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That's how your mobile app looks... when you're mobile (!)

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This is because...

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(1) mobile networks suck...

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(2)'s a pain in the ass to solve

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Let your mobile app work off-line!

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What is it?

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Winch [wɪntʃ] noun. A master-slave replication engine designed to perform well over mobile networks. “

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How does it work?

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As simple as 1, 2, 3 1.  you upload your data, •  we provide an HTTP API for that, 2.  our servers prepare it for transfer, •  we re-package your data into optimal packs, •  we store it on a CDN for efficient transfers, 3.  it is sent to mobile clients and stored in a local database, •  we provide a client-side SDK for that.

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In short Winch is a key-value data store. “

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More precisely •  your data lives in a datastore made of: •   namespace -s which contain: •   record -s made of: •   key , •   value It's like a collection of hash maps.

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Think of it as... datastore ~ database namespace ~ table key ~ primary key value ~ data

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(1/2) Upload data on Winch server •  We provide an HTTP API: •  use our Python or Lua client library, •  or use cURL from the command-line.

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(2/2) Sync data with Winch client •  We provide a SDK for iOS and Android: •  call sync() to keep your client in sync, •  then get your data via get(ns, key) . It's fully-packaged and easy to use! No networking code required™.

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Give It A Try!

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Steps 1.  Register on, 2.  Activate your account, 3.  Follow our step-by-step User Guide.

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Need Help?

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Just ask! •  Ping us on Twitter: @winch_io, •  Drop us an email: winch AT moodstocks DOT com .

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Thanks :)