Slide 6
Slide 6 text
The degree plan provides turn-by-turn directions.
COMM 1311
RHET 1302
ARTS 1316 Drawing Foundations
ATEC 2320 or ATEC 2325
or ATEC 2326 or ATEC 2385
ATEC 2340 Project Management I
ATEC 2382 Computer Imaging
GOVT 2305 ATEC 2384 Design I
ATEM 1100 (first-time in
college students only)
GOVT 2306 CS 1335 Comp. Sci. I for non-majors*
Upper-Level Elective
CS 2335 Comp. Sci. II for non-majors
Upper-Level Elective
Upper-Level Elective
ARTS 3371 or ARTS 3372 or ARTS 3377
or ARTS 3379 or ARTS 4368 or ATEC 3330
Upper-Level Elective
ATEC 3320 or ATEC 3325
*CS 1334 + CS 1134
(Prereq. for CS 1335)
ATEC 3310 or ATEC 3346 or ATEC 3351
or ATEC 3317, 3327, 3328, or 3336
Any 3000/4000-level AHST class
or DRAM 3323 or FILM 3321 or MUSI 3322
□ UNIV 1010
ATEC 3384
ATEC 4380 or ATEC 4381
ATEC 3329 or CS 3360 or CS 4352
HIST 3328 or HIST 3337 or HIST 3374
or LIT 3316 or LIT 3334
B.A. Arts and Technology Degree Plan Name: ___________________________________________
ID#: ____________________________ Advisor: _______________________
Minor: _________________________ Admit Term: ___________________
45: ____
75: ____
UT Dallas • School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication
2016 Catalog • 120 Semester Credit Hours (SCH) – includes 51 upper-level SCH
While advisors confer with students about courses and
educational experiences, students are responsible for
defining the content of their academic program, being aware
of all graduation requirements, and making progress toward
an academic degree. Advisors will assist students in
designing an appropriate course of study that will satisfy
requirements for graduation as well as offer information on
particular courses and University rules and procedures.
H. Life & Physical Sciences (030): 6 SCH
B. Language, Philosophy & Culture (040): 3 SCH
M a j o r R e q u i r e m e n t s , L o w e r - L e v e l : 2 1 S C H
C. Creative Arts (050): 3 SCH
F r e e E l e c t i v e s : 1 8 S C H
Both upper- and lower-level courses may be used as electives, but
students must complete at least 51 hours of upper-level credit to qualify
for graduation.
D. Government/Political Science (070): 6 SCH
E. American History (060): 6 SCH
C o r e C u r r i c u l u m R e q u i r e m e n t s : 4 2 S C H
M a j o r R e q u i r e m e n t s , U p p e r - L e v e l : 2 4 S C H
F. Social & Behavioral Sciences (080): 3 SCH
G. Mathematics (020): 3 SCH
□ UNIV 2020
P r e s c r i b e d E l e c t i v e s : 1 5 S C H
Refer to the back of this degree plan for a list of prescribed
elective options.
A. Communication (010): 6 SCH I. Component Area Options (090): 6 SCH