Slide 28
Slide 28 text
Resources you should totally check out…*
Chrome DevTools
Real time performance audit with Chrome DevTools,
lecture and demo by Jon Kuperman
Chrome DevTools docs by Google
Analyzing Network Performance by Kayce Basques at
Analyzing Runtime Performance by Kayce Basques at
React + Redux Performance
Optimizing Performance, Reconciliation, Performance
Tools, PureComponent official docs by Facebook
Never Bind in Render by Ryan Funduk
Don't Use Bind When Passing Props by Dave Ceddia
9 things every React.js beginner should know by Cam
Jackson - opinionated but some great tips
Optimizing the Performance of Your React Application by
Alex Sears, includes a tutorial
How to Benchmark React Components: The Quick and
Dirty Guide by Scott Domes
Performance Engineering With React and A Deep Dive Into
React Perf Debugging by Saif Hakim
Reselect npm package, by the React Community
React/Redux Performance Tuning Tips by Arik Maor
* Don’t read this slide. It’s here for when you look at these slides later.