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GitLab Flow 62nd Ruby/Rails ษڧձ@ؔ੢ Takashi Ogomori

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GitLab with Flow ਐԽ͢ΔGitHubΫϩʔϯ͸Φʔϓϯιʔε։ൃϑϨʔϜϫʔΫ ϚʔδϦΫΤετ ! ͰίϥϘϨʔγϣϯ͔Βͷଚܟͱ৴པ 2/28

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Profile " ogom # ogomr GitLab Cookbookͷ։ൃʹߩݙ ΦϨΦϨGitLabͷखॱΛ঺հ Cookbook · GitLab Cookbook with SSL · 3/28

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Commercial GitHub࣮ફೖ໳ ʮPull RequestʹΑΔ։ൃͷมֵʯ 4/28

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$ GitLab 7.1.0 5/28

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Admin area 6/28

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Project 7/28

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User 8/28

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Group 9/28

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Background Jobs 10/28

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Project services 11/28

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% Flow Styles 12/28

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git-flow ෳ਺ͷϒϥϯνʹ໨తͱϧʔϧΛ࣋ͨͤͯӡ༻ Branches આ໌ master ϦϦʔεͰ͖Δঢ়ଶɻϦϦʔεʹλάΛ͚ͭΔɻଞͷϒϥϯν͔ΒϚʔδ͢Δɻ develop ։ൃ࡞ۀͷத৺ɻfeature΍releaseʹϚʔδ͢Δɻ feature ػೳ௥Ճͷ࡞ۀɻdevelop͔Β෼ذͯ͠developʹϚʔδ͢Δɻ release ϦϦʔεͷ४උ࡞ۀɻdevelop͔Β෼ذͯ͠masterͱdevelopʹϚʔδ͢Δɻ hotfix ϦϦʔεޙͷۓٸ࡞ۀɻmaster͔Β෼ذͯ͠masterͱdevelopʹϚʔδ͢Δɻ & git-flow Cheat Sheet (೔ຊޠ) 13/28

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GitHub Flow ̍ͭͷϒϥϯν(master)ΛϦϦʔεͰ͖Δঢ়ଶʹҡ࣋ͯ͠ӡ༻ Works આ໌ Create a branch master͔Β෼ذͯ͠ɺϒϥϯνΛ࡞੒͢Δɻ Add commits ։ൃ࡞ۀͷத৺ɻมߋͷίϛοτΛ௥Ճ͢Δɻ Open a Pull Request masterʹϓϧϦΫΤετΛૹ৴͢Δɻ Discuss and Review มߋͷ಺༰Λٞ࿦ͯ͠ɺίʔυͷϨϏϡʔΛ͢Δɻ Merge and Deploy masterʹϚʔδͯ͠ɻϦϦʔε͢Δɻ & Understanding the GitHub Flow 14/28

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GitLab Flow masterϒϥϯνͱstableϒϥϯνΛฏߦͰ։ൃ͢Δӡ༻ Branches આ໌ master ։ൃ࡞ۀͷத৺ɻଞͷϒϥϯν͔ΒϚʔδ͢Δɻ feature ػೳ௥Ճͷ࡞ۀɻmaster͔Β෼ذͯ͠masterʹϚʔδ͢Δɻ stable ϦϦʔεͰ͖Δঢ়ଶɻϦϦʔεʹλάΛ͚ͭΔɻଞͷϒϥϯν͔ΒϚʔδ͢Δɻ hotfix ϦϦʔεޙͷۓٸ࡞ۀɻstable͔Β෼ذͯ͠stableͱmasterʹϚʔδ͢Δɻ & git-flow͔ΒdevelopϒϥϯνΛআ͍ͯGitHub Flowͱෳ߹ & masterɺfeature ͱstableɺhotfix ʹGitHub FlowΛదԠ 15/28

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' GitLab Works 16/28

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Creating a project 17/28

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Create a feature branch 18/28

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Add commits 19/28

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Open a Merge Request 20/28

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Merge and deploy 21/28

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Create a stable branch 22/28

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Create a hotfix branch 23/28

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Add commits 24/28

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Open a Merge Request 25/28

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Merge and deploy 26/28

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Continuous 27/28

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Thank You! 28/28