merkle tree to track changes
coordinated at the vnode level
runs as a background process
exchange with
neighbor vnodes for inconsistencies
resolution semantics:
trigger read-repair
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= hashes marked dirty
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= keys to read-repair
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Riak and Consistency
Slide 47
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Riak Object
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BKey Value
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Consistent hashing; dynamic membership
Data Placement
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Replication per-value across ring
Data Placement
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Replica Replica Replica
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Take the form: {Writer, Value, Time}
Concurrent writes
Distributed Consensus
The problem of reaching agreement among remote
processes is one of the most fundamental problems in
distributed computing and is at the core of many
algorithms for distributed data processing,
distributed file management, and fault-tolerant
distributed applications.
Fischer, Lynch, Paterson
Slide 108
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Termination, agreement, validity
The Consensus Problem
Slide 109
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All processes eventually decide on a value
Slide 110
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All processes decide on the same value
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Value decided on had to have been proposed
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Consensus Algorithms
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Paxos, ZAB, Raft, etc.
Consensus Algorithms
Slide 114
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Coordinated requests with a chosen leader
The Paxos Algorithm