Slide 10
Slide 10 text
- Input data validation and settings management using python type annotations.
-> Pydantic have good match with data class, type hint, mypy, and OpenAPI.
- Swagger Editor
- API document editor which has preview function
- Swagger UI
- Browsing the api documentation based on schemas written on yaml or json
- OpenAPI Generator
- Generate automatically the client server stub code based on the yaml or json
-> Sphinx and JSON schema is recommended, specially in AI/ML projects.
Request/Application Context:
- Request context keeps track of the request-level data (URL, HTTP method, headers, request data, session info) and allows us to access them
by using proxies such as request and session.
- Application context keeps track of the application-level data (configuration variables, logger, database connection) allows us to access them
by using proxies such as current_app and g.
-> Next Slide
1. Variety of functions and extensions