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PRODUCTS • CONSULTING • APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • IT OPERATIONS • SUPPORT • TRAINING Unleash your inner author How to Avoid the “Trigger Trap” @juneih #phpuk2013

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Unleash your Inner Author Chapter 1 The paradox of writing and reading code Chapter 2 Four facts about the brain Chapter 3 The trigger trap Chapter 4 Writing tips for the programmer

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The paradox of writing and reading code

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The paradox of writing and reading code Me on the subway

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The paradox of writing and reading code Everyone else on the subway

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The paradox of writing and reading code

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The paradox of writing and reading code

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Four facts about the brain

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Four facts about the brain

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Four facts about the brain Which number sequence will be printed here?

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Four facts about the brain

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Four facts about the brain

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Four facts about the brain

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Four facts about the brain

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Four facts about the brain

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The Trigger Trap

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The Trigger Trap

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The Trigger Trap

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Writing tips for the programmer

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Shorter is better class DrugStrengthFormCountryManufacturerPharmacyCopayProductPriceFactory { public function getSalesOrderProductSupplierCopayDrugStrengthFormCountryManufacturerPharmacyCop ayProductPrice( SecurityContext $securityContext, SalesOrderProductSupplier $salesOrderProductSupplier, Organization $copay) { /* some code here */ } }

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Shorter is better class ProductPriceFactory { public function getProductPrice ( SecurityContext $security, ProductSupplier $productSupplier, Organization $copay) { /* some code here */ } }

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Simpler is better Nested ternaries – hard to read: $speed = isset($js_options['speed'])? is_numeric($js_options['speed'] )? $js_options['speed'] : "'". $js_options['speed'] ."'": "'normal'"; Better use of a ternary: $temperature = strpos($month, 'r') ? 'cold' : 'warm'; ?>

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Writing is rewriting ● DrugStrengthFormCountryManufacturerPharmacyCopayProductPriceFactory ● DrugStrengthFormCountryManufacturerPharmacyProductPriceFactory ● CountryManufacturerPharmacyProductPriceFactory ● ProductPriceFactory

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Let structure control your line of thought public function execute( ) { switch ($this->getPrefix()) { case "STATUS": return $this->adminStatus(); default: return $this->subscribe(); } }

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Writing tips for programmers ● Shorter is better ● Simpler is better ● Writing is rewriting ● Let the structure control your line of thought

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Look up

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Unleash your inner Author

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Sources Thinking, fast and slow - Daniel Kahnemann Brain rules – John Medina Back of the napkin – Dan Roam Elephant: Superhero: Writing Tips: 12 tips til skribenten, Gudmund Hernes, Morgenbladet The art of readable code: Dustin Boswell, Trevor Foucher I hate reading other people's code: