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Spike deconvolution with unknown noise level Claire Boyer, Yohann de Castro, Joseph Salmon, UPMC, LSTA, France January 20, 2017

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1 Introduction 2 The proposed approach Results Some words about the proof 3 Numerical aspects 4 Numerical experiments

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Introduction Motivations Point sources in applications Astronomy Microscopy (fluorescent molecules) Spectroscopy 2 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Motivations Point sources in applications Astronomy Microscopy (fluorescent molecules) Spectroscopy Off-the-grid Point sources do not live on a cartesian grid. 2 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction What is spike deconvolution? Setting Aim: reconstruct a discrete measure µ0 = s i=1 a0 i δt0 i supp(µ0) = {t0 1 , . . . , t0 s } ⊂ T (a0 i )1≤i≤s ∈ Cs 3 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction What is spike deconvolution? Setting Aim: reconstruct a discrete measure µ0 = s i=1 a0 i δt0 i supp(µ0) = {t0 1 , . . . , t0 s } ⊂ T (a0 i )1≤i≤s ∈ Cs From linear measurements y = Φµ0 + ε Φ is a filter ε is a complex Gaussian vector, ε = ε(1) + iε(2) with ε(i) ∼ N (0, σ2 0 Id) 3 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction What is spike deconvolution? Setting Aim: reconstruct a discrete measure µ0 = s i=1 a0 i δt0 i supp(µ0) = {t0 1 , . . . , t0 s } ⊂ T (a0 i )1≤i≤s ∈ Cs From linear measurements y = Φµ0 + ε Φ is a filter ε is a complex Gaussian vector, ε = ε(1) + iε(2) with ε(i) ∼ N (0, σ2 0 Id) In this work Low-pass filter : Φ = Fn Fn(µ) := (ck (µ))|k|≤fc , ck (µ) := T exp(−2πıkt)µ(dt) 3 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction How to reconstruct µ0? 1-deconvolution: Beurling lasso (Blasso) min µ 1 2 y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + λ µ TV µ TV = sup | j µ(Bj )| over all finite partitions (Bj ) of [0, 1] µ TV = s i=1 |ai | when the measure is discrete 4 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Beurling minimal extrapolation Beurling minimal extrapolation (1938) µ ∈ argmin µ µ TV s.t. T Φdµ = y with Φ = (ϕ1, . . . , ϕn ) Infinite-dimensional variable µ Finitely many constraints 5 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Beurling minimal extrapolation Beurling minimal extrapolation (1938) µ ∈ argmin µ µ TV s.t. T Φdµ = y with Φ = (ϕ1, . . . , ϕn ) Infinite-dimensional variable µ Finitely many constraints Fenchel dual program ˆ u ∈ arg max y, u s.t. n k=0 uk ϕk ∞ ≤ 1 Finite-dimensional variable Infinitely many constraints Strong duality 5 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction How to reconstruct µ0? 1-deconvolution: Beurling lasso (Blasso) min µ 1 2 y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + λ µ TV µ TV = sup | j µ(Bj )| over all finite partitions (Bj ) of [0, 1] µ TV = s i=1 |ai | when the measure is discrete Algorithms proximal-based [Bredies, Pikkarainen 2012] root-finding [Candés, Fernandez-Granda 2012] 6 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction How to reconstruct µ0? 1-deconvolution: Beurling lasso (Blasso) min µ 1 2 y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + λ µ TV µ TV = sup | j µ(Bj )| over all finite partitions (Bj ) of [0, 1] µ TV = s i=1 |ai | when the measure is discrete Algorithms proximal-based [Bredies, Pikkarainen 2012] root-finding [Candés, Fernandez-Granda 2012] 6 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction How to reconstruct µ0? 1-deconvolution: Beurling lasso (Blasso) min µ 1 2 y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + λ µ TV µ TV = sup | j µ(Bj )| over all finite partitions (Bj ) of [0, 1] µ TV = s i=1 |ai | when the measure is discrete Algorithms proximal-based [Bredies, Pikkarainen 2012] root-finding [Candés, Fernandez-Granda 2012] Others based on Prony’s methods : MUSIC, ESPRIT, FRI 6 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction How to reconstruct µ0? 1-deconvolution: Beurling lasso (Blasso) min µ 1 2 y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + λ µ TV µ TV = sup | j µ(Bj )| over all finite partitions (Bj ) of [0, 1] µ TV = s i=1 |ai | when the measure is discrete Algorithms proximal-based [Bredies, Pikkarainen 2012] root-finding [Candés, Fernandez-Granda 2012] Others based on Prony’s methods : MUSIC, ESPRIT, FRI Link with 1-regularization ? 6 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Link to compressed sensing Spike deconvolution Compressed sensing Setting ∞-dim finite-dim (or easy ∞-dim) Object of interest a discrete measure a sparse signal (mainly) µ = s i=1 ai δti x ∈ Cn 1illustrations from Carlos Fernandez-Granda 7 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Link to compressed sensing Spike deconvolution Compressed sensing Setting ∞-dim finite-dim (or easy ∞-dim) Object of interest a discrete measure a sparse signal (mainly) µ = s i=1 ai δti x ∈ Cn Measurements low-pass filter random 1 spectrum extrapolation spectrum interpolation 1illustrations from Carlos Fernandez-Granda 7 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Link to compressed sensing Spike deconvolution Compressed sensing Setting ∞-dim finite-dim (or easy ∞-dim) Object of interest a discrete measure a sparse signal (mainly) µ = s i=1 ai δti x ∈ Cn Measurements low-pass filter random 1 spectrum extrapolation spectrum interpolation Resolution minµ 1 2 y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + λ µ TV minx 1 2 y − Frd (x) 2 2 + λ x 1 Beurling Lasso estimator Lasso Key feature Minimum separation Measurement incoherence + degree of sparsity 1illustrations from Carlos Fernandez-Granda 7 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Link to compressed sensing Spike deconvolution Compressed sensing Setting ∞-dim finite-dim (or easy ∞-dim) Object of interest a discrete measure a sparse signal (mainly) µ = s i=1 ai δti x ∈ Cn Measurements low-pass filter random 1 spectrum extrapolation spectrum interpolation Resolution minµ 1 2 y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + λ µ TV minx 1 2 y − Frd (x) 2 2 + λ x 1 Beurling Lasso estimator Lasso Key feature Minimum separation Measurement incoherence + degree of sparsity Algorithm Root-finding (...) Easy convex programming 1illustrations from Carlos Fernandez-Granda 7 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Contributions Handling unknown noise level 8 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Contributions Handling unknown noise level Assessing the noise level using the Rice method for a non-Gaussian process 8 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Contributions Handling unknown noise level Assessing the noise level using the Rice method for a non-Gaussian process Prediction & strong localization accuracy 8 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Contributions Handling unknown noise level Assessing the noise level using the Rice method for a non-Gaussian process Prediction & strong localization accuracy Numerics : the root-finding can always be done (open question of [1, Eq. (4.5)]) E. J. Candès and C. Fernandez-Granda. Towards a mathematical theory of super-resolution. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 67(6):906–956, 2014. 8 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Introduction Contributions Handling unknown noise level Assessing the noise level using the Rice method for a non-Gaussian process Prediction & strong localization accuracy Numerics : the root-finding can always be done (open question of [1, Eq. (4.5)]) Claire Boyer, Yohann de Castro, and Joseph Salmon. Adapting to unknown noise level in sparse deconvolution. Information and Inference, abs/1606.04760, 2016. E. J. Candès and C. Fernandez-Granda. Towards a mathematical theory of super-resolution. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 67(6):906–956, 2014. 8 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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1 Introduction 2 The proposed approach Results Some words about the proof 3 Numerical aspects 4 Numerical experiments

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The proposed approach The proposed method Data y = Fnµ0 + ε y ∈ Cn with n = 2fc + 1 ε is a complex Gaussian vector, ε = ε(1) + iε(2) with ε(j) ∼ N(0, σ2 0 Id) 9 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach The proposed method Data y = Fnµ0 + ε y ∈ Cn with n = 2fc + 1 ε is a complex Gaussian vector, ε = ε(1) + iε(2) with ε(j) ∼ N(0, σ2 0 Id) Handling unknown noise level : CBLasso (ˆ µ, ˆ σ) ∈ argmin (µ,σ)∈E∗×R++ 1 2nσ y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + σ 2 + λ µ TV , Owen 07, Antoniadis 10, Belloni Chernozhukov Wang 11, Sun Zhang 12, van de Geer 15 : square-root lasso and scaled-lasso. 9 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach Where is the square-root? Why square-root? The CBLasso reads ([2] ∼ scaled lasso) (ˆ µ, ˆ σ) ∈ argmin (µ,σ)∈E∗×R++ 1 2nσ y − Fn (µ) 2 2 + σ 2 + λ µ TV . When the solution is reached for ˆ σ > 0, ([1] ∼ square-root lasso) ˆ σ = y − Fn (ˆ µ) 2/ √ n ˆ µ ∈ argmin µ∈E∗ y − Fn (µ) 2/ √ n + λ µ TV A. Belloni, V. Chernozhukov, and L. Wang. Square-root Lasso: Pivotal recovery of sparse signals via conic programming. Biometrika, 98(4):791–806, 2011. T. Sun and C.-H. Zhang. Scaled sparse linear regression. Biometrika, 99(4):879–898, 2012. 10 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach Compatibility limits Sufficient conditions for oracle inequalities RIP =⇒ REC =⇒ Compatibility Compatibility condition : C(L, S) > 0 C(L, S) := inf |S| Fn(ν) 2 2 /n s.t. supp(ν) = S, νS TV = 1, νSc TV ≤ L . Consider ν as a difference of two measures: ˆ µ and µ0 11 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach Compatibility limits Sufficient conditions for oracle inequalities RIP =⇒ REC =⇒ Compatibility Compatibility condition : C(L, S) > 0 C(L, S) := inf |S| Fn(ν) 2 2 /n s.t. supp(ν) = S, νS TV = 1, νSc TV ≤ L . Consider ν as a difference of two measures: ˆ µ and µ0 Compatibility does not hold νε = δ−ε + δε @@@@@ Compatibility =⇒ $$ REC =⇒ ¨ ¨ RIP highly coherent designs: close Dirac masses share almost the same Fourier coefficients Non-uniform approach Measure-dependent reconstruction 11 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Standard assumptions Assumption (Sampling rate condition). λSNR ≤ √ 17 − 4 2 0.0616 with SNR := µ0 TV E[ ε 2 2 ]/n = µ0 TV √ 2σ0 . λ ≥ 2 2 log n/n =⇒ n/log n ≥ C SNR2 12 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Standard assumptions Assumption (Sampling rate condition). λSNR ≤ √ 17 − 4 2 0.0616 with SNR := µ0 TV E[ ε 2 2 ]/n = µ0 TV √ 2σ0 . λ ≥ 2 2 log n/n =⇒ n/log n ≥ C SNR2 Assumption (No-overfitting). ˆ σ > 0 12 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Standard assumptions Assumption (Sampling rate condition). λSNR ≤ √ 17 − 4 2 0.0616 with SNR := µ0 TV E[ ε 2 2 ]/n = µ0 TV √ 2σ0 . λ ≥ 2 2 log n/n =⇒ n/log n ≥ C SNR2 Assumption (No-overfitting). ˆ σ > 0 Assumption (Separation condition). For supp(µ0) = {t0 1 , . . . , t0 s0 }, ∀i = j, d(t0 i , t0 j ) ≥ 1.26 fc 12 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Prediction result Theorem (B., de Castro, Salmon, 2016). Let C > 2 √ 2. Set C > 0, that may depend on C. Assume the sampling rate condition, the separation condition. The estimator ˆ µ solution to CBLasso with a choice λ ≥ C log n/n satisfies 1 n Fn (ˆ µ − µ0) 2 2 ≤ C s0 λ2 σ0, with high probability. 13 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Prediction result Theorem (B., de Castro, Salmon, 2016). Let C > 2 √ 2. Set C > 0, that may depend on C. Assume the sampling rate condition, the separation condition. The estimator ˆ µ solution to CBLasso with a choice λ ≥ C log n/n satisfies 1 n Fn (ˆ µ − µ0) 2 2 ≤ C s0 λ2 σ2 0 = O s0σ2 0 log n n , with high probability. "fast rate of convergence" of [1] G. Tang, B. N. Bhaskar, and B. Recht. Near minimax line spectral estimation. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 61(1):499–512, 2015. 13 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Localization results Near regions ∀j ∈ [s0 ], Nj := t ∈ [0, 1]; d(t, t0 j ) ≤ c1 fc , with 0 < c1 < 1.26/2. Far region F := [0, 1] \ j∈[s0] Nj 14 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Localization results Near regions ∀j ∈ [s0 ], Nj := t ∈ [0, 1]; d(t, t0 j ) ≤ c1 fc , with 0 < c1 < 1.26/2. Far region F := [0, 1] \ j∈[s0] Nj Theorem (B., de Castro, Salmon, 2016). Let C > 2 √ 2. Let C > 0 may depend on C. The estimator ˆ µ, solution to CBLasso with a choice λ ≥ C log n/n, satisfies 1 ∀j ∈ [s0], a0 j − {k: ˆ tk ∈Nj } ˆ ak ≤ C σ0s0 log n/n , 14 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Localization results Near regions ∀j ∈ [s0 ], Nj := t ∈ [0, 1]; d(t, t0 j ) ≤ c1 fc , with 0 < c1 < 1.26/2. Far region F := [0, 1] \ j∈[s0] Nj Theorem (B., de Castro, Salmon, 2016). Let C > 2 √ 2. Let C > 0 may depend on C. The estimator ˆ µ, solution to CBLasso with a choice λ ≥ C log n/n, satisfies 1 ∀j ∈ [s0], a0 j − {k: ˆ tk ∈Nj } ˆ ak ≤ C σ0s0 log n/n , 2 ∀j ∈ [s0], {k: ˆ tk ∈Nj } |ˆ ak |d2(t0 j , ˆ tk ) ≤ C σ0s0 log n/n/n2 , 14 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Localization results Near regions ∀j ∈ [s0 ], Nj := t ∈ [0, 1]; d(t, t0 j ) ≤ c1 fc , with 0 < c1 < 1.26/2. Far region F := [0, 1] \ j∈[s0] Nj Theorem (B., de Castro, Salmon, 2016). Let C > 2 √ 2. Let C > 0 may depend on C. The estimator ˆ µ, solution to CBLasso with a choice λ ≥ C log n/n, satisfies 1 ∀j ∈ [s0], a0 j − {k: ˆ tk ∈Nj } ˆ ak ≤ C σ0s0 log n/n , 2 ∀j ∈ [s0], {k: ˆ tk ∈Nj } |ˆ ak |d2(t0 j , ˆ tk ) ≤ C σ0s0 log n/n/n2 , 3 {k: ˆ tk ∈F} |ˆ ak | ≤ C σ0s0 log n/n , with high probability. 14 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Localization results Corollary (B., de Castro, Salmon, 2016). For any t0 j in the support of µ0 such that a0 j > C σ0 s0λ, there exists an element ˆ tk in the support of ˆ µ such that d(t0 j , ˆ tk ) ≤ C σ0 s0λ |a0 j | − C σ0 s0λ 1 n , with high probability. independent of the other spikes magnitude 15 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Results Noise level estimation Proposition (B., de Castro, Salmon, 2016). Under the sampling rate assumption, if n > −8 log(α), √ nˆ σ ε 2 − 1 ≤ 1 2 , with probability larger than 1 − α 2 √ 2 n + 2 √ 3+3 3 . 16 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Some words about the proof Sketch of proof KKT condition 1 n F∗ n (y − Fn (ˆ µ)) = ˆ σλˆ p ˆ p ∞ ≤ 1 R T ˆ p(t)ˆ µ(dt) = ˆ µ TV (ˆ p subgradient of · TV at ˆ µ) 17 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Some words about the proof Sketch of proof KKT condition 1 n F∗ n (y − Fn (ˆ µ)) = ˆ σλˆ p ˆ p ∞ ≤ 1 R T ˆ p(t)ˆ µ(dt) = ˆ µ TV (ˆ p subgradient of · TV at ˆ µ) 17 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Some words about the proof Sketch of proof KKT condition 1 n F∗ n (y − Fn (ˆ µ)) = ˆ σλˆ p ˆ p ∞ ≤ 1 R T ˆ p(t)ˆ µ(dt) = ˆ µ TV (ˆ p subgradient of · TV at ˆ µ) Dual certificate Construction of q(t) = fc k=−fc ck e2iπkt obeying to q(tj ) = v0 j := a0 j |a0 j | ∀tj ∈ supp µ0 |q(t)| < 1 ∀t / ∈ supp µ0 17 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Some words about the proof Sketch of proof KKT condition 1 n F∗ n (y − Fn (ˆ µ)) = ˆ σλˆ p ˆ p ∞ ≤ 1 R T ˆ p(t)ˆ µ(dt) = ˆ µ TV (ˆ p subgradient of · TV at ˆ µ) Dual certificate Construction of q(t) = fc k=−fc ck e2iπkt obeying to q(tj ) = v0 j := a0 j |a0 j | ∀tj ∈ supp µ0 q (tj ) = 0 |q(t)| < 1 ∀t / ∈ supp µ0 17 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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The proposed approach – Some words about the proof Sketch of proof Spike localization Proofs are based on the work of [1, 2, 3] amended by Rice method Prediction adapt the proof of [3] to our setting Rice method for a non-Gaussian process J.-M. Azaïs, Y. De Castro, and F. Gamboa. Spike detection from inaccurate samplings. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 38(2):177–195, 2015. C. Fernandez-Granda. Support detection in super-resolution. arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.3921, 2013. G. Tang, B. N. Bhaskar, and B. Recht. Near minimax line spectral estimation. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 61(1):499–512, 2015. 18 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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1 Introduction 2 The proposed approach Results Some words about the proof 3 Numerical aspects 4 Numerical experiments

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Numerical aspects Primal-dual Proposition. Denoting Dn = c ∈ Cn : F∗ n (c) ∞ ≤ 1, nλ2 c 2 ≤ 1 , the dual formulation of the CBLasso reads ˆ c ∈ arg max c∈Dn λ y, c . (1) Then, we have the link-equation between primal and dual solutions y = nλˆ σˆ c + Fn (ˆ µ) . (2) as well as a link between the coefficient and the polynomial F∗ n (ˆ c) = ˆ p . (3) 19 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Primal-dual Proposition. Denoting Dn = c ∈ Cn : F∗ n (c) ∞ ≤ 1, nλ2 c 2 ≤ 1 , the dual formulation of the CBLasso reads ˆ c ∈ arg max c∈Dn λ y, c . (1) Then, we have the link-equation between primal and dual solutions y = nλˆ σˆ c + Fn (ˆ µ) . (2) as well as a link between the coefficient and the polynomial F∗ n (ˆ c) = ˆ p . (3) If the dual polynomial ˆ p associated is not constant the support of ˆ µ is finite, the support of ˆ µ is included in the set of its derivative roots, i.e. where the polynomial saturates at 1. the proof based on a dual certificate construction is possible. 19 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Primal-dual : comparison with Blasso Dual of the Blasso ˆ c ∈ arg max F∗ n (c) ∞≤1 y, c . Dual of the CBLasso ˆ c ∈ arg max F∗ n (c) ∞≤1 nλ2 c 2≤1 λ y, c . 20 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Primal-dual : comparison with Blasso Dual of the Blasso ˆ c ∈ arg max F∗ n (c) ∞≤1 y, c . Open question When the dual polynomial is non- constant ? Dual of the CBLasso ˆ c ∈ arg max F∗ n (c) ∞≤1 nλ2 c 2≤1 λ y, c . For the CBLasso We answer this. 20 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Showing that the dual polynomial is non-constant |ˆ p|2 is of constant modulus 1 ⇒ ˆ p = vϕk with v ∈ C and ϕk (·) = exp(2πık·) for some −fc ≤ k ≤ fc . if |v| < 1, using Holder’s inequality on R T ˆ p(t)ˆ µ(dt) = ˆ µ TV leads to ˆ µ = 0. if |v| = 1, we also have ˆ c ∈ Dn, so ˆ c 2 ≤ 1/( √ nλ), leading to |v| ≤ 1/( √ nλ). Since λ > 2 √ logn/ √ n ⇒ |v| < 1, which contradicts |v| = 1. One can then conclude that a dual polynomial of constant modulus never occurs in the CBLasso setup 21 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Discussion on the value of λ 22 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects SDP formulation of the CBLasso One can represent the dual feasible set Dn as an SDP condition. The dual problem can be cast as follows max c∈Cn λ y, c such that ∃Q ∈ Cn×n Q c c∗ 1 0 n−j i=1 Qi,i+j = 1 if j = 0 0 j = 1, . . . , n − 1. 23 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects SDP formulation of the CBLasso One can represent the dual feasible set Dn as an SDP condition. The dual problem can be cast as follows max c∈Cn λ y, c such that ∃Q ∈ Cn×n Q c c∗ 1 0 n−j i=1 Qi,i+j = 1 if j = 0 0 j = 1, . . . , n − 1. In λ √ nc λ √ nc∗ 1 0 23 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Proposed algorithm Algorithm Given the data y ∈ Cn 1 solve the dual problem to find the coefficients ˆ c of the dual polynomial ˆ p (cvx Matlab toolbox); 24 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Proposed algorithm Algorithm Given the data y ∈ Cn 1 solve the dual problem to find the coefficients ˆ c of the dual polynomial ˆ p (cvx Matlab toolbox); 2 identify supp(ˆ µ) = {ˆ t1, . . . , ˆ tˆ s } using the roots of 1 − |ˆ p|2; 24 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Proposed algorithm Algorithm Given the data y ∈ Cn 1 solve the dual problem to find the coefficients ˆ c of the dual polynomial ˆ p (cvx Matlab toolbox); 2 identify supp(ˆ µ) = {ˆ t1, . . . , ˆ tˆ s } using the roots of 1 − |ˆ p|2; 3 fix the design matrix X ∈ Cn׈ s , defined by Xk,j = ϕk (ˆ tj ); 24 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Proposed algorithm Algorithm Given the data y ∈ Cn 1 solve the dual problem to find the coefficients ˆ c of the dual polynomial ˆ p (cvx Matlab toolbox); 2 identify supp(ˆ µ) = {ˆ t1, . . . , ˆ tˆ s } using the roots of 1 − |ˆ p|2; 3 fix the design matrix X ∈ Cn׈ s , defined by Xk,j = ϕk (ˆ tj ); 4 solve now the following finite-dimensional problem (ˆ a, ˆ σ) ∈ argmin (a,σ)∈Cˆ s ×R++ 1 2nσ y − Xa 2 2 + σ 2 + λ a 1 , 24 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical aspects Proposed algorithm Algorithm Given the data y ∈ Cn 1 solve the dual problem to find the coefficients ˆ c of the dual polynomial ˆ p (cvx Matlab toolbox); 2 identify supp(ˆ µ) = {ˆ t1, . . . , ˆ tˆ s } using the roots of 1 − |ˆ p|2; 3 fix the design matrix X ∈ Cn׈ s , defined by Xk,j = ϕk (ˆ tj ); 4 solve now the following finite-dimensional problem (ˆ a, ˆ σ) ∈ argmin (a,σ)∈Cˆ s ×R++ 1 2nσ y − Xa 2 2 + σ 2 + λ a 1 , as follows: for an initial value of ˆ σ, until some stopping criterion, alternate the following steps solve the previous problem for a fixed ˆ σ to compute ˆ a, ˆ a = X+y − λˆ σ(X∗X)−1 sign(X∗ ˆ c) update ˆ σ = y − X ˆ a 2/ √ n using the new value of ˆ a, 24 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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1 Introduction 2 The proposed approach Results Some words about the proof 3 Numerical aspects 4 Numerical experiments

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Numerical experiments Source code Code available at 25 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical experiments Measure reconstruction 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Original BLasso CBLasso Reconstruction of a discrete measure. The original measure µ0 is composed of 3 spikes (in black). The reconstructed measure ˆ µ using our proposed CBLasso (in blue). In comparison, we plot the reconstructed measure using the BLasso, (in red). 26 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical experiments Noise level estimation ε = ε(1) + iε(2) with ε(j) ∼ N(0, σ0 Id) with σ0 = 1/ √ 2. 27 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical experiments Noise level estimation ε = ε(1) + iε(2) with ε(j) ∼ N(0, σ0 Id) with σ0 = 1/ √ 2. 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 BLasso CBLasso Boxplot on ˆ σ for 100 CBLasso consistent estimations of √ 2σ0 = 1. We compare our method to ˆ σBLasso = y − Fn (ˆ µBLasso) 2 √ n − ˆ sBLasso proposed in [1] where ˆ µBLasso is the reconstructed measure supported on ˆ sBLasso spikes via BLasso. S. Reid, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman. A study of error variance estimation in lasso regression. arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.5274, 2014. 27 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical experiments Bias Noise level estimation √ nˆ σ ε 2 − 1 ≤ 1 2 , with high probability. Bias ˆ σ √ 2σ0 × E g 2 √ 2n = √ 2σ0 × Γ(n + 1/2) √ nΓ(n) → √ 2σ0 , showing that ˆ σ/ √ 2 is a consistent estimator of σ0 . 28 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical experiments Conclusion The CBLasso new approach to handle unknown noise level in spike detection theoretical contributions : prediction for CBLasso localization for CBLasso closing the question of constant polynomial in this setting numerical method is also proposed to tackle the CBLasso 29 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical experiments Conclusion The CBLasso new approach to handle unknown noise level in spike detection theoretical contributions : prediction for CBLasso localization for CBLasso closing the question of constant polynomial in this setting numerical method is also proposed to tackle the CBLasso Claire Boyer, Yohann de Castro, and Joseph Salmon. Adapting to unknown noise level in sparse deconvolution. Information and Inference, abs/1606.04760, 2016. 29 / 37 Spike deconvolution

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Numerical experiments Thank you for your attention

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Discussion on λ Discussion on λ λmax(y) = F∗ n (y) ∞/ √ n y 2 (for Blasso F∗ n (y) ∞/n).

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Proposition. Defining λmin (y) = 1/( ˆ c(BME) 2 √ n) and the problem ˆ µ(BME) ∈ argmin Fn(µ)=y µ TV , (4) and its dual formulation ˆ c(BME) ∈ arg max c∈Cn y, c s.t. F∗ n (c) ∞ ≤ 1 . (5) the following statements are equivalent (i) λ ∈]0, λmin(y)], (ii) ˆ c = ˆ c(BME), (iii) ˆ σ = 0 (overfitting). Remark that λmin (y) = 1/( ˆ c(BME) 2 √ n) > 1/ √ n.

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Proof tricks Rice method One needs to upper bound the probabilities of the following events { F∗ n (ε) ∞ ≤ λ} and F∗ n (ε) ∞ √ n ε 2 ≤ R , where F∗ n (ε)(t) = fc k=−fc εk exp(2πıkt) , for all t ∈ [0, 1]. The first event can be handled with a Rice formula for stationary Gaussian processes as in [1]. Due to the presence of the denominator, the second event cannot be described by a Gaussian process and its analysis is a bit more involved.

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Proof tricks Rice method : notation We start with some notation. Let z(1) = (z(1) −fc , . . . , z(1) 0 , . . . , z(1) fc ), z(2) = (z(2) −fc , . . . , z(2) 0 , . . . , z(2) fc ) , be i.i.d Nn (0, Idn ) random vectors. Set, for any t ∈ [0, 1], X(t) = z(1) 0 + fc k=1 (z(1) k + z(1) −k ) cos(2πkt) + fc k=1 (z(2) −k − z(2) k ) sin(2πkt) , Y (t) = z(2) 0 + fc k=1 (z(2) k + z(2) −k ) cos(2πkt) + fc k=1 (z(1) k − z(1) −k ) sin(2πkt) , Z(t) = X(t) + ıY (t) . Then, note that σ0 Z ∞ d = F∗ n (ε) ∞ and sup t∈[0,1] |Z(t)| √ n( z(1) 2 2 + z(2) 2 2 )1 2 d = F∗ n (ε) ∞ √ n ε 2 , where σ0 > 0 is the (unknown) standard deviation of the noise ε.

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Proof tricks For the Gaussian process Lemma 1. For a complex valued centered Gaussian random vector ε as defined in (??), it holds ∀u > 0, P { F∗ n (ε) ∞ > u} ≤ n exp − u2 4nσ2 0 , where σ0 > 0 denotes the noise level. Observe that X(t) and Y (t) are two independent stationary Gaussian processes with the same auto-covariance function Σ given by ∀t ∈ [0, 1], Σ(t) = 1 + 2 fc k=1 cos(2πkt) =: Dfc (t) , where Dfc denotes the Dirichlet kernel. Set σn 2 = var X(t) = Dfc (0) = n . (6)

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Proof tricks For the Gaussian process We use the following inequalities, for any u > 0, P{ Z ∞ > u} ≤ P{ X ∞ > u/ √ 2}+P{ Y ∞ > u/ √ 2} = 2P{ X ∞ > u/ √ 2} , (7) and (by symmetry of the process X) P{ X ∞ > u/ √ 2} ≤ 2P{ sup t∈[0,1] X(t) > u/ √ 2} . (8) To give bounds to the right hand side of (8), we use the Rice method (see Azais & Wschebor [page 93]) P{ sup t∈[0,1] X(t) > u/ √ 2} = P{∀t ∈ [0, 1]; X(t) > u/ √ 2} + P{U u/ √ 2 > 0} , ≤ 1 √ 2π +∞ u/( √ 2σn) exp − v2 2 d + E(U u/ √ 2 ) , where Uv is the number of up-crossings of the level v by the process X(t) on the interval [0, 1]. By the Rice formula E(U u/ √ 2 ) = 1 2π var X (t)) 1 σn exp − u2 4σn 2 , where var X (t) = −Σ (0) = 2(2π)2 fc k=1 k2 = 4π2 3 fc (fc + 1)n . (9)

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Proof tricks For the Gaussian process A Chernoff argument provides for any w > 0, +∞ w exp(−v2/2)d/ √ 2π ≤ exp(−w2/2), which yields P sup t∈[0,1] X(t) > u √ 2 ≤ exp − u2 4n + fc (fc + 1) 3 exp − u2 4n ≤ n 2 exp − u2 4n . The result follows with (8).