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1 The Case for Rails on Lambda 2021-07-14 by Ken Collins

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● Custom Ink’s Cloud Story. Servers to Serverless. ● How does Rails work on Lambda? High level intro. ● Why the hell would we, or should you, do this? ● Cloud-Native Rails. Helpful tools and projects. ● Closing thoughts on our future with the Cloud. 2 Today’s Topics

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🐙 Cloud Story 🌦 Custom Ink’s Servers => Cloud => Cloud-Native 3

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Do not blindly trust me! 4

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Technology solutions are highly coupled to your business. 5

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Using Lambda since 2017 8

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Rails on Lambda with Lamby 9

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Modern Compute Transactions June 2021 10

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🧰 Work on Lambda How Does Rails Super High Level 11

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12 ƒ Functions as a Service (FaaS)

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Functions as a Service (FaaS) 13

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Functions as a Service (FaaS) 14

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Functions as a Service (FaaS) 15

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Functions as a Service (FaaS) 16

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Functions as a Service (FaaS) 17

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Functions as a Service (FaaS) 18

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Lamby is as a Rack adapter that converts AWS Lambda integration events into native Rack Environment objects which are sent directly to your application. Lamby can do this when using either API Gateway REST API, API Gateway HTTP API's v1/v2 payloads, or even Application Load Balancer (ALB) integrations. 19

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API Gateway is your managed web server proxy in the Cloud! 20

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● Container Packages. Up to 10 GB Size. ECR or DIY. ● Up to 6 vCPU and 10 GB Memory. Zip or Container. ● Usage of a VPC has no performance penalties. ● API Gateway HTTP API fast & cheap for public apps. ● The AWS SAM CLI (CloudFormation) is easy IaC. ● CloudWatch Logs, Insights, and Metrics are built in. ● Integrate CodeDeploy Blue Green Rollouts. ● Provisioned Concurrency can kill cold starts for $$$. Lambda Highlights 21

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Execution Env Lifecycle 22

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Workload Concerns 23

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Workload Concerns 24

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25 1792: (1) vCPU 3008: (2) vCPU Memory & Virtual CPUs

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26 ~80/~80 (p50) ~270/~260 (p95) ~470/~435 (p99) Transaction %’tiles (before/after)

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DIY Lambda Containers (RIC/RIE) 27

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🤷 Do This? Why Would Anyone That’s not how any of this works. 28

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● Our first workload was ~90% EC2 cost savings. Years later, others could be 70%, 30%, or 130%. Depends on your current right sizing and infrastructure. ● Private Applications cost more. REST API w/ALB via VPC Endpoint easily consumes EC2 cost savings. ● Factor in capability unlocks. Could be technical ones like using cloud-native integrations. Could be process like building DevOps experience. Cost Savings (Efficiency Dilemma) 29

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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 30 ● Project-based IaC is a game changer for dev velocity. Great example is IAM Roles with Lambda. ● SAM/CloudFormation is a great start and always getting better. Like modules & the public directory. ● Graduate later to CDK or Terraform which can express existing resources.

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AWS as a Framework 31 ● Lambda is deeply integrated into AWS’ event model. ● Lambda can help your path to Cloud Modernization. ● Managed tooling/pipelines. CodeBuild blue/green. ● Lambda unlocks new architecture capabilities.

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AWS as a Framework 32

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It Works. Really Well. 33

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🚅 Rails 🥸 Cloud-Native Helpful Tools and Projects 34

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35 ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda

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● Distinct web & jobs Lambda functions. ● AWS fully managed polling. Event-driven. ● Maximum 12 retries. Per job configurable. ● Mirror Sidekiq's retry backoff timing. ● Last retry is at 11 hours 30 minutes. ● Supports ActiveJob's wait/delay. Up to 15 minutes. ● Dead messages are stored for up to 14 days. ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 36

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ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 37

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ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 38

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ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 39

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ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 40

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ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 41

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ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 42

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ActiveJob on SQS & Lambda 43

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Async Processing using Extensions 44

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Async Processing using Extensions 45

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Async Processing using Extensions 46

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Async Processing using Extensions 47

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😎 Cloud Future Closing Thoughts What are we headed towards? 48

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Scalable compute should be easy. Not about Lambda v. Kubernetes. Easy compute will be our future. Firecracker is still leading. 49

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Do not try to out-engineer AWS Partner with them. Apply minimal spackle to fill any process/tech gaps. Happily delete your workarounds. 50

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51 Lambda works for existing frameworks! If Express (JavaScript) or Bref (PHP) can do it, so can Rails.

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Try Lamby out. Use our quick start guide. 52

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