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Kuro Hsu @ ๖檚ᑀದय़䋊 D3.js 虻碘憙憽玕獈槹 2015/12/23

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ᛔ౯Օ奧 Kuro Hsu • 獮ᒒૡ纷䒍 @ ࿞睃瞆叨褸㿁 • COSCUP 拻ᘏ • JSDC 拻ᘏ • kurotanshi [at] •

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̿ض獨ᓕ D3 ԧ牧֦肯螂虻懱憙憽玕㻟牫̀ 磪䷱磪Օ奧 D3.js 墋䁭ጱᒫӞ殷疰ݞՈ獨ᓕ D3 ጱ獌ܠ

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ݶ䰬ฎ Web 懿袅獤ຉ牧ߺ㮆ฃ睞牫

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ݶ䰬ฎ Web 懿袅獤ຉ牧ߺ㮆ฃ睞牫

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傶Ջ讕襑ᥝ疥虻懱憙憽玕 • य़ᰁ虻碘ݢࣁ縣樌ᤩቘ薹牧虻懱㯽螏ๅ磪硳ሲ • 磪ۗෝ薪疗ڊٌ犢珊匍ොୗ犋ฃ疗憽کጱ虻碘粬௔ • ݢ犥盄਻ฃ፡ڊ虻碘๜蛪ጱቭ綦膏梊藮 • ֵአٌ犢承᥺ጱ捝ᘏ犖胼਻ฃ፡睞

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蕣֢虻懱瑽蔭ጱᥝᔰ • ก嘦ጱԆ氂 • 虻懱羊墋玕牧Ԇ氂ๅ统ڊ • 殼䛑憙憽㵕娄牧珅୚捝ᘏፓط • 篷襑෈ਁ藯ก犖胼ቘ薹

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* svg 媑瑽襑ᥝ IE9+

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• D3 = Data-Driven Documents. • ֵአ翕殷秂伛ದ蔩 (HTML / CSS / JavaScript / SVG) • 䔶य़ጱ Data-Driven 疥虻碘䌘䛑ک DOM Ӥ牧۱ೡزᔰ ጱी㳫现痀௔虋玕 • ൉׀ SVG ፘ橕媑瑽ૡٍ䓚牧蒈圸 SVG ኴጱ jQuery • 䕃௔᩻य़֕䋿֢斃ٌ犢憙憽玕ૡٍ耆卓 D3.js ฎՋ讕

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螡䢔瑊膏 DOM 砺֢

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螡䢔瑊 JavaScript jQuery D3.js document.querySelectorAll(".block") $(".block") d3.selectAll(".block")

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螡䢔瑊"body").selectAll(".block") d3.selectAll("body .block")

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ොဩ袽 (method chaining) 
 var box = d3.selectAll('.box');'color', '#f00'); box.text('Hello World!'); var box = d3.selectAll('.box') .style('color', '#f00') .text('Hello World!');

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痀௔ (attr) 
 // attr() d3.selectAll("circle") .attr("cx", 50) .attr("cy", 50) .attr("r", 25) .style("fill", "red");

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痀௔ (attr) 
 // 犥̿ᇔկ̀ጱොୗ瞲ਧ痀௔ d3.selectAll("circle") .attr({ "cx": 50, "cy": 50, "r": 25 }) .style("fill", "red");
 // 玲஑ circle cx 痀௔ጱ独"circle").attr("cx");

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痀௔ (property) 
 .property('value', 'Kuro'); 
 አဩ膏 attr() ፘݶ牧֕ property() ֵአࣁ篷ਁᶎ瞲ਧጱ痀௔牐 ই: disabled, checked 犥现 value 缛牐 

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 .classed('item', true); 
 .classed('item', false);
 .classed('item big', true); 

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 .style('color', '#f00'); 
 .style({ 'color': '#f00', 'font-size': '15px' }); 

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text & html var foo = d3.selectAll('.foo'); foo.text('Hello World!'); foo.html('

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Data - ಅ磪ጱ虻碘᮷ฎ檋ڜ var data = [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10];

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Data - ಅ磪ጱ虻碘᮷ฎ檋ڜ var data = [ {x: 10.0, y: 9.14}, {x: 8.0, y: 8.14}, {x: 13.0, y: 8.74}, {x: 9.0, y: 8.77}, …… ];

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key function var data = [ { 'name': 'kuro', 'age': 30 }, { 'name': 'John', 'age': 20 }, { 'name': 'Mary', 'age': 18 } ]; var p ='body') .selectAll('p') .data(data) .enter() .append('p') .text(function(d, i) { return + ': ' + d.age + '䵇'; });

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No content

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Enter, Update, Exit Pattern 
 var data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];'body') .selectAll('div') .data( data ) .enter() .append('div') .text(function(d, i){ return d; });
 1 2 3 4 5

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Enter, Update, Exit Pattern 
 data = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];'body') .selectAll('div') .data( data ) .text(function(d, i){ return d });
 1 3 5 7 9

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Enter, Update, Exit Pattern data = [10, 20, 30];'body')
 .selectAll('div') .data( data ) .exit() .remove(); 1 3 5 7 9

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Enter, Update, Exit Pattern data = [10, 20, 30];'body')
 .selectAll('div') .data( data ) .exit() .remove(); 1 3 5 7 9 ?

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Enter, Update, Exit Pattern data = [10, 20, 30];'body')
 .selectAll('div') .data( data ) .text( function(d, i){ return d; }) .exit() .remove(); 10 20 30 7 9

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No content

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SELECTION Datas Enter & Update Exit & Remove SELECTION

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Enter: Data > Elements. Update: Data = Elements. Remove: Data < Elements.

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Ajax with D3 d3.json([URL], function(error, data){ if (error) return console.warn(error); // do something }); d3.csv([URL]).get(function(error, data){ // do something

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 d3.scale.linear().domain().range() 補間⽅法 輸入範圍 輸出範圍

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Domain Range

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穉ֺ疳 0 1000 0 100 500 50 Domain Range

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 var d3Scale = d3.scale.linear() // linear .domain([0, 1000]) // 㯽獈塅瑻 .range([0, 100]); // 蜍ڊ塅瑻 console.log( d3Scale(500) ); // 50 console.log( d3Scale(123) ); // 12.3 穉ֺ疳

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var colorScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 20]) .range(["#f00", "#0f0"]); for (var i = 0; i < 21; i++) { body.append('div') .style('background-color', colorScale(i));

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var widthScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 12]) .range(["0px", "720px"]); for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) { body.append('div').text( widthScale(i) ); }

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var red = d3.rgb(255,0,0); var green = d3.rgb(0,255,0); var compute = d3.interpolate(red, green); console.log( compute(0) ); // #ff0000 console.log( compute(0.3) ); // #b34d00 console.log( compute(0.5) ); // #808000 console.log( compute(0.7) ); // #4db300 console.log( compute(1) ); // #00ff00

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var a = "50px"; var b = "1000px"; var compute = d3.interpolate(a, b); console.log( compute(0) ); // 50px console.log( compute(0.3) ); // 335px console.log( compute(0.5) ); // 525px console.log( compute(0.7) ); // 715px console.log( compute(1) ); // 1000px

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d3.scale.category10() d3.scale.category20() d3.scale.category20b() d3.scale.category20c()

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數娄 var data = [0, 150, 200, 300, 500, 1000]; // x 數 scale 穉ֺ疳 var xScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(d3.extent(data)) // [0, 1000] .range([0, 500]); // x-range አ㬵蔭纈疝ଶ // y 數 scale 穉ֺ疳 var yScale = d3.scale.linear() .domain(d3.extent(data)) // [0, 1000] .range([0, 300]); // y-range አ㬵蔭纈ṛଶ

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數娄 // x 數 var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(xScale) .orient("bottom"); // ڰଶ֖ᗝ // y 數 var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(yScale) .orient("left"); // ڰଶ֖ᗝ

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數娄 蝚螂 orient() 矒ګ數娄ොݻ现ڰଶ֖ᗝ

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Ticks - ڰଶ // x 數 var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(xScale) .orient("bottom") .ticks(15) // 瞲ਧڰଶ碍ᰁ, 㻌֖ .tickFormat(function(d){ return d + "px"; }); // y 數 var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(yScale) .orient("left");

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螂䁰㵕向 SELECTION.transition() .duration(1000) // 㵕向䁆ᤈ碻樌 .delay(1000) // 皤螛 .ease( ... ) // Easing 獢碍 .attr({ 'transform': function(d){ ....... } }); *D3.js Easing Checker -

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螂䁰㵕向 SELECTION.transition() .duration(1000) .each('start', function(){ … }) // 㵕向樄ত獮䁆ᤈ .attr({ … }) .each('end', function(){ … }); // 㵕向奾๳盅䁆ᤈ

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ے獈Ԫկ SELECTION.on('click', function(){ alert('Hello D3!'); }); SELECTION.on('click', null);

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ے獈Ԫկ SELECTION.on('click.event1', function(){ alert('Hello D3 event 1'); }); SELECTION.on('click.event2', function(){ alert('Hello D3 event 2'); });

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SVG च器

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SVG 讨檋ୗ瑽粙婘硯碻䨝叨ኞ०፥硳䛑 source:

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SVG ݻᰁୗ瑽粙ኧӞ蝫Ԁଷ秂懯ᓒ奲౮牧硯ٚय़犖犋ொ source:

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line x1, y1 x2, y2

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text - tspan 
 Hello, World 

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text - tspan 
 Hello, World 

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g (group) … 

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path • 犨఺娄ྦྷጱ奲ݳ牧ಅ磪瑽୵᮷向஑ڊ㬵 • d 痀௔物Ӟᗭ̿瞲犤̀+̿ଷ秂̀ጱ奲ݳ

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path • ᑏ㵕: M (MoveTo) • ፗ娄: L (LineTo) / H (Horizontal) / V (Vertical) • ใ娄: C (CurveTo) / S (Shorthand/Smooth CurveTo) 
 Q (Quadratic Bezier CurveTo)
 T (smooth quadratic Bezier CurveTo) • 皭娄: A (elliptical Arc) • 樂ݳ: Z (close-path)

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娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.line var linePath = d3.svg.line(); var data = [[10,50], [390, 130]]; svg.append('path') .attr('d', linePath(data));

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娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.line 
 var svg ='.svg'); var linePath = d3.svg.line() .x(function(d, i){ return d; }) .y(function(d, i){ return (i%2 === 0) ? 40 : 120;}) var data = [40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360]; svg.append('path') .attr({ 'd': linePath(data) });

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d3.svg.line() .x(…).y(…) .interpolate("linear"); .interpolate("linear-closed"); .interpolate("basis"); .interpolate("cardinal"); .interpolate("step");

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ರ娄瑽 - 虋୵

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ୡ娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.arc

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ୡ娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.arc var myArc1 = { "startAngle": 0, "endAngle": Math.PI }; var myArc2 = { "startAngle": Math.PI, "endAngle": Math.PI * 1.5 }; var myArc3 = { "startAngle": Math.PI * 1.5, "endAngle": Math.PI * 2 };

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ୡ娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.arc var arc = d3.svg.arc() .innerRadius(50) .outerRadius(150); svg.append('path') .attr({ 'd': arc(myArc1) });

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ୡ娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.arc

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ୡ娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.arc

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ୡ娄ྦྷ叨ኞ瑊 - d3.svg.arc

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Responsive with D3

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Responsive with D3

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Responsive with D3 // 疥疳ੑ硬౮ܨ碻玲஑ጱ疝ṛ
 width = 
 parseInt(".content").style("width")) - margin*2; height = 
 parseInt(".content").style("height")) - margin*2;
 // 䌃稴ጱ疝ṛ
 var margin = 40, width = 960 - margin*2, height = 500 - margin*2;

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 var svg ='.svg'); // 疥媑蕣㵕֢۱蕕ᛗ function 獉 function rendering() { // 疥媑蕣ጱ纷ୗ嘨蝢蝢砆ک愊ᶎ // ኼ } // 疥 window 翉ਧ resize Ԫկ牧㪔᯿碝媑蕣瑽ࣳ'resize', rendering); // Ḓ稞媑蕣 rendering();

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// resize 碻, 㵕眲ๅ碝 x, y 數ڰଶ, ๅ螕ݳ褂捝 var yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(yScale2) .orient("left") .ticks( Math.max(height/50, 2) ); Responsive with D3

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Responsive with D3 • य़ग़碍ᤈ㵕蕕ᗝ䌘 SVG ඪൔ臑অ • ݻᰁ瑽୵牧婘硯犋०፥ • 㵕向 / زᔰ螂ग़碻ฃ磪硳胼㺔氂 • 犋ฎ犨֜瑽୵᮷螕ݳࣁಋ秚Ӥ氥纈物
 狶 RWD ౲ฎݚ狶Ӟ㮆ಋ秚粚๜牫

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d3 Layouts

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D3.js Layouts • d3.js ൉׀ԧ 11 圵粚ࣳ (layouts) • ݝ襑൉׀扗粚ࣳ瞲ਧጱ虻碘໒ୗ疰ݢ犥ፗ矑ॺአ • layouts ๜蛪犋൉׀媑瑽ۑ胼牧ᘒฎ疥ܻতጱ虻碘 旉矦౮螕ݳᤩ d3 媑瑽ጱ虻碘໒ୗ • 睱஑懯ᓒ top, left, d 缛缛痀௔ጱ碻狡粬獨অአ

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Pie Layout

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Pie Layout - Ӟᑁ虋綎綎瑹

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Chord Layout 2015 ᒫӞ䌵Ӯኴ12䔶༉純搴 A 奲毆搴䌘䜗奾ຎ

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Chord Layout ݣ傀 ݘ૬ 艰葦 ے೭ य़ ူग़
 讝ݱ 嬝य़ڥ ݣ傀 - 4 4 8 4 7 ݘ૬ 1 - 6 1 8 2 艰葦 7 5 - 1 11 16 ے೭य़ 9 5 3 - 2 4 ူग़
 讝ݱ 7 7 7 0 - 7 嬝य़ڥ 1 1 1 0 1 -

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Chord Layout

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Chord Layout

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Chord Layout

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Chord Layout

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Hierarchy Layout 塅ֺ虻碘: 2014 ݣ玖૱裾螡膐ݱᤈ硰玟ಭ纏翄懯

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Partition Layout

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Partition Layout // 疥ኞ౮অጱ nodes 蝚螂 data() 癲獈 var gRects = svg.selectAll("g").data(nodes).enter().append("g"); // ے獈 rect gRects.append("rect").attr({ ... }).style({ ... }); // ے獈෈ਁ gRects.append("text").attr({ ... }).style({ ... }); // 縷୵褩䍅瑽: d3.layout.partition() // size 瞲ਧ瑽礯य़ੜ, ڥአ .nodes 癲獈虻碘 var nodes = d3.layout.partition() .size([600, 400]) // [width, height] .nodes(data);

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Partition Layout

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Partition Layout // 㾼୵褩䍅瑽: d3.layout.partition() // size 瞲ਧ瑽礯य़ੜ, ڥአ .nodes 癲獈虻碘 var nodes = d3.layout.partition() .size([2 * Math.PI, radius * radius]) .nodes(data); // d3.svg.arc 蕣֢皭୵ var arc = d3.svg.arc() .startAngle(function (d) { return d.x; }) .endAngle(function (d) { return d.x + d.dx; }) .innerRadius(function (d) { return Math.sqrt(d.y); }) .outerRadius(function (d) { return Math.sqrt(d.y + d.dy); });

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捝ᘏ蚤֦మጱ犋Ӟ䰬 ইຎ獉瑹դ蔭 100牧 क़瑹䨝ฎग़੝牫

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捝ᘏ蚤֦మጱ犋Ӟ䰬 500 1500

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捝ᘏ蚤֦మጱ犋Ӟ䰬 500 1500 1500 500

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憙憽玕犋ฎ磪瑽疰অ 瑽粙㬵რ物 989035831154301.1073741835.153819538009272/989036197820931/

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憙憽玕犋ฎ笖犝疰অ (࿞睃瞆լ翕ᤈ眐毱螇) (礓瞆լ翕ᒊ)

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ై螡Ԇ氂 0 200000000000000000000 400000000000000000000 600000000000000000000 800000000000000000000 1000000000000000000000 ྎॠ聲䒍 碝୛ڥ๝

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– Randy Krum, 
 Author of Cool Infographics. ̿፡ک牧疰睞ԧ牐̀

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Q & A

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• Kuro Hsu • Demo code: • kurotanshi [at] • Thanks!