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Points of implementation of Repository to avoid Deadlock @dnskimox デッドロックを回避する リポジトリ実装の勘所

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HELLO! 男爵 @dnskimox Dansyaku / Tanga Kenichi A backend developer at 2 自己紹介

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Table of Contents ✘ Sample of DDD like domain model ✘ Implementation policy of Repository ✘ Making persistence of Value Object ✘ Deadlock examples and corrections ✘ Points of implementation of Repository ✘ More fundamental solutions of deadlock 3 目次

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Preconditions of System ✘ RDB is Amazon Aurora (compatible with MySQL 5.7). ✘ Default storage engine is InnoDB ✘ Default transaction separation level is Repeatable Read. ✘ Primary keys in tables are UUID. 4 MySQL 5.7、InnoDB、リピータブルリード、UUID

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Sample Domain Model like DDD DDD風のサンプルドメインモデル

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CloudSign Salesforce Dashboard(SPA) Client Service MakeInvoice 架空の請求書発行SaaS

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7 請求書、カスタムフィールド、カスタムフィールドマス ター

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8 請求書テーブル、カスタムフィールドテーブル、カスタム フィールドマスターテーブル

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Implementation policy of Repository リポジトリ実装の方針

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10 参考書籍:実践ドメイン駆動設計

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11 集約毎とリポジトリを一対一で用意する

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12 実装クラスはSQLを発行する機能を持ち、ロックありで集約を 取得した場合、SELECT 〜 FOR UPDATE文を発行

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Making persistence of Value Object 値オブジェクトの永続化について

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14 参考書籍:エンタープライズアプリケーションアーキテク チャパターン

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15 依存オブジェクトは唯一つの親を持つ 親以外からの参照は存在しない - A dependent must have exactly one owner. - There must be no references from any object other than the owner to the dependent Dependent Mapping

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Update logic for custom fields is very simple 16 DELETE FROM custom_fields where invoice_id = X; INSERT INTO custom_fields (id, invoice_id, …) VALUES (uuid(), X, …); INSERT INTO custom_fields (id, invoice_id, …) VALUES (uuid(), X, …); 値オブジェクトの更新は非常にシンプル

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Why that sql is effectively update value objects? ✘ Value Object don't have an identity. ✘ A permanent Value Object necessarily depends on one parent entity. ✘ Value Object is immutable. 17 なぜこのSQLが効果的に働くのか?

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Deadlock examples and corrections デッドロックの実例と修正方法

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1. Illegal aggregate boundary about table reference テーブル参照における集約の境界違反

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20 ロックの競合が発生しやすいクエリ TX1 > SELECT * FROM invoices iv JOIN custom_field cf ON cf.invoice_id = JOIN custom_field_master cfm ON cf.master_id = WHERE = X FOR UPDATE; TX2 > SELECT * FROM invoices iv JOIN custom_field cf ON cf.invoice_id = JOIN custom_field_master cfm ON cf.master_id = WHERE = Y FOR UPDATE; TX2 > (Waiting for lock granted …)

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21 ドメインモデルを再確認

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22 custom_field_mastersの値を共有しているzuzu a

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23 custom_fields側に値を非正規化する

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24 ロックの競合が発生しづらいクエリ TX1 > select * from invoices iv join custom_field cf on cf.invoice_id = where = X fo update; TX2 > select * from invoices iv join custom_field cf on cf.invoice_id = where = Y fo update; TX2 > (Query returns immediately)

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Correction Don`t select tables belonging to aggregate to recreate an aggregate. Select tables belonging to an aggregate itself only. 25 集約の再構築には、自身に所属するテーブルだけを使う

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2. Gaplock problem on DELETE/INSERT approach DELETE/INSERT方式におけるギャップロックの問題

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27 デッドロックの発生しやすいクエリ TX1 > select * from custom_fields where invoice_id = X for update; TX1 > delete from custom_fields where invoice_id = X; TX1 > insert into custom_fields values (uuid(), X, …); TX1 > (Waiting for lock granted …) TX2 > select * from custom_fields where invoice_id = Y for update; TX2 > delete from custom_fields where invoice_id = Y; TX2 > insert into custom_fields values (uuid(), Y, …); TX2 > Deadlock Detected!

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28 クラス図(修正前)zuzu a

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29 クラス図(修正後)zuzu

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Correction Mix in many objects into aggregate in spite of difference of its life cycle Extract value object having its own life cycle from aggregate as a new aggregate. 30 独自のライフサイクルを持つ値オブジェクトを、新たな集 約として抽出する

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3. Other complicated deadlock problems その他の込み入った問題たち

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Correction Issue a query only one time and raise a deadlock alert to engineers. Retry queries having deadlock lisk automatically. 32 ロックが競合する可能性のあるクエリは、自動的にリトラ イする

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Points of implementation of Repository リポジトリ実装の勘所

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Points of implementation of Repository ✘ Don’t share a database row with another aggregate. ✘ If another lifecycle is detected extract a new aggregate. ✘ Retry failed transaction for deadlock. 34 リポジトリ実装の勘所

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More fundamental solutions of deadlock より根本的なデッドロック対策

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More fundamental solutions of deadlock ✘ Consider to change transaction separation level. Do you really need that level of integrity? Think about boundary of aggregate. 36 トランザクション分離レベルの変更を検討する

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THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at ✘  @dnxkimox ✘ https:/ / ✘ https:/ / 37 ご清聴ありがとうございました!

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Reference documents ✘ Implementing Domain-Driven Design ✘ Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture 38 参考文献