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The State
 of Symfony
 in the Cloud Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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"The most common way to deploy a project to production is to transfer all its files by FTP (or SFTP). [...] the symfony lib/ and data/ directories are linked by svn:externals

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Sending the root project directory by FTP is fine for the first transfer, but when you need to upload an update of your application, where only a few files have changed, FTP is not ideal.

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The solution that is supported by symfony is rsync synchronization through an SSH layer. More and more commercial hosts support an SSH tunnel to secure file uploads on their servers...

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Don't forget to clear the cache in the production server after synchronization.

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Code Deployment
 in 2016

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Read-Only Filesystems Code Deployment
 in 2016

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Read-Only Filesystems Build vs Run Code Deployment
 in 2016

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Read-Only Filesystems Build vs Run Isolated and Agnostic Code Deployment
 in 2016

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Read-Only Filesystems Build vs Run Isolated and Agnostic Code Deployment
 in 2016

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Read-Only Filesystems Build vs Run Isolated and Agnostic Configurable at Runtime Code Deployment
 in 2016

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Read-Only Filesystems and Symfony

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class AppKernel extends Kernel { // ... public function getCacheDir() { return dirname(__DIR__).'/var/cache/'.$this->getEnvironment(); } public function getLogDir() { return dirname(__DIR__).'/var/logs'; } }

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Relative paths in cache Code Deployment
 in 2016

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There is a big problem to build a site in a temporary directory, warm up the cache for production mode on the build server and then rsyncing it to the production server into another directory.

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The biggest problem is the usage of dirname which is naive per the PHP documentation: "dirname() operates naively on the input string, and is not aware of the actual filesystem, or path components such as "..".")". ... Looking at this issue again, I think there is no easy fix. Using dirname() will indeed work but as noted by @jakzal, the cache dir can be outside of the root dir. In this case, using dirname() won't help.

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Read-only Cache Code Deployment
 in 2016

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ok so the whole sf2 cache can be warmup from now in 1 pass? If you tell me how to accomplish that... I'm very interested!

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var/cache vs var/tmp 3.3?

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3.3? cache:clear vs cache:warmup

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Symfony in 2016 Code, Data, and Services

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Symfony in 2016 Service Wiring in 2016

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Symfony in 2016 Env Vars

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Env Vars Code Deployment
 in 2016

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host: '%env(DATABASE_HOST)%' parameters: env(DATABASE_HOST): localhost

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Symfony in 2016 Infrastructure Configuration

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Infrastructure Configuration {
 "require": {
 "php": ">=5.5.9",
 "silex/silex": "~2.0",
 "silex/web-profiler": "~2.0",
 "symfony/asset": "~2.8|3.0.*",

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Infrastructure Configuration {
 "require": {
 "php": ">=5.5.9",
 "silex/silex": "~2.0",
 "silex/web-profiler": "~2.0",
 "symfony/asset": "~2.8|3.0.*", pgsqldb:
 type: postgresql:9.6
 disk: 2048
 type: redis:3.0 runtime:
 - apcu
 - pdo_pgsql
 - redis
 sphinx: "1.3"
 sass: "*"

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Git-powered Infrastructure

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sensiocloud branch feat-db master

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sensiocloud push feat-a

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sensiocloud sync -y data

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sensiocloud merge feat-db

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sensiocloud init

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sensiocloud tunnel:open

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From development to Production 99.99% SLA on the entire stack

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