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Beziehungsmanagement mit Spring Data Neo4j Gerrit Meier @meistermeier

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• About Neo4j • Connect to Neo4j • Neo4j Object Graph Mapper • Spring Data Neo4j • Import Data • Demo Application Agenda

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About Neo4j

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• Neo4j is the #1 platform for connected data. • Neo4j powers the next generation of applications and analytics • Prominent use cases are found in areas like machine learning, personalized recommendations, fraud detection, data governance and more. Neo4j: The #1 Platform for Connected Data

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Ecosystem Neo4j Professional Services 300+ partners 47,000 group members 61,000 trained engineers 3.5M downloads Mindset “Graph Thinking” is all about considering connections in data as important as the data itself. Native Graph Platform Neo4j is an internet-scale, native graph database which executes connected workloads faster than any other database management system. Neo4j

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The Whiteboard Model Is the Physical Model Hero PART_OF Team FIGHTS Bad Person

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The Whiteboard Model Is the Physical Model Hero PART_OF Team FIGHTS Bad Person {realName: “Anthony Stark”} {event: “Infinity War”}

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The Whiteboard Model Is the Physical Model Iron Man :PART_OF Avengers :FIGHTS Thanos Groot :PART_OF Guardians of the Galaxy :FIGHTS

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Cypher Cypher Query Language is to Neo4j what 
 SQL is for relational databases. Open Source and ready for other Graph Database technology.

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 (t:Team)<-[p:PART_OF]-(h:Hero)-[f:FIGHTS]->(b:Bad_Person) WHERE“Thanos” RETURN t,p,h,f,b Cypher

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Connect to Neo4j

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Transport modes Bolt - Binary protocol Embedded - Running Neo4j in the same JVM HTTP - First remote access, no library needed

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Bolt drivers Languages - Python, Java, JavaScript, C#, Go Seabolt - connector written in C Community driver - R, Rust, Elixir…

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Neo4j Object Graph Mapper

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Spring Data Neo4j

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{name: “Emil Eifrem”} Spring Data Neo4j

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{name: “Emil Eifrem”} {name: “Rod Johnson”} Spring Data Neo4j

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{name: “Emil Eifrem”} {name: “Rod Johnson”} Spring Data Neo4j

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Spring Data Neo4j / Neo4j-OGM

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Spring Data Neo4j / Neo4j-OGM

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Neo4j Object Graph Mapper

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Java Driver Neo4j-OGM

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Java Driver Neo4j-OGM TransactionManger SessionFactory

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Java Driver Neo4j-OGM Embedded Bolt HTTP

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Neo4j-OGM Annotations - Describe your Graph Configuration - Driver, Domain packages,… Basic Data Access - CRUD operations built-in Mapping - Java Object Graph <> Graph Model

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Annotations :Hero :PART_OF :Team

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@NodeEntity(label = "Hero") public class Hero { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Property(name = "name") private String superheroName; private String realName; @Relationship(type = "PART_OF", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING) private PartOf team; } :PART_OF :Team

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@RelationshipEntity(type = "PART_OF") public class PartOf { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @StartNode private Hero hero; @EndNode private Team team; private String role; } :Hero :Team

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@NodeEntity public class Team { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String name; } :PART_OF :Hero

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Configuration Database Access - Transport mode, connection pooling, encryption… Packages to scan - NodeEntities and RelationshipEntities Auto Indexing - Auto-generate indexes (development)

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Basic Data Access Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); Hero hero = new Hero();;

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Basic Data Access Hero hero = session.load(Hero.class, heroId); Collection heroes = session.loadAll(Hero.class);

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Basic Data Access session.delete(hero); session.deleteAll(Hero.class);

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Basic Data Access Result result = session.query("MATCH (h:Hero) return h", emptyMap());
 Hero hero = session.queryForObject(Hero.class,
 “MATCH (h:Hero) return h", emptyMap());

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Basic Data Access Hero hero = session.queryForObject(Hero.class,
 "MATCH (h:Hero) where = ${name} return h",
 singletonMap("name", "John") );

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Spring Data Neo4j

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Spring Data Neo4j Convenient Data Access - Spring Data way Derived Finder Methods - no Cypher needed Abstraction from Cypher - if wanted Specialisation for Graph Operations - graph-ish way to work with data

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public interface HeroRepository extends Neo4jRepository {} Spring Data Neo4j CRUD Methods - save, findById, delete, count… Graph specific - depth “second” parameter

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Spring Data Neo4j public interface HeroRepository extends Neo4jRepository { Hero findByRealName(String realName); }

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Spring Data Neo4j public interface HeroRepository extends Neo4jRepository { Hero findByRealName(String realName); } MATCH (h:Hero) where h.realName=realName

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Spring Data Neo4j public interface HeroRepository extends Neo4jRepository { @Query("MATCH (h:Hero)-[:FIGHTS]->(b:Bad_Person) WHERE{0} return h”) List findAllies(String opponent); }

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Spring Data Neo4j 5.x (Lovelace/Moore) Spring Boot 2.x (only) Schema-based Loading Persistence Constructor

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The Don’ts Complex Custom Cypher Batch Operations Domain Model does not represent the Graph

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Import Data

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Import LOAD CSV - File, HTTP(S) and FTP APOC - Support for JSON, JDBC… ETL Tool - Import and map data from SQL source

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"labels(n)","n.valid_until","n.country_codes","n.countries","n.node_id","n.sourceID","n.address","","n.jurisdiction_description","n.service_provider","n.jurisdiction","n.closed_date"," n.incorporation_date","n.ibcRUC","n.type","n.status","n.company_type","n.note" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","MUS","Mauritius","80113134","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Lee Mo Lin - Noel Patrick L.C.K - Mauritius","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","SGP;USA","Singapore;United States","80113142","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Pleshko - Daniel","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","BMU;GBR","Bermuda;United Kingdom","80113143","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plested - John","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","AUS;SGP","Australia;Singapore","80113145","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plewright - Peter John","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","CYM","Cayman Islands","80113146","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plexman - Eric Anthony","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","BMU;FRA","Bermuda;France","80113149","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plianthos - Nicolas Lawrence","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","USA","United States","80113152","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plimpton - Tara","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","USA","United States","80113153","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Pliska - Bernard F.","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","USA","United States","80113157","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plotkin - Roger B.","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","","","80113158","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plott - Jeffrey","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","USA","United States","80113159","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plotz - Michael A.","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","","","80113160","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","Plouin - Graciela","","","","","","","","","","" "[""Officer""]","Appleby","GRC;GBR","Greece;United Kingdom","80113161","Paradise Papers - Appleby","","PLOUGHMAN - Dale","","","","","","","","","","" LOAD CSV

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LOAD CSV LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM “file:paradise.csv” AS row CREATE (:Officer {name:, country:,…});

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APOC WITH “https://webservice/json” AS url CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value UNWIND value.items AS item MERGE (:Item {title=item.title}

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APOC WITH “jdbc:mysql://database” AS url CALL apoc.load.jdbc(url) YIELD value UNWIND value.items AS item MERGE (:Item {title=item.title}

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ETL Tool

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More Neo4j

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