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Getting Started with Serverless PHP

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2 Heya! 2 I’m Carl Alexander @twigpress

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“Servers. Can’t live with them. Can’t live without them.” - PHP developer (when a server blows up)

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Server management

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Still responsible

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Platform as a service

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Still need to over provision

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Serverless addresses these problems

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1 What Is Serverless?

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“Are there really no servers with serverless!?” - Literally everyone I mention serverless to

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Marketing term

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Functions as a Service

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On-demand computing

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Upload code to a cloud provider

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Code gets executed in response to an event

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No mention of servers

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Outside your sphere of concerns

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2How Serverless PHP Works

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PHP with a web server

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How does serverless PHP compare?

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Both run code in response to an event

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So what’s different?

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Not just PHP that runs without a server

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Everything is serverless

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Service based architecture

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PHP runtime?

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Unique element of serverless PHP

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What does it do?

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Processes lambda event

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Figures out what the event wants

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Sends a result back (HTTP response)

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Mimics a web server

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Request a file, returns a file

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Creates FastCGI request, sends it to PHP-FPM

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Also manages the PHP-FPM process

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Stops the Lambda function after X requests

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Only one PHP-FPM worker

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Lambda only handles one event at a time

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Faster to have a running PHP process

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3Advantages of serverless PHP

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No servers to manage

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Not everyone is comfortable with servers

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Still responsible

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PaaS solves this issue

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New problem. Scaling.

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Slow or not automated

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Each Lambda function is a PHP worker

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Scaling in seconds not minutes

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Need to plan for the worst with servers

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How much would that cost?

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None of that with serverless

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Usage based pricing

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Pay when your workers run

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Charged by the millisecond

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$50/m -> $~17/m ($16/m is RDS)

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4Drawbacks of Serverless PHP

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Less predictable cost

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Paying for a server feels safe

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Need more performance? Pay more!

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How many requests? Average duration?

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Stressful and harder to budget for

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Costs less

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What happens with constant load?

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Serverless not as attractive

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Possible to maximize server usage

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Optimal server might cost less

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AWS lock-in

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Why not Azure or GCP?

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Not interchangeable

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Not just Lambda

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Need other services

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Equivalent ≠ Same

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Energy with AWS

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Final note

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Tempting to only compare cost

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“Serverless is expensive. I could just get a $5/month droplet from DigitalOcean.” - Someone comfortable with servers

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Intangible costs

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Mental health

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Your time

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Be honest when you evaluate both options

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5Tools and Projects

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Where do you start?

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98 Bref 7

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Open source project

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Mathieu Napoli

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PHP runtime

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Integrates with Symfony & Laravel

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Deploy with Serverless framework

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Extensive documentation

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105 Laravel Vapor 7

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Builds off Bref

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Deploys serverless Laravel applications

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Manages your entire serverless infrastructure

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No content

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Good documentation

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Paid product ($39/m + AWS bill)

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113 7 Ymir

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- Carl Alexander 👋 “This is amazing! I need to build this for WordPress.”

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Vapor for WordPress

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Does WordPress specific things

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HTML caching at edge

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Image optimizing CDN

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Same cost as Vapor

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120 Sidecar 7 hammerstonedev/sidecar (Bonus!)

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6Back to Simplicity

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PHP is so easy to use

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Hosting used to be simpler

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Serverless is deploy and forget

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Levels playing field

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127 Thank you! 2 @twigpress