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1 Streaming data processing using Apache Spark Roksolana Diachuk WWCode Kyiv Lead, Data Engineer at Ciklum

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2 1. Streaming data concept and use cases 2. Spark Streaming introduction and main types 3. Examples 3.1. Basic streaming examples 3.2. Structured streaming examples 4. Use Case 5. Spark Streaming future Agenda

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3 Real-time data

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4 Data stream A data stream is just a sequence of data units. Streaming data is the data which is generated in real-time by multiple sources.

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5 Batch processing Stream processing

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6 Batch-processing

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7 Streaming data processing aspects Performance 1 Scalability and reliability 2 Messages delivery semantics 4 Tool/framework ecosystem 3

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8 Streaming data processing aspects Performance 1 Scalability and reliability 2 Messages delivery semantics 4 Tool/framework ecosystem 3

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9 Streaming data processing aspects Performance 1 Scalability and reliability 2 Messages delivery semantics 4 Tool/framework ecosystem 3

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10 Streaming data processing aspects Performance 1 Scalability and reliability 2 Messages delivery semantics 4 Tool/framework ecosystem 3

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11 Messages delivery guarantees At-most-once 1 At-least-once 2 Exactly-once 3

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12 It all depends...

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13 Apache Spark ecosystem

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14 Basic streaming Spark streaming types Structured streaming DStream [RDD[T]] Dataframe

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15 Micro-batching Spark driver short tasks micro-batch micro-batch micro-batch micro-batch short tasks short tasks short tasks WAL DStream

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16 DStream RDD RDD RDD RDD time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4

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17 flatMap DStream transformations flatMap flatMap lines DStream words DStream flatMap

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18 Structured streaming Unbounded table from a stream New rows appended to the unbounded table Data stream

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19 Incrementalization process Output modes ● Append ● Complete ● Update Input table Incremental query Result table

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20 Window transformations Window transformations

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21 Window operations on DStream original DStream windowed DStream window-based operation window 1 window 2 time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4 time 5

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22 Sliding window operations on DStream original DStream windowed DStream window-based operation window 1 window 3 window 2 time 1 time 2 time 3 time 4 time 5

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23 Structured streaming windows Data stream

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24 Window transformations 11.05 Time 11.10 11.15 11.00 t1 1 t1 2 t1 1 t1 2 t2 8 t2 5 t2 3 t1 1 t1 2 t2 8 t2 5 t2 3 t3 4 t3 11

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25 Late data 11.05 Time 11.10 11.15 11.00 t1 1 t1 2 t1 1 t1 2 t2 8 t2 5 t2 3 t1 1 t1 3 t2 8 t2 6 t2 3 t3 4 t3 11

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26 Watermarking 11.05 Time 11.10 11.15 11.00 t1 1 t1 2 t1 1 t1 2 t2 8 t2 5 t2 3 t1 2 t1 2 t2 8 t2 6 t2 3 t3 4 t3 11 Watermark = 5 minutes

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27 Output operations print() 01 saveAsTextFiles (filename) 02 saveAsHadoopFiles (filename) 04 saveAsObjectFiles (filename) 03

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28 Client mode Cluster mode Application execution modes Standalone YARN Mesos Kubernetes

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29 Examples

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30 Streaming application entrypoint val batchInterval = Seconds(3) val streamingContext = new StreamingContext (sparkContext, batchInterval)

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31 Example data source

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32 Spark streaming example val lines = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String]( streamingContext, ...) val values =

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33 Spark streaming example DStream [ConsumerRecord [String, String]] ConsumerRecord [String, String] String lines DStream [String] (_.value()) record_ _.value

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34 Filtering val filteredData = values.filter(tweetText => tweetText.contains("big data")) DStream [String] DStream [String] values filteredData filter(...)

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35 Spark streaming example values.foreachRDD(rdd => { val dataFrame = .schema(dataSchema) .load() })

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36 Streaming example visualization DStream [String] values RDD [String] StructType => DataFrame Reader rdd foreachRdd schema(schema) Dataframe .load() dataFrame

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37 Aggregations val colName = "user.followers_count" values.foreachRDD(rdd => { ... dataFrame.agg( min(dataFrame.col(colName)), max(dataFrame.col(colName))) })

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38 Application launch streamingContext.start() streamingContext.awaitTermination()

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39 Structured streaming

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40 Structured streaming example val tweetsStream = sparkSession.readStream .format("kafka") .options(...) .load() tweetsStream = DataFrame

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41 Selection val structuredData = tweetsStream .select(tweetsStream("value").cast(StringType)) .select(from_json($"value", dataStruct) .as("tweet"))

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42 Selection DataFrame tweetsStream String=> Dataframe .select(tweetsStream("value") .cast(StringType)) .select(from_json ("$value",dataStruct)) Dataframe structuredData

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43 Filtering val filteredData = structuredData .filter(structuredData.col("tweet.user.lang") .contains("en"))

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44 Filtering DataFrame structuredData Column=> DataSet[Row] .filter(structuredData.col("tweet.user.lang") .contains("en")) DataSet[Row] filteredData

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45 Aggregations val groupedData = structuredData .groupBy("tweet.user.lang") .count() .orderBy(desc("count"))

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46 Aggregations DataFrame (String, String)=> Relational GroupedDataSet .groupBy ("tweet.user.lang") DataSet[Row] groupedData DataFrame .count() .orderBy(desc("count")) structuredData

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47 Windowed aggregations val windowedData = structuredData .groupBy(window(structuredData.col("timestamp_ms"), "7 minutes", "3 minutes"), updatedTweets.col(userLanguage)) .count()

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48 Windowed aggregations DataFrame Column => Relational GroupedDataSet .groupBy(window(..),updatedTweets .col(userLanguage)) (Column, String,String) => Column windowedData DataFrame .count() window(structuredData.col (""), "7 minutes", "3 minutes") structuredData

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49 Windowed aggregations with watermark val watermarkedData = structuredData .withWatermark("timestamp_ms", "3 minutes") .groupBy(window(structuredData.col("timestamp_ms"), "7 minutes", "3 minutes"), updatedTweets.col(userLanguage)) .count()

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50 Windowed aggregations with watermark DataFrame Column => Relational GroupedDataSet .groupBy(...) (String,String)=> DataSet[Row] watermarkedData DataFrame .count() .withWatermark ("", "3 minutes") structuredData

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51 Structured streaming application launch val resultsOutput = dataTransformation .writeStream .outputMode(outputMode) .format(outputFormat) .start() resultsOutput.awaitTermination()

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52 Monitoring

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53 Access SparkUI Bound Spark UI to, and started at http://host:port

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54 Monitoring with SparkUI

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55 Monitoring with SparkUI

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56 Monitoring with SparkUI

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57 Monitoring with SparkUI

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58 Monitoring generated load

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59 Monitoring generated load

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60 Use Case

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61 Use case schema

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62 Spark streaming future

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63 Continuous streaming Spark driver Long running tasks epoch epoch epoch epoch epoch WAL

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64 Continuous streaming example val continuousOutput = filteredData.writeStream .outputMode("append") .format(outputFormat) .trigger(Trigger.Continuous("1 second")) .start() continuousOutput.awaitTermination()

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65 Upcoming features Stable continuous streaming Streaming with deep learning Stable Kubernetes support

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66 Resources 5 Pro Spark Streaming: The Zen of Real-Time Analytics Using Apache Spark. Z. Nabi 4 3 High Performance Spark. H. Karau, R. Warren 2 Learning Spark Streaming. F. Garillot, G. Mass 1 Spark documentation Spark Summit sessions

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67 Contacts roksolanadiachuk roksolana-d dead_flowers22

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68 Examples repository

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69 Thank you for attention