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1 We lead what's next in music Testing how hard can it be? Danny Preussler, SoundCloud ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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2 We lead what's next in music

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3 We lead what's next in music

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4 We lead what's next in music

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5 We lead what's next in music

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6 We lead what's next in music

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“Code without tests is bad code.” (Michael C. Feathers)

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“any code without test is a legacy code.” (Michael C. Feathers)

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“how do you know something works when you don’t have test for it?” (Robert ‘Uncle Bob’ Martin)

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“Refactoring without good test coverage is changing shit” (Martin Fowler)

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Android testing strategy Theory Unit tests Manual tests UI tests

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Android testing strategy Reality Unit tests Manual tests UI tests Unit tests ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Today’s task - Write the Login feature for a Wear OS client - Authentication via phone OAuth

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@Composable fun LoginScreen() { val viewModel = hiltViewModel() Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { Button(onClick = { viewModel.login() }) { Text( } } }

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@HiltViewModel class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor( private val operations: AuthOperations ) : ViewModel() { enum class LoginStatus { NOT_LOGGED_IN, LOGGED_IN, LOGGING_IN } var loginStatus: LoginStatus by mutableStateOf(NOT_LOGGED_IN)

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A first test

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@Test fun `initially its not logged in`() { tested.loginStatus `should be` NOT_LOGGED_IN }

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fun login(scope: CoroutineScope = viewModelScope) { loginStatus = LOGGING_IN scope.launch { try { operations.login() loginStatus = LOGGED_IN } catch(e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() loginStatus = NOT_LOGGED_IN } } }

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Easy to test

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@Nested inner class `when logging in` { @Test fun `should set loading status`() = runTest { tested.login(this) tested.loginStatus `should be` LOGGING_IN }

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@Nested inner class `when logging in successful` { @Test fun `should set status to success`{ runTest { tested.login(this) } tested.loginStatus `should be` LOGGED_IN }

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@Nested inner class `when logging in successful` { init { runTest { tested.login(this) } } @Test fun `should set status to success`{ tested.loginStatus `should be` LOGGED_IN }

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class AuthOperations @Inject constructor( private val authClient: AuthClient, private val apiClient: ApiClient ) { suspend fun login(): AuthToken { val code = authClient.authenticate() return apiClient.registerCodeForToken(code) } }

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val authClient = mock { onBlocking { authenticate(any()) } doReturn OAuthCode("123") }

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scope.launch { try { val token = operations.login() settings.authToken = token loginStatus = LOGGED_IN } catch(e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() loginStatus = NOT_LOGGED_IN } }

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@Nested inner class `when logging in successful` { init { runTest { tested.login(this) } } @Test fun `should authenticate`() { verifyBlocking(authClient) { authenticate(any()) } } }

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Lets write the ApiClient

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interface ApiService { @FormUrlEncoded @POST("/oauth2/token") suspend fun getToken( @Field("code") code: String, @Field("grant_type") grantType: String, ): TokenResponse }

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class ApiClient @Inject constructor( private val apiService: ApiService ) { suspend fun registerCodeForToken(code: OAuthCode): AuthToken { return apiService.getToken( grantType = "authorization_code", code = code.value ).toToken() } }

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val authClient = mock { onBlocking { authenticate(any()) } doReturn OAuthCode("123") }

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val authClient = mock { onBlocking { authenticate(any()) } doReturn OAuthCode("123") } val service = mock{ onBlocking { getToken(any()) } doReturn TokenResponse("456") } val tested = LoginViewModel( AuthOperations(authClient, ApiClient(service)) ) )

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val authClient = mock { onBlocking { authenticate(any()) } doReturn OAuthCode("123") } val service = mock{ onBlocking { getToken(any()) } doReturn TokenResponse("456") } val tested = LoginViewModel( AuthOperations(authClient, ApiClient(service)) ) )

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@Test fun `should authenticate`() { verifyBlocking(service) { token( code = "123", grantType = "authorization_code" ) )

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@Nested inner class `when logging in successful` { @Test fun `should authenticate`() { runTest { tested.login(this) } verifyBlocking(authClient) { authenticate(any()) } } }

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val authClient = mock { onBlocking { authenticate(any()) } doReturn OAuthCode("123") } val service = mock{ onBlocking { getToken(any()) } doReturn TokenResponse("456") } val tested = LoginViewModel( AuthOperations(authClient, ApiClient(service)) ) )

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val authClient = object : OAuthClient { override suspend fun authenticate(clientId: ClientId) = OAuthCode("123") } val service = mock{ onBlocking { getToken(any()) } doReturn TokenResponse("456") } val tested = LoginViewModel( AuthOperations(authClient, ApiClient(service)) ) )

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Use “the real thing” where possible

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What about the token?

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scope.launch { try { operations.login() loginStatus = LOGGED_IN } catch(e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() loginStatus = NOT_LOGGED_IN } }

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interface Settings { var authToken: AuthToken? }

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private class InMemorySettings: Settings { override var authToken: AuthToken? = null } val tested = LoginViewModel( InMemorySettings(), AuthOperations(authClient, ApiClient(service)) )

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@Nested inner class `when logging in successful` { init { runTest { tested.login(this) } } @Test fun `should save value`{ settings.authToken `should be equal to` AuthToken("456") }

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I don’t like this

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class PersistingAuthOperations @Inject constructor( private val settings: Settings, private val authOperation: AuthOperations ){ suspend fun login(): AuthToken { return authOperation.login().also { settings.authToken = it } } }

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val tested = LoginViewModel( PersistingAuthOperations( settings, AuthOperations(authClient, ApiClient(service)) ) ) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Refactoring should not lead to test changes

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Let’s save the token

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interface TokenStorage { var authToken: AuthToken? } interface Settings : TokenStorage

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class SharedPreferenceTokenStorage( context: Application, val authPrefs: Lazy = encrypted(context) ) : TokenStorage { override var authToken: AuthToken? set(value) { authPrefs.value.edit { putString(KEY_TOKEN, value?.token) } }

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@RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.TESTS) class SharedPreferencesStub : SharedPreferences { private val editor: EditorStub = EditorStub(this) // .. } private class EditorStub( val parent: SharedPreferences, val items: HashMap = hashMapOf()) : Editor

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Prefer Stubs over mocks, reuse them!

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The auth client

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internal class WearOAuthClient( private val context: Application, private val authClient: RemoteAuthClient = RemoteAuthClient.create(context) ) : OAuthClient {

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override suspend fun authenticate(): OAuthCode = suspendCoroutine { continuation -> authClient.sendAuthorizationRequest( // .. object : RemoteAuthClient.Callback() { override fun onAuthorizationResponse(response: OAuthResponse) { continuation.resumeWith(success(OAuthCode(response.code))) } override fun onAuthorizationError(errorCode: Int) { continuation.resumeWith( failure(IOException("failed: $errorCode"))) } } }

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override suspend fun authenticate(): OAuthCode = suspendCoroutine { continuation -> authClient.sendAuthorizationRequest( // .. object : RemoteAuthClient.Callback() { override fun onAuthorizationResponse(response: OAuthResponse) { continuation.resumeWith(success(OAuthCode(response.code))) } override fun onAuthorizationError(errorCode: Int) { continuation.resumeWith( failure(IOException("failed: $errorCode"))) } } }

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@RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner::class) @RobolectricNeededAsOf(RemoteAuthClient::class) class WearOAuthClientTest { val code = OAuthCode("789") val redirect = "http://test?code=$code" val successRequest = mock { on { sendAuthorizationRequest(any(), any(), any()) } doAnswer { val request = it.arguments[0] as OAuthRequest val response = Builder().setResponseUrl(redirect).build() (it.arguments[2] as Callback).onAuthorizationResponse(response) } } o_o

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@Test fun `should extract the code when successful`() = runTest { tested = WearOAuthClient( application = RuntimeEnvironment.getApplication(), authClient = successRequest ) tested.authenticate() `should be equal to` code }

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For external dependencies Use Mocks and Robolectric

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Back to api

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Refactorings: ● AuthOperations -> AuthRepository ● ApiClient used in new ApiDataSource No test change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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internal class ApiAuthDataSource @Inject constructor( val api: Lazy ) : AuthDataSource {

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val service = JsonReadingAuthService( "/api/public_api_token.json", AppModule.providesMoshi() ) val tested = ApiAuthDataSource { service }

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@Test fun `should map token`() = runTest { response = tested.registerCodeForToken(Code(123)) response.token `should be equal to` "TH1S-1S-JUST-A-T3ST-T0KEN" }

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Test the JSON from your backend

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Let’s test the UI

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class LoginViewModelStub : LoginViewModel() { override fun login() { loginStatus = LOGGED_IN } }

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abstract class LoginViewModel : ViewModel() { enum class LoginStatus { LOGGED_IN, LOGGING_IN, NOT_LOGGED_IN } var loginStatus: LoginStatus by mutableStateOf(NOT_LOGGED_IN) abstract fun login() // .. viewModel: LoginViewModel = hiltViewModel()

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@RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner::class) @Config(instrumentedPackages = ["androidx.loader.content"]) class LoginScreenTest { @get:Rule val composeTestRule = createComposeRule() val viewModel = LoginViewModelStub()

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@Test fun `should login and update status`() = runComposeTest { setContent { ScTheme { LoginScreen(viewModel) } }

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onNodeWithText( onNodeWithText( onNodeWithText(

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Prefer Robolectric over Device for UI tests

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What did we write? LoginScreen LoginViewModel LoginScreenTest LoginViewModelTest LoginRepository ApiDataSourceTest ApiDataSource WearOAuthClientTest SharedPreferenceTokenStorageTest

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What did we write? LoginScreen LoginViewModel LoginScreenTest LoginViewModelTest LoginRepository WearOAuthClientTest SharedPreferenceTokenStorageTest ApiDataSource

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This is not a unit test! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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This is not a unit test!

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The way most developers write their tests Test1 Test2 Class1 Class2 Class3 Test3

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The way some developers write their tests Test1 Class1 Class2 Class3

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The way TDD developers write their tests Test1 Class1

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The way TDD developers write their tests Test1 Class1 Class2 Class3

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Solid tests: A true story Test1 ViewModel Repository API

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Solid tests: A true story Test1 ViewModel Repository API Store Reducer SideEffects

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WHAT your code does is stable HOW your code does it is unstable

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Solid tests: A true story Test1 ViewModel Repository API Store Reducer SideEffects

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Tests should be coupled to the behavior of code and decoupled from the structure of code (Kent Beck)

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True facts Fast and stable Flaky and slow

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Can’t avoid flakyness at top Fast and stable Flaky and slow Your decision

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Android testing strategy The real deal Junit (5) End to end Mocked endpoints Robolectric

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The good pyramid ● Prefer screen tests over end to end tests ● Prefer mocked endpoint over api calls ● Prefer mocks/stubs over mock web servers ● Prefer Robolectric over Device tests ● Prefer JVM tests over Robolectric ● Do you really need that in memory database? Performance and flakyness

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"Test only if you would want it to work.” Kent Beck

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If it's worth building, it's worth testing If it's not worth testing, why are you wasting your time working on it?

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If it's worth building, it's worth testing If it's not worth testing, why are you wasting your time working on it?

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There is some ugliness in the test

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val code = OAuthCode("789")

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private var counter = 1 object AuthTokenFixture { operator fun invoke(token: String = "${counter++}"): AuthToken { return AuthToken(token) } } object OAuthCodeFixture { operator fun invoke(code: String = "${counter++}"): OAuthCode { return OAuthCode(code) } }

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val code = OAuthCodeFixture()

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/module /src /main /testFixtures /

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Another Tip Avoiding Dispatchers.setMain

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class CoroutineTaskExecutor : BeforeEachCallback, AfterEachCallback { override fun beforeEach(context: ExtensionContext?) { Dispatchers.setMain(TestCoroutineDispatcher()) } override fun afterEach(context: ExtensionContext?) { Dispatchers.resetMain() } }

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@HiltViewModel internal class HiltLoginViewModel( private val authRepository: PersistingAuthRepository, private val scope: ViewModel.() -> CoroutineScope ) : LoginViewModel() { @Inject constructor( authRepository: PersistingAuthRepository ) : this(settings, authRepository, { viewModelScope })

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101 We lead what's next in music Thank You @PreusslerBerlin