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WEAVING A RUG* *or any other UG

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30,528 km2 (11,787 freedom2) 11,198,638 people 20,273 km2 (7,827 freedom2) 2,061,085 people

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30,528 km2 (11,787 freedom2) 11,198,638 people 20,273 km2 (7,827 freedom2) 2,061,085 people

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LAST YEAR • Got Scholarship for RailsConf • Went to Portland • Many user groups • Vibrant, very welcoming community

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LAST YEAR • Came home • No user group • Knew almost no local Ruby devs • Missed Portland

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LET’S START A RUG • How hard can it be? • • Let’s go for a drink • Expected ~15 people

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ACTUAL MEETUPS • Venue • Talks • Afterparty (no tables!) • 62 members (~25 per meetup) • Rubyburgers

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STICKERS!!! • 1€ per sticker • donation for our expenses

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No content

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WE WANT YOU! • No country small enough • No city small enough • 2 is better than 1 • Format is irrelevant • Someone has to do it

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@RubySlovenia find me for stickers @mr_foto