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What’s wrong with your app? Keiko Oda (@keiko713) Heroku Technical Support Engineer

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About me Keiko Oda (@keiko713) Joined Heroku April 2013 Technical support engineer San Francisco / Kanazawa

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We’re the Bento sponsor! Heroku book in 日本語 Advertisem ent RubyKaigi中はジュンク堂RubyKaigi支店にて お求めいただけます! サイン会もやるらしい Japanese

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Say “Hi” to Herokai! (Herokai = Heroku employee)

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Matz Rubyのパパ兼 キーノートのプロ papa of Ruby pro keynote speaker Nobu パッチモンスター patch monster Koichi 燃えるバイトコード VMマスター burning bytecode VM master

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Richard Heroku x Rubyといえば この人 Andy とっても陽気なTAM very social TAM Ayumu Heroku Japan teamの 保護者 (guardian, chaperon)

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Caio Herokuで4年働いています Ryan 三姉妹のパパ Brett 日本語上手なぶーちゃん

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Heroku H12 request timeout error

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Cause 1: slow requests Most common cause of H12 Go to your New Relic + logging add-on to find the cause, do whatever you need to do * Just you have bad code? * Maybe external service problem? * Could be database problem?

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Cause 2: traffic spike Sudden traffic spike can cause the downtime Is your app ready for the sudden traffic spike?

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Cause 3: memory quota exceed If you use more memory than what you can use, it will make your app super slow Temporary solution: Restarting the app Memory usage increased from Ruby 2.1 Your Unicorn worker # is appropriate? Could be memory leak - monitor your memory usage using tools

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Start doing right meow!

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Do You Have Logging? Logging is very important Log tells you a lot Logging add-ons available at https:// Heroku only stores 1500 lines of log

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Monitor your app! New Relic is a good tool to start with

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Monitor your app! Availability monitoring (e.g. New Relic, Pingdom) Error monitoring (e.g. Rollbar, Honeybadger)

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Monitor your app! Troubleshoot your database slowness with Expensive Queries queries

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Monitor your app!

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Choose the right server The app can be bad really easiliy depends on the server Use the server that can handle requests concurrently (e.g. Unicorn, Puma)

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Choose the right server example: thin passenger

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Proper timeout setting Unicorn timeout: 15s or less => prevent long-running requests from causing a cascading request queueing buildup rack-timeout: 10s or less => rack-timeout to be triggered before the Unicorn timeout, raise the error Address the long-running actions and optimize the response time under 500ms

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More tips? Ask Herokai!  Rubyならまかせて! 日本語でOK 経験豊富なサポート エンジニア/TAM

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Thank you! ご清聴ありがとうございました  :)