React Server
Components: A New
Way to Build Fast and
Interactive Web Apps
Aurora Scharff
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React Server Components:
Why should you care?
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> Aurora Scharff
> Consultant at Inmeta
> Norway, Oslo
> Full-stack, web-focused: active
RSC developer
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Talking points
> Rendering strategies
> React Server Components
> Next.js App Router
> RSC in Next.js “the right way”
> Demo
> Real world experience
> The future of RSC
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Rendering strategies
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Static website rendering
> Pages are pre-assembled and uploaded
to a static host
> Simple and efficient
> Struggles with dynamic data and
impractical to maintain
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Multi-page applications (MPAs)
> HTML and data are
dynamically merged on
the server
> Serves the merged result
on page load
> Page reloads per request
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√ Optimized for SEO
√ Unlimited scalability
√ More website insights
Multi-page applications (MPAs)
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√ Optimized for SEO
√ Unlimited scalability
√ More website insights
× Slower perceived
× Limited interactivity
× Hard to maintain
Multi-page applications (MPAs)
Single-page applications, cons
× Slow initial load
× SEO suffers
× Needs
× Less secure
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SPA vs. MPA lifecycle
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Server-side rendering (SSR)
> Pre-render the initial HTML
on the server
> Fully-formed HTML when
opening the page
> JavaScript is fetched
alongside it
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Static site generation (SSG)
> Pages are pre-assembled
and uploaded to a static host
> Requires site redeployment
whenever data changes
> JavaScript is fetched
alongside it
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Server-side rendering (SSR)
> Included feature in JavaScript
> Build time (SSG) and/or
request time (SSR)
> Pages generated in the build
can be cached
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Hydration is like watering the “dry”
HTML with the “water” of
interactivity and event handlers.
- React core team member Dan
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Server-side rendering
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The problem
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The problem
1. You have to fetch everything before you can
show anything
2. You have to load everything before you can
hydrate anything
3. You have to hydrate everything before you
can interact with anything
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Strategies to improve it
> Partial hydration: only attach JS to certain
> Progressive hydration: lazy load JS to
certain components
> Selective hydration: priority load JS to
certain components based on user
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> Split a request into chunks
> Send each chunk as a
stream to the client
> Render each chunk as it is
streamed in
× Require a framework
× Increased complexity
× Learning curve
× Early adoption
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Next.js App Router
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RSC in Next.js “the right way”
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Data management
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Server Functions
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Server Functions
> Mark a function/file with “use server”
> Next.js creates a “hidden” API endpoint for
> Use the function in any component
> Provides a type-safe RPC-experience
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Real world experience
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> Interactive dashboards
> Complex forms and tables
> Articles through a CMS, static data
> Need for SEO
> Mobile friendly and accessible
> Multiple language support
> Customer’s own UI library
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× Wrappers for custom
× Trial and error i18n
× Limited testing
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√ Performant app that
fulfills requirements
√ Maintainable app code
√ Enjoyable DX
× Wrappers for custom
× Trial and error i18n
× Limited testing
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The future of RSC
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“Elkjøp's Digital Transformation”