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Environment agnostic applications with Spring Maciej Walkowiak !

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" " " DEV TEST PROD How to write application for multiple different environments?

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Maven profiles Approach #1:

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Maven profiles mvn package -P prod

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Maven profiles # # MySQL Oracle

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Maven profiles # # MySQL Oracle

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Maven profiles mvn package -P prod,oracle # # MySQL Oracle

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Maven profiles $ new feature! with two variants

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Maven profiles $ new feature! with two variants

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Maven profiles $ new feature! with two variants

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Maven profiles mvn package -P prod,oracle,feature-impl1 $ new feature! with two variants

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Maven profiles mvn package -P prod,oracle,feature-impl1, jboss,sec,s3,dk,wtf %

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Maven profiles mvn package -P prod,oracle,feature-impl1, jboss,sec,s3,dk,wtf % … and we’re still building one single artifact

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Configure in runtime Approach #2:

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• Tell application how to behave when you run it, not when you build it. • No environment specific configuration in build time.
 Build as simple as: Configure in runtime mvn package

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• Each environment has it’s own properties file on classpath
 • Picked from environmental variable Simple solutions often work -Denv=dev

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• Since Spring 3.1 (December 2011) • Profiles tag group of beans into sets
 • There can be multiple profiles enabled at once • Activated by environmental variable Spring @Profiles & & & “dev” “test” “prod”

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Spring @Profiles

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Spring @Profiles

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Spring @Profiles %

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Spring @Profiles,oracle,feature- impl1,sec,s3,dk,wtf %

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Spring @Profiles,oracle,feature- impl1,sec,s3,dk,wtf % … too many profiles can hurt

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Spring 4 @Conditionals • Conditionally creates bean • @ConditionalOnExpression! • @ConditionalOnProperty! • @ConditionalOnClass! • @ConditionalOnWebApplication! • …! • “@YourCustomConditional”! • @Profile is just a @Conditional specialisation Spring Boot

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Spring 4 @Conditionals # one of: filesystem,s3,mongo

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Spring 4 @Conditionals # one of: filesystem,s3,mongo
 storage=filesystem @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "storage", havingValue = "s3")
 class S3StorageService implements StorageService {
 @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "storage", havingValue = "mongo")
 class MongoStorageService implements StorageService {
 @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "storage", havingValue = "filesystem", matchIfMissing = true)
 class FileSystemStorageService implements StorageService {

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Spring Boot • Automatically picks up right application-${profile}.properties ! • YAML format support • Properties loading hierarchy Spring Boot

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Demo Spring Boot @Value @PropertySource @Configuration Properties Logback

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Build once run everywhere

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• make build process as simple as possible • externalize application configuration • externalize logging configuration • provide defaults! • use Spring Boot Build once run everywhere

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Q & A

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Thank you! ' (@maciejwalkowiak