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׬ඒ执ߦண错误计䎞 +Tomer Sharon

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Model and a Google Search software engineer:

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Model and a Google Search

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Photo by Stephen Dobeck

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Logo design by Guy Carmeli

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Җ㜪࿨达ᇠ 错了 Photo by Stephen Dobeck

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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+Tomer Sharon Sr. UX Researcher and Author @tsharon

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6 େ问题 Photo credit: Getty Images

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1. 问题 Photo

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2. ဓ๎༑ಹཬֶ习 (LEARNED FROM FRIENDS) Photo

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3. 倾听⽤用户的声⾳音 (LISTENED TO USERS) Models and Google Search software engineers: Angela Chang, Andrei Matei, & Ivo Popov

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ෆཁჶဓ༻户 Photo credit: Getty Images

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观察⾏行为 Photo credit: Getty Images

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Models and Google Search software engineers: Angela Chang, Andrei Matei, & Ivo Popov

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ෆળဋ预测ະདྷ Photo credit: Getty Images

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ଈ࢖༗صձ၏ฐ… Photo credit: Getty Images

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զ们ॴݴɼզ们ॴߦ Photo credit: Getty Images

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“请问你会⽤用我们的App吗?” Models and Google Search software engineers: Angela Chang, Andrei Matei, & Ivo Popov

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4. ෆཁ测试࠷ة险త၊设 Photo credit: Getty Images

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ஐೳखص༻户ਗ਼ુҙ识౸ଞ们త Ꮘ཰௿Լత㩘记习惯 Smartphone owners are aware of their ineffective note-taking habits. ड测၊设’s riskiest assumption

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5. Bob޻ঊ৺态 Photo

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6. ׬ඒ执ߦண错误计䎞 Photo

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问题 ࢢ场 产品 Credit: Laura Klein,

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ଞ们ॄ㜮ํ໘၏ಘ޷ʁ Photo

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Interviews with 150 app developers (Sharon, 2015 - expected) 谁是我的客户? ਓ们धཁզత产඼吗ʁ 这个产品可⽤用吗? 这个产品⽐比竞品好吗? 这个产品在变好吗? 70% 77.5% 85% 92.5% 100% 84% 86% 89% 95% 97% 应⽤用开发者对⽤用户的问题

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ཧղ优ઌ级 Photo

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执⾏行正确的计划 Photo by Stephen Dobeck

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හডࣜ༻户ݚڀ Photo by Stephen Dobeck

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༻户ݚڀೳ 䭧ಎ࡯产඼ ༻户త视֯ ࿨ೳྗɼኂ ׌ࡏਖ਼䉯త 时صఄ现给 Photo credit: Getty Images

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շ଎ ߴ质ྔ ༗Ө㠳ྗ

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观察 经验采样 ၊㛭 Photo credit: Getty Images

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经验采样 Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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॥环ԟ䐾 Photo credit: Getty Images

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࿽኷޷త问题 Photo credit: Getty Images

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(NEEDS) धཁ (FEATURES) ಛ (PAINS) ௧ۤ (DELIGHTS) ༇ӻ Photo credit: Getty Images

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观察 经验采样 ၊㛭 Photo credit: Getty Images

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观察 Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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观察 倾听 ମ࡯ Ꮕू Photo credit: Getty Images

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倾⼼心倾⼒力地注意 Photo credit: Getty Images

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೔ৗ ׯ扰 烦恼 ༇ӻ 过渡 Photo credit: Getty Images

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90ඵతಎ࡯ྗ ՄҎলԼˇˇˇ ඼质 ၰಐ݈߁

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ಛ੐ (FEATURES) ၊设 (ASSUMPTIONS) 问题 (PROBLEMS) ྲྀఔ (WORKFLOWS) ໨标 (GOALS) Photo credit: Getty Images

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观察 经验采样 ၊㛭 Photo credit: Getty Images

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၊㛭 Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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观察 经验采样 ၊㛭 Photo credit: Getty Images

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༻户ݚڀೳ 䭧ಎ࡯产඼ ༻户త视֯ ࿨ೳྗɼኂ ׌ࡏਖ਼䉯త Photo credit: Getty Images

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രᖵ ௚ঋصࡏ电ӨதҰൠ၏ॄ㜮ʁ With permission from

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Photo credit: Getty Images

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+Tomer Sharon @tsharon Thank you to Stephen Dobeck, Roman Nurik, Frank Romano, Jac de Haan, Guy Carmeli, Angela Chang, Andrei Matei, George Zhang, & Ivo Popov

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Photo credit: Getty Images 㟬ෆೳࡏ错误త App্࿘费时间

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Photo credit: Getty Images ׬ඒ执 ߦਖ਼䉯 త计䎞