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Building iOS apps at scale Yusei Nishiyama @yuseinishiyama

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• iOS, Android, Web • 67 countries • 21 languages • 60M monthly users (Japan) • 30M+ monthly users 
 (Outside Japan)

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Distributed Team

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Working at Cookpad is … • Working in a large team • Working with large code base

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Working at Cookpad is … • Working in a large team • Working with a large code base

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• Someone broke the build • We can’t release today because {name} is on vacation • Code review never finishes

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Automation with CI • Testing • Nitpicking • Beta distribution • Release management

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CI Server

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CI Server

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CI Server

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CI Server

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Fastlane in Cookpad • 7 Fastfiles • 28 lanes • 740 lines • 5 plugins

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Sync dSYMs desc "Refresh dSYMs" lane :refresh_dsyms do version = get_version_number build_number = get_build_number # Download dSYM files from iTC into a temporary directory download_dsyms(version: version, build_number: build_number) # Upload them to Crashlytics upload_symbols_to_crashlytics # Delete the temporary dSYM files clean_build_artifacts end

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Release the App Spaceship::Tunes.login app_identifier = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier) edit_version = Spaceship::Application.find(app_identifier).edit_version version_to_release = edit_version.version UI.user_error! "No pending verion to release" unless edit_version.app_status == "Pending Developer Release" edit_version.release! UI.success "Version #{version_to_release} is released " slack( channel: "#release", attachment_properties: { pretext: ":appleinc: *Cookpad iOS #{version_to_release} - Released*” }) refresh_dsyms

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Triggers beta distribution

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Check Labels desc "Check if pr is marked as beta distribution" private_lane :beta_distribution do labels.any? { |label| label == 'beta distribution' } end desc "Get labels of pull request" private_lane :labels do pr_number = ENV['PR_NUMBER'] repo = ENV['GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_REPO'] result = github_api( http_method: 'GET', path: "/repos/#{repo}/issues/#{pr_number}/labels" ) result[:json].map { |label| label['name'] } end

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Notify a New Build desc "Notify new beta distribution" private_lane :notify_build do messages = "A new version is available" pr_number = ENV['PR_NUMBER'] repo = ENV['GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_REPO'] github_api( http_method: 'POST', path: "/repos/#{repo}/issues/#{pr_number}/comments", body: { "body": message } ) end

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CI Server

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Danger Danger runs during your CI process, and gives teams the chance to automate common code review chores. This provides another logical step in your build, through this Danger can help lint your rote tasks in daily code review. You can use Danger to codify your teams norms. Leaving humans to think about harder problems. She does this by leaving messages inside your PRs based on rules that you create with the Ruby scripting language. Over time, as rules are adhered to, the message is amended to reflect the current state of the code review

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Dangerfile github.dismiss_out_of_range_messages({ error: false, warning: true, message: true, markdown: true }) xcode_summary.inline_mode = true xcode_summary.ignored_files = ['Pods/**'] xcode_summary.ignored_results { |result| result.message.start_with? 'ld' } log = File.join('logs', 'test.json') log if File.exist?(log) swiftlint.binary_path = './Pods/SwiftLint/swiftlint' swiftlint.lint_files inline_mode: true

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CI Server

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InfluxDB • Only purpose-built platform for any time-based data • Written in Go • Built-in HTTP API • SQL-like query language • Answer queries in real-time • Rich client libraries

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Post Code Coverage lane :post_coverage do rate = export_coverage if rate influxdb(table_name: table_name, values: {coverage: rate}) slack(message: "Code coverage: #{rate.to_f.round(4) * 100}%", channel: “#ios- notifications") end end private_lane :export_coverage do fastlane_require 'nokogiri' output_directory = 'coverage_report' reports = Dir.glob(File.join(ROOT_PATH, output_directory, '*.xml')) slather(use_bundle_exec: true, output_directory: output_directory) if reports.empty? nil else xml = Nokogiri::XML( coverage = xml.xpath('//coverage').first coverage.attr("line-rate").to_f end end

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CI Server

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Grafana • Rich metrics dashboard and editor • Fast rendering • Support InfluxDB as a data source • Query editor

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Visualize Code Coverage

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Other metrics

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Working at Cookpad is … • Working in a large team • Working with a large code base

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Let’s improve the registration screen…

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Let’s improve the registration screen… • Implement

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Let’s improve the registration screen… • Implement • Tweak constraints

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Let’s improve the registration screen… • Implement • Tweak constraints • Test with older iOS versions

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Let’s improve the registration screen… • Implement • Tweak constraints • Test with older iOS versions • Fix tests

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Let’s improve the registration screen… • Implement • Tweak constraints • Test with older iOS versions • Fix tests • Wait for CI

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How many times 
 did you build so far?

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Reduce Build Time • Measurement • Improvement

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What I will “not” talk about • Annotate all types explicitly • Write as much as code in a single file • Get your Mac Pro

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Reduce Build Time • Measurement • Improvement

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“Premature optimization is the root of all evil.”
 — Donald Knuth —

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Display build duration $ defaults write ShowBuildOperationDuration YES

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Build Process • Dependency Manager (CocoaPods, Carthage) • Compile source files • Run Scripts (Linter, Formatter)

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fastlane/report.xml …

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Build Process • Dependency Manager (CocoaPods, Carthage) • Compile source files • Run Scripts (Linter, Formatter)

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Build Process • Dependency Manager (CocoaPods, Carthage) • Compile source files • Function A • Function B • … • Runs Scripts (Linter, Formatter)

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Warn long function bodies

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Time function bodies $ pbpaste | grep '.[0-9]ms' | sort -nr | head -20

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xcactivitylog • You can access build logs under DerivedData • xcactivitylog is just gzip. You can check the content as a plain text just by unzipping it

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giginet/danger-xcprofiler (in Dangerfile)
 xcprofiler.thresholds = { warn: 50, fail: 500 } ‘ProductName'

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Reduce Build Time • Measurement • Improvement

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Test with Real Data $ cloc v 1.72 T=3.40 s (153.3 files/s, 16646.6 lines/s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swift 497 8944 3122 43831 JSON 18 0 0 522 Objective C 3 37 5 166 C/C++ Header 4 19 6 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 522 9000 3133 44546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Test with Real Data • 40,000 lines of Swift code • CocoaPods • 38 direct dependencies and 60 libraries • Linter in build phases • CI archives the app and distributes it for internal testing

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(Local clean build: 330s)

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Whole Module Optimization

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WMO without Optimization

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(Local clean build: 160s)

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Time Function Bodies

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Carthage + github "ReactiveX/RxSwift" ~> 3.4 + github "RxSwiftCommunity/RxRealm" + github "realm/realm-cocoa" ~> 2.4 + github "danielgindi/Charts" ~> 3.0.2 - pod 'RxSwift', '3.3.1' - pod 'RxCocoa', '3.3.1' - pod 'RxRealm', '0.5.2' - pod 'RealmSwift', '2.4.4' Cartfile Podfile

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(Local clean build: 68s)

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Do you really need to build your entire app?

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Prototyping with Playground • Test your idea in Playground 
 (interface, design, reproducing a bug, etc.) • Once your idea becomes concrete, move those code into the application project

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You need “existing” code 
 for prototyping class ViewController: UITableViewController { let myView = MyView() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.backgroundColor = .myColor view.addSubview(myView) } }

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Code Modularization import UIKit @testable import YourUIKit let color = UIColor.myGreen

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Code Modularization Feature A Design Feature B Feature C Network Persistence Core

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Microservice Architecture

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Benefits • Strict access control • Faster incremental build/indexing • Clear separation

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Repository Strategy • Single Repository • Multiple Repositories

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Single repository • Simple workflow • Can’t open-source

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Multiple Repositories • Complex workflow • Code Review Process • Easy to open-source

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Dependency Management • CocoaPods • git submodule • Carthage • git subtree

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CocoaPods • Easy in use • Black box in nature

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git submodule • Simple (!= Easy) • Full control • Manual works • Complex workflow

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Carthage • Flexible • Pre-build • Not all libraries support it • ABI stability

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git subtree • An alternative to git submodule • Clones a subproject and merge it into the parent project • `git subtree push` goes through the commits and picking the changes that should go to a subproject

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git subtree

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git subtree • Requires no change to workflow • Need to learn a new merge strategy • Contributing back to upstream is a bit tricky

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Lesson Learned • Breaking existing implicit dependencies is hard • Starting from the single repository • Once modules become stable, consider • managing them in separated repositories • using pre-build versions

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Case Study: Single repo + CocoaPods

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Directory Structure . "## MainApp $ "## MainApp $ $ "## AppDelegate.swift $ $ "## Info.plist $ $ # ViewController.swift $ "## MainApp.xcodeproj $ # MainAppTests $ "## Info.plist $ # MainAppTests.swift "## Library $ "## Library $ $ "## Info.plist $ $ "## Library.h $ $ # Library.swift $ "## Library.xcodeproj $ # LibraryTests $ "## Info.plist $ # LibraryTests.swift "## MainApp.xcworkspace "## Podfile "## Podfile.lock "## Pods #

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Podfile source '' use_frameworks! platform :ios, '9.3' workspace 'MainApp.xcworkspace' target 'MainApp' do project 'MainApp/MainApp.xcodeproj' # Dependencies of the MainApp end target 'Library' do project 'Library/Library.xcodeproj' # Dependencies of the Library end

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Workspace Structure

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Link it!

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Find Implicit Dependencies

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dylib Loading Time Total pre-main time: 4.2 seconds (100.0%) dylib loading time: 4.0 seconds (94.4%) rebase/binding time: 93.32 milliseconds (2.1%) ObjC setup time: 44.64 milliseconds (1.0%) initializer time: 98.30 milliseconds (2.3%)

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Xcode 9 supports Swift Static Library Xcode_9_beta_4_Release_Notes.pdf

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Recap • Automate daily workflows with CI and Fastlane • Reduce workload of code review with Danger • Visualize code metrics you want to improve • Revising project settings may improve build time dramatically • Code modularization improves build/index time and helps you getting well structured code/teams

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The presentation is available on

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Thank you! Yusei Nishiyama @yuseinishiyama