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Raffle Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kit Winner drawn and announced @ 17:30 2 x Raspberry Pi 3 Premium Kit 3 x Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

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Facilitators • Vicky Twomey-Lee • Mick Twomey • Conall Laverty • Conor Murphy • Philip Harney • Will Knott Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

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Conor Murphy Product Manager, Coder Dojo

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• Have a go, learn through play • Ask all the questions • It’s OK to FAIL • Celebrate success (tweet it!) • Work with others Don’t be afraid to ask questions! @DubRaspJam

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The Plan 12:45 Welcome & Introduction 12:20 Jam starts
 • Beginners - Vicky • Intermediate • Hobbyists - Already set up 17:30 Jam ends/Tidy up 18:00 Event ends Lunch/Breaks is whenever you want :-) @DubRaspJam

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OK for us to take pics & vids? ?

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LET’S BEGIN! @DubRaspJam

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No content

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Beginners - Command Line

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Beginners - Command Line Windows - Command Prompt or Power Shell MacOS - Terminal

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Opening a Terminal window in Dashboard - pi-top Beginners - Command Line

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Beginners - Command Line Opening a Terminal window on desktop - pi-top

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Beginners - Command Line Opening LXTerminal on Raspbian

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Beginners - Command Line Prompt pi@raspberrypi ~ $

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Beginners - Command Line Let’s type a few commands… pwd

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Beginners - Command Line Let’s type a few commands… pwd Should display something like: /home/pi

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Beginners - Command Line Let’s type a few commands… ls

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Beginners - Command Line Navigating and browsing your Pi ls -a

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Beginners - Command Line Navigating and browsing your Pi ls -la

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Beginners - Command Line Navigating and browsing your Pi cd Desktop

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Beginners - Command Line Navigating and browsing your Pi cd Desktop

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Beginners - Command Line Other useful commands cp

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Beginners - Command Line Other useful commands mv e.g. mv hello.txt story.txt

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Beginners - Command Line Other useful commands rm <filename> ! Files deleted this ware are not generally not restorable

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Beginners - Command Line Other useful commands rm -R ! Files deleted this ware are not generally not restorable

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Beginners - Command Line Other useful commands mkdir new_dir

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Beginners - Command Line Other useful commands cat

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Beginners - Command Line Finding out about a command man ls

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Beginners - Command Line Making changes to your system sudo

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Beginners - Command Line Installing software using apt sudo apt install

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Beginners - Command Line Updating list of software packages using apt sudo apt update

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Beginners - Command Line Update any old packages to new version using apt sudo apt upgrade

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Beginners - Command Line Removing a package using apt sudo apt remove

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Connecting Pi Remotely with your Laptop via

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Connecting Pi Remotely with your Laptop Windows Only Install Bonjour Find and run Bonjour

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Connecting Pi Remotely with your Laptop • Make sure Raspberry Pi is powered off • Take microSD card from Raspberry Pi • Insert into a SD card adaptor • Insert into your laptop

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Connecting Pi Remotely with your Laptop Enable SSH first • On your own laptop • Open Terminal MacOS: • Type following and hit ⏎:
 touch /Volumes/boot/ssh Windows: •Talk to us!

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Connecting Pi Remotely with your Laptop • Eject the SD card (adaptor) • Take out microSD card • Put it back into the Raspberry Pi • Connect ethernet cable from Raspberry Pi to your laptop • Connect power to the Raspberry Pi • Wait a couple of minutes until the Raspberry Pi boots up

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Connecting Pi Remotely with your Laptop via Using ssh • On your laptop via the terminal, type the following: ssh [email protected] Password is “raspberry” by default

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Connecting Pi Remotely with your Laptop Using ssh

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Before we finish this tutorial

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Before we finish this tutorial Recommend installing mu Editor

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Before we finish this tutorial Recommend installing mu Editor

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Various modes for you to code in Before we finish this tutorial

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mu Editor - Tutorials/HowTos Before we finish this tutorial

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Now for projects On pi-top, launch pi-topCODER

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HAVE FUN! Don’t be afraid to ask questions! @DubRaspJam

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Wrap-up @DubRaspJam

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@DubRaspJam RAFFLE Good luck!!!

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Don’t forget 10% Discount Leaflets @DubRaspJam

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All volunteers involved, and YOU! THANK YOU!!! @DubRaspJam