getCount() >>> [1, 2] expect: dao.getCount() == 1 and: dao.getCount() == 2 and: dao.getCount() == 2 } }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub consecutive calls (exception)"() { given: Dao dao = Stub(Dao) dao.getCount() >> 1 >> { throw new IllegalArgumentException() } >> 3 expect: dao.getCount() == 1 when: dao.getCount() then: thrown(IllegalArgumentException) expect: dao.getCount() == 3 }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub consecutive calls (exception)"() { given: Dao dao = Stub(Dao) dao.getCount() >> 1 >> { throw new IllegalArgumentException() } >> 3 expect: dao.getCount() == 1 when: dao.getCount() then: thrown(IllegalArgumentException) expect: dao.getCount() == 3 }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub consecutive calls (exception)"() { given: Dao dao = Stub(Dao) dao.getCount() >> 1 >> { throw new IllegalArgumentException(???) } >> 3 expect: dao.getCount() == 1 when: dao.getCount() then: thrown(IllegalArgumentException) expect: dao.getCount() == 3 }

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class Dao { T save(T element) } class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub method call to return input value"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Stub() >> { it[0] } when: Item returnedItem = then: } }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should demonstrate common error with one parameter"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Stub() >> { it } //broken - 'it' is an array - it[0] when: Item returnedItem = then: } }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub method call to return input value"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Stub() >> { Item item -> item } when: Item returnedItem = then: } }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub and verify"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Mock() >> { Item item -> item } when: Item returnedItem = then: 1 * and: } }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub and verify"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Mock() >> { Item item -> item } when: Item returnedItem = then: 1 * and: } }

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class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub and verify"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Mock() when: Item returnedItem = then: 1 * >> { Item item -> item } and: } } then

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@Ignore("broken") def "notification should be send after business operation (ignore order)"() { given: Dao dao = Mock() Notifier notifier = Mock() and: def sut = new BusinessService(dao, notifier) when: sut.processOrder() then: 1 * dao.saveOrder(_) //order does not matter 1 * notifier.sendNotification(_) }

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def "notification should be send after business operation"() { given: Dao dao = Mock() Notifier notifier = Mock() and: def sut = new BusinessService(dao, notifier) when: sut.processOrder() then: 1 * dao.saveOrder(_) then: 1 * notifier.sendNotification(_) }

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@Ignore("broken") def "notification should be send after business operation (with 'and')"() { given: Dao dao = Mock() Notifier notifier = Mock() and: def sut = new BusinessService(dao, notifier) when: sut.processOrder() then: 1 * dao.saveOrder(_) and: //'and' does not verify execution order 1 * notifier.sendNotification(_) } and

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1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo(2) //equal to 2 1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo(!2) //not equal to 2 1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo(_) //any argument 1 * scienceStation.analyzeInput(!null) //not null argument 1 * scienceStation.analyzeInput(_ as String) //instance of String 1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo({ it > 2 }) //any argument greater than 2 1 * ts.smellyFindNumberOfShipsInRangeByCriteria(_, { it.contains("fiant") }, 4)

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1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo(2) //equal to 2 1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo(!2) //not equal to 2 1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo(_) //any argument 1 * scienceStation.analyzeInput(!null) //not null argument 1 * scienceStation.analyzeInput(_ as String) //instance of String 1 * tacticalStation.fireTorpedo({ it > 2 }) //any argument greater than 2 1 * ts.smellyFindNumberOfShipsInRangeByCriteria(_, { it.contains("fiant") }, 4) ts.smellyFindNumberOfShipsInRangeByCriteria(_, { it.contains("fiant") }, 4) >> 2

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def dao = Mock(Dao) //Groovy way

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def dao = Mock(Dao) //Groovy way Dao dao = Mock(Dao) //Java way

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def dao = Mock(Dao) //Groovy way Dao dao = Mock(Dao) //Java way Dao dao = Mock() //shorter Java way?

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def dao = Mock(Dao) //Groovy way Dao dao = Mock(Dao) //Java way Dao dao = Mock() //shorter Java way

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def dao = Mock(Dao) //Groovy way Dao dao = Mock(Dao) //Java way Dao dao = Mock() //shorter Java way

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interface Dao { Optional getMaybeById(long id) ... } def "should not fail on unstubbed call with Optional return type"() { given: Dao dao = Stub() when: dao.getMaybeById(5) then: noExceptionThrown() }

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interface Dao { Optional getMaybeById(long id) ... } @Ignore("Broken - Optional is final") def "should not fail on unstubbed call with Optional return type"() { given: Dao dao = Stub() when: dao.getMaybeById(5) then: noExceptionThrown() } CannotCreateMockException: Cannot create mock for class java.util.Optional because Java mocks cannot mock final classes.

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EmptyOrDummyResponse null ZeroOrNullResponse

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EmptyOrDummyResponse null ZeroOrNullResponse def "should not fail on unstubbed call with Optional return type - workaround 1"() { given: Dao dao = Stub([defaultResponse: ZeroOrNullResponse.INSTANCE]) when: dao.getMaybeById(5) then: noExceptionThrown() }

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EmptyOrDummyResponse null ZeroOrNullResponse

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EmptyOrDummyResponse null ZeroOrNullResponse def "should not fail on unstubbed call with Optional return type - workaround 2"() { given: Dao dao = Mock() //instead of Stub() when: dao.getMaybeById(5) then: noExceptionThrown() }

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EmptyOrDummyResponse null ZeroOrNullResponse def "should not fail on unstubbed call with Optional return type - workaround 2"() { given: Dao dao = Mock() //instead of Stub() when: dao.getMaybeById(5) then: noExceptionThrown() } Optional

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class Java8EmptyOrDummyResponse implements IDefaultResponse { public static final Java8EmptyOrDummyResponse INSTANCE = new Java8EmptyOrDummyResponse(); private Java8EmptyOrDummyResponse() {} @Override public Object respond(IMockInvocation invocation) { if (invocation.getMethod().getReturnType() == Optional) { return Optional.empty() } //possibly CompletableFutures.completedFuture(), dates and maybe others return EmptyOrDummyResponse.INSTANCE.respond(invocation) } }

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defaultResponse Stub def "should return empty Optional for unstubbed calls"() { given: Dao dao = Stub([defaultResponse: Java8EmptyOrDummyResponse.INSTANCE]) when: Optional result = dao.getMaybeById(5) then: result?.isPresent() == false //NOT the same as !result?.isPresent() }

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defaultResponse Stub def "should return empty Optional for unstubbed calls"() { given: Dao dao = Stub([defaultResponse: Java8EmptyOrDummyResponse.INSTANCE]) when: Optional result = dao.getMaybeById(5) then: result?.isPresent() == false //NOT the same as !result?.isPresent() } Dao dao = Stub8(Dao) T Stub8(Class clazz) { return Stub([defaultResponse: Java8EmptyOrDummyResponse.INSTANCE], clazz) }

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def "should change real method execution return value"() { given: TacticalStation tsSpy = Spy() and: tsSpy.getTubeStatus(_) >> { if (it[0] == 4) { return TubeStatus.BROKEN } else { return callRealMethod() } } expect: tsSpy.getTubeStatus(1) == TubeStatus.LOADED and: tsSpy.getTubeStatus(4) == TubeStatus.BROKEN } callRealMethod()

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def "should call real method with changed arguments"() { given: TacticalStation tsSpy = Spy() and: tsSpy.getTubeStatus(_) >> { int tubeNumber -> return callRealMethodWithArgs(tubeNumber + 1) } expect: ... } callRealMethodWithArgs()

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Assertion failed: assert word.substring(begin, end) == word[begin..end] | | | | | | || | | po 1 3 | | |1 3 Spock | | poc | Spock false assert then expect

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Assertion failed: assert word.substring(begin, end) == word[begin..end] | | | | | | || | | po 1 3 | | |1 3 Spock | | poc | Spock false assert then expect

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assert when: ... then: assertCompatibilityWithEU49683Directive(order) } private void assertCompatibilityWithEU49683Directive(Order order) { assert order.field1 == ... assert order.field2 == ... }

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assert when: ... then: assertCompatibilityWithEU49683Directive(order) } private void assertCompatibilityWithEU49683Directive(Order order) { assert order.field1 == ... assert order.field2 == ... } given given: int initialNumberOfFiles = getNumberOfFileInDirectory() assert initialNumberOfFiles == 0 when: ...

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assert expect: GParsPool.withPool { ["1"].eachParallel CorrelationIdUpdater.wrapClosureWithId { assert it == "1" } }

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assert expect: GParsPool.withPool { ["1"].eachParallel CorrelationIdUpdater.wrapClosureWithId { assert it == "1" } }

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def "should show nice error message on null dereference"(){ when: Person readPerson = dao.getById(TEST_WOMAN) then: == Sex.WOMAN ... }

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def "should show nice error message on null dereference"(){ when: Person readPerson = dao.getById(TEST_WOMAN) then: == Sex.WOMAN ... } java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'sex' on null object ?.

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def "should show nice error message on null dereference"(){ when: Person readPerson = dao.getById(TEST_WOMAN) then: readPerson?.sex == Sex.WOMAN ... } readPerson?.sex == Sex.WOMAN | | | null | false null

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def "should show nice error message on null dereference"(){ when: Person readPerson = dao.getById(TEST_WOMAN) then: == Sex.WOMAN //wihtout '?.' ... } java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method startsWith() on null object == Sex.WOMAN | | | null | false java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'sex' on null object

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Slide 126

Slide 126 text

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