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Daron Yöndem @daronyondem

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• How to create a function in Azure Functions • How to create HTTP APIs in Azure Functions • How to create timer jobs in Azure Functions • How to use Function bindings

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• The functions runtime on your laptop is the same as the one in Azure. • You can have your own Azure Functions environment on- premise and use it without Public Azure Cloud. • Azure Functions runs on Linux as well as Windows.

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Azure Functions on Kubernetes with KEDA • Create a function on Linux using a custom image •

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• API Routing, Versioning, Caching, Throttling • Managing state across multiple functions. • Eventing • Function Orchestration for you and for dummies!

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• Have multiple function apps under a single API surface. • Mock APIs for developers! • Request/Response overrides • Routing • Can run locally on your machine #justfyi .

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Using function proxies to hijack 3rd party APIs. Don’t try this at home!

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{request.method} {request.headers.} {request.querystring.}

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{backend.response.statusCode} {backend.response.statusReason} {backend.response.headers.}

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• Rate limiting • Access Policies • Caching • Subscriptions • Licensing • Analytics • Developer Portal • and so on…

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Azure Proxies Official Documentation • OpenAPI (Swagger) export from Azure Functions •

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• Stateful functions • Managed state, checkpoints, and restarts when needed. • Define stateful workflows in orchestrator functions. • Actor like Durable Entities in Durable 2.0 .

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• No visualization to show relationship between functions and queues. • Middle queues are an implementation detail – conceptual overhead. • Error handling adds a lot more complexity.

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• Fanning-out is easy, but fanning-in is more complicated. • Functions offers no help with this scenario today • All the same problems of the previous pattern

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• Long running processes • Built-in state management • orchestrationClient or built-in webhooks can be used.

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• Actor like scenarios. • Long-running (possibly endless), stateful, reliable, single- threaded, location-transparent, and globally addressable.

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Consuming 3rd party throttled APIs with ease.

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• Service Bus: Async Enterprise Messaging • Azure Event Hubs: Distributed Data Streaming • Relay: Secure two way communication without changes to your network • Event Grid: Cross cloud reactive eventing

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• Pay per event. • Sub-second end-to-end latency in the 99th percentile • 10.000.000 events per second per region • 24 hour retry with exponential back off

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1. Events: what happened 2. Event Publishers: where it took place 3. Topics: where publishers send events 4. Event Subscriptions: how you receive events 5. Event Handlers: the app or service reacting to the event

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• Event Hub is an “event ingestor” that accepts and stores event data, Azure Event Grid is the distribution fabric for discrete “business logic activity” events. • Fast and highly parallelized processing of the individual streams instead of a filtered subscriber model.

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Event Grid Extension for Azure Functions • Choosing the right Azure messaging service for your data •

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• Saving time by designing complex processes using easy to understand design tools • Implementing patterns and workflows seamlessly, that would otherwise be difficult to implement in code • Rich Managed Connectors

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Sample project used during presentation • OpenAPI (Swagger) export from Azure Functions •

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