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GraphQL Radoslav Stankov 15/08/2015

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Radoslav Stankov @rstankov

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GET /api/events/15/sessions { id: 175, start_at: "11:00", title: "GraphQL", speaker_id: 1, track: 2, }

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GET /api/speakers/1 { id: "1", name: "Radoslav Stankov" }

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Rest Client Rest Server

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Rest Client Rest Server /api/event/15/sessions

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Rest Client Rest Server /api/event/15/sessions /api/speakers/{x} (for 13 speakers)

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Rest Client Rest Server /api/event/15/sessions /api/speakers/{x} (for 13 speakers)

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…approach 2

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GET /api/events/15/sessions { id: 175, start_at: "11:00", title: "GraphQL", track: 2, speaker: { id: 1, name: "Radoslav Stankov" } }

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GET /api/events/15/sessions { id: 175, start_at: "11:00", title: "GraphQL", track: 2, speaker: { id: 1, name: "Radoslav Stankov",
 photo: "/speaker/photo/1/thumb.jpg" } }

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…but over time

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{ id: 175, start_at: "11:00", title: "GraphQL", track: 2, description: "... stuff about Rado", speaker: { id: 1, name: "Radoslav Stankov",
 photo: "/speaker/photo/1/thumb.jpg",
 big_photo: "/speaker/photo/1/big.jpg",
 description: "... stuff about Rado", links: [ "", "", "",
 ], GET /api/events/15/sessions

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id: 175, start_at: "11:00", title: "GraphQL", track: 2, description: "... stuff about Rado", speaker: { id: 1, name: "Radoslav Stankov",
 photo: "/speaker/photo/1/thumb.jpg",
 big_photo: "/speaker/photo/1/big.jpg",
 description: "... stuff about Rado", links: [ "", "", "",
 ], alabla1: "foo bar", alabla2: "foo bar", alabla3: "foo bar" },
 alabla1: "foo bar", alabla2: "foo bar", alabla3: "foo bar" } GET /api/events/15/sessions

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…approach 3

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Rest Client Rest Server

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Rest Client Rest Server endpoint 1 feature 1

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Rest Client Rest Server endpoint 1 feature 1 endpoint 2 feature 2

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Rest Client Rest Server endpoint 1 feature 1 endpoint 2 feature 2 endpoint 3 feature 3

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Rest Client Rest Server endpoint 1 feature 1 endpoint 2 feature 2 endpoint 3 feature 3 endpoint N feature N

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{ id: 175, start_at: "11:00", title: "GraphQL", track: 2, speaker: { id: 1, name: "Radoslav Stankov",
 photo: "/speaker/photo/1/thumb.jpg" } }

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{ id start_at title track speaker: { id name
 photo } }

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GET /graphql Request Body Response Body

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 { event(id: 15) { sessions { id start_at title track speaker { id name picture } } } }
 GET /graphql Request Body Response Body

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 { event(id: 15) { sessions { id start_at title track speaker { id name picture } } } }
 GET /graphql Request Body Response Body

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 { event(id: 15) { sessions { id start_at title track speaker { id name picture } } } }
 { "data": { "event": { "sessions": [{ "id": 175, "start_at": "11:00", "title": "GraphQL", "track": 2, "speaker": { "id": 1, "name": "Rado", "picture": null } }] } } } GET /graphql Request Body Response Body

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It is that simple

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GraphQL is a query language created by Facebook in 2012 which provides a common interface between the client and the server for data fetching and manipulations. The client asks for various data from the GraphQL server via queries.

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 GraphQL Library

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GraphQL • Single endpoint • Not just a library • Application-Layer Protocol • Server agnostic • Strongly-typed • Client-specified queries • Hierarchical

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Tries to solve • N+1 API queries • API response bloat • Documentation • Ad Hoc Endpoints • Structure issues

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 { event(id: 15) { sessions { id start_at title track speaker { id name picture } } } }

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 { event(id: 15) { sessions { id start_at title track speaker { id name picture } } } }
 { "data": { "event": { "sessions": [{ "id": 175, "start_at": "11:00", "title": "GraphQL", "track": 2, "speaker": { "id": 1, "name": "Rado", "picture": null } }] } } }

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 mutation RootMutationType { createSpeaker(name: "Rado") { id } } { "data": { "createSpeaker": { "id": 2 } } }

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 { __schema { types { name fields { name type { name kind ofType { name kind } } } } } } { "data": { "__schema": { "types": [{ "name": "RootQueryType", "fields": [ { "name": "events", "type": { "name": null, "kind": "LIST", "ofType": { "name": "Event", "kind": "OBJECT" } } }, { "name": "event", "type": {

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{ id start_at title track speaker: { id name
 smallPhoto: photo(size: 100)
 bigPhoto: photo(size: 400) } } Cool tricks

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query withFragments { user(id: 4) { friends(first: 10) { ...friendFields } mutualFriends(first: 10) { ...friendFields } } } fragment friendFields on User { id name profilePic(size: 50) } Cool tricks

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Issues • New, just a draft specification • No reliable graphql server libraries, yet • No reliable graphql client libraries, yet • Mutations are weird • Best practices and solutions • Large datasets

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{ "links": { "self": "", "next": "[offset]=2", "last": "[offset]=10" }, "data": [{ "type": "sesssion", "id": "175", "attributes": { "title": "GraphQL", "track": "2", "start_at": "11:00" }, "relationships": { "speaker": { "links": { "self": "", "related": "" }, "data": { "type": "speaker", "id": "1" } }, }, "links": { "self": "" } }],

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"attributes": { "title": "GraphQL", "track": "2", "start_at": "11:00" }, "relationships": { "speaker": { "links": { "self": "", "related": "" }, "data": { "type": "speaker", "id": "1" } }, }, "links": { "self": "" } }], "included": [{ "type": "speaker", "id": "1", "attributes": { "name": "Radoslav Stankov", "picture": "/photos/1/small.jpg", }, "links": { "self": "" } }]

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@rstankov Thanks :)

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