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Team: Firefighting planner Member: Daijiro, Minami Collaborative planning tool for firefighting against wildfire NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2019

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Addressed 3 pain points in journey against wildfire Source: Ars Technica, European Forrest Institute, Forest Stewards Guild Refrain from
 actions potentially
 trigger wildfire Predict wildfire Become aware
 of incidents Knowledge management Evacuation Firefighting 1. Communication and coordination among citizens and firefighters get more difficult/expensive as a wildfire spreads more broadly 2. Rapid firefighting planning is required since fire spreads exponentially 3. Learnings and skills from first-hand experiences are not fully shared among firefighters Journey 
 wildfire Pain points !

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Way forward Potential
 impact To realize
 the impact Reduction in burned area: ~8.8 mil acres burned in 2018 Reduction in losses: ~$12.5 bil insured losses from the 2017 October and December wildfires Reduction in # of homes at high risk: 4.5 mil US homes at high risk (2017) Collect more data to implement the accurate simulation model • Improve availability of satellite data (FIRMS): Minimize delay, increase grid granularity • Keep track of fire suppression activities day by day Test with real users to improve usability Discover more potential use cases (e.g., Earthquake) Source: National Interagency Fire Center, Insurance Information Institute, Verisk, Moody’s

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Let’s save more lives and nature together App GitHub OpenNEX Deck Try our app!

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