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Consistency and Riak Christopher Meiklejohn Riak Meetup, Paris, February 2015 @cmeik

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Published SOSP 2007; key-value storage system Amazon Dynamo

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Focused on high-availability and low-latency Amazon Dynamo

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Collection of distributed systems techniques Amazon Dynamo

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LinkedIn Voldemort, Facebook Cassandra Amazon Dynamo

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Released 2009; Apache2 licensed Dynamo clone Basho Riak

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Riak Architecture

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Consistent Hashing hash(bucket/key)

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hash ring

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tokenize it

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node 0 node 1 node 2 hash(key)

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node 0 node 1 node 2 Replicas are stored to the N - 1 contiguous partitions

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node 0 node 1 node 2 hash(companies/cisco) Replicas are stored to the N - 1 contiguous partitions

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node 0 node 1 node 2 hash(companies/cisco) Replicas are stored to the N - 1 contiguous partitions

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node 0 node 1 node 2

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Scaling out node 0 node 1 node 2 node 3 +

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Quorum requests N R W PR/PW DW

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Vector Clocks establish temporality

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis)

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) client Riak

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak hash(users/clay-davis) == 10, 11, 12

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak hash(users/clay-davis) == 10, 11, 12 Coordinating node Cluster 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Ring

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak get(users/clay-davis) Coordinating node Cluster 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Ring

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak Coordinating node Cluster 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Ring R=2

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak Coordinating node Cluster 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Ring R=2 obj

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak R=2 obj obj

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) Get Handler (FSM) client Riak R=2 obj obj

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Anatomy of a Request get(users/clay-davis) obj

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Read Repair (Anti-Entropy)

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replica replica replica

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replica replica replica X

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replica replica replica replica replica replica

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Active Anti-Entropy (self healing clusters)

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real-time updates persistent non-blocking disk-based

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merkle tree to track changes coordinated at the vnode level runs as a background process exchange with neighbor vnodes for inconsistencies resolution semantics: trigger read-repair

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= hashes marked dirty

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= keys to read-repair

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Riak and Consistency

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Riak Object

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BKey Value

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Consistent hashing; dynamic membership Data Placement

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Replication per-value across ring Data Placement

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Replica Replica Replica

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Take the form: {Writer, Value, Time} Concurrent writes

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[{a, v1, t1}] [{b, v1, t2}] [{a, v1, t1}] Concurrent writes

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[{a, v1, t1}] [{b, v1, t2}] [{a, v1, t1}] [{b, v1, t2}] [{b, v1, t2}] [{b, v1, t2}] Last Writer Wins

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[{a, v1, t1}] [{b, v1, t2}] [{a, v1, t1}] [[{a, v1, t1}, {b, v1, t2}] [[{a, v1, t1}, {b, v1, t2}] [[{a, v1, t1}, {b, v1, t2}] Allow Mult

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User specificed Merge

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Two Approaches

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Strong Eventual Consistency

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Designed for convergence; allows divergence Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

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Solves the Dynamo concurrency anomaly Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

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The Theory

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Two flavors: state-based and operation-based Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

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Counters, Flags, Registers, Sets, Maps, Graphs Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

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Broadcast update operation Operation-Based CRDTs

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Commutative; relies on unique delivery Operation-Based CRDTs

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Apply change locally; propagate entire state State-Based CRDTs

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State is merged between replicas State-Based CRDTs

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Set of all states form a bounded join-semilattice State-Based CRDTs

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Partially ordered set; join operation Bounded Join-Semilattice

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Associativity: (X · Y) · Z = X · (Y · Z) Bounded Join-Semilattice

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Commutativity: X · Y = Y · X Bounded Join-Semilattice

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Idempotence: X · X = X Bounded Join-Semilattice

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Examples Bounded Join-Semilattice

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b a c a, b a, c a, b, c Set; merge function: union. b, c

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3 5 7 5 7 7 Increasing natural; merge function: max.

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F F T F T T Booleans; merge function: or.

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x <= y montone f(x) <= f(y)

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Examples State-Based Observed-Remove Set

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ]

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ]

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ] [ [{1, a}, {2, a}], [{1, a}] ]

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ] [ [{1, a}, {2, a}], [{1, a}] ] [ [{1, a}, {2, a}], [{1, a}] ]

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ]

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}, {2, b}], [] ]

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}, {2, b}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ]

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[ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [] ] [ [{1, a}, {2, b}], [] ] [ [{1, a}], [{1, a}] ] [ [{1, a}, {2, b}], [{1, a}] ]

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Strong Consistency

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Provides atomicity and recency Strong Consistency

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Prohibits partial writes Strong Consistency

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A A A Val = B

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A A A Val = B

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B A A Get Operation with Read Repair

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B A A Get Operation with Read Repair

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B A A Get Operation with Read Repair B B

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Single key atomic operations Strong Consistency

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Requires read/modify/write cycle (CAS) Strong Consistency

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Distributed Consensus The problem of reaching agreement among remote processes is one of the most fundamental problems in distributed computing and is at the core of many algorithms for distributed data processing, distributed file management, and fault-tolerant distributed applications. Fischer, Lynch, Paterson

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Termination, agreement, validity The Consensus Problem

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All processes eventually decide on a value Termination

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All processes decide on the same value Agreement

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Value decided on had to have been proposed Validity

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Consensus Algorithms

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Paxos, ZAB, Raft, etc. Consensus Algorithms

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Coordinated requests with a chosen leader The Paxos Algorithm

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 N++ prepare(N) promise(N, Vb) promise(N, Vc) Vn = f(Va, Vb, Vc) commit(N, Vn) accept(N)

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First request Multi-Paxos

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 N++; I = 0 prepare(N, I) promise(N, I, Vb) promise(N, I, Vc) Vn = f(Va, Vb, Vc) commit(N, I, Vn) accept(N, I)

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Each additional request Multi-Paxos

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 I++ commit(N, I, V) accept(N, I)

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Ship entire state! Multi-Paxos

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Key-value store; keys are independent state Riak

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Multi-Paxos per key; CAS on isolated state Riak

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Consensus Groups

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Participants in decisioning; ensembles Consensus Groups

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Use the preference list! Consensus Groups

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One ensemble per preference list; ring size Consensus Groups

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election of leader; get/put operations Riak Ensembles

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read local; refresh, if old Get Operations

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 obj.epoch < epoch get(key) reply(Epochb, Seqb, Valb) Val = latest(Vala, Valb, Valc) Val.epoch = epoch write(Epoch, ++Seq, Val) ack(Epoch, Seq) reply(Epochc, Seqc, Valc)

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 obj.epoch == epoch Reply = local_get(Key)

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Worst Case: 2 roundtrips / write Get Operations Best Case: 0 roundtrips / write

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read local; refresh, modify and commit if old Put Operations

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 obj.epoch < epoch get(key) reply(Epochb, Seqb, Valb) Latest = latest(Vala, Valb, Valc) Val = modify(Latest) write(Epoch, ++Seq, Val) ack(Epoch, Seq) reply(Epochc, Seqc, Valc)

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Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 obj.epoch == epoch Latest = local_get(Key) Val = modify(Latest) write(Epoch, ++Seq, Val) ack(Epoch, Seq)

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Worst Case: 2 roundtrips / write Put Operations Best Case: 1 roundtrips / write

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Elect a new leader; start a new epoch Failed Quorums

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Cluster Membership

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Use joint consensus from multi paxos Dynamic Membership

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Existing Ensemble Joining Ensemble riak_01 riak_02 riak_03 riak_07 riak_08 riak_09 [{riak_01}, {riak_02}, {riak_03}] [{riak_07}, {riak_08}, {riak_09}]

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Joint-Consensus Ensemble [{riak_01}, {riak_02}, {riak_03}, {riak_07}, {riak_08}, {riak_09}]

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Joint-Consensus Ensemble [{riak_01}, {riak_02}, {riak_03}, {riak_07}, {riak_08}, {riak_09}]

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New Ensemble riak_07 riak_08 riak_09 [{riak_07}, {riak_08}, {riak_09}]

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Single-key linearizability; reduced availability Strong Consistency

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$ riak-admin bucket-type create strongly_consistent \ ‘{"props":{"consistent":true}}' $ riak-admin bucket-type status strongly_consistent $ riak-admin bucket-type activate strongly_consistent Enable strong consistency;

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Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types Strong Eventual Consistency

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$ riak-admin bucket-type create maps \ '{"props":{"datatype":"map"}}' $ riak-admin bucket-type create sets \ '{"props":{"datatype":"set"}}' $ riak-admin bucket-type create counters \ ‘{“props":{"datatype":"counter"}}' $ riak-admin bucket-type status maps $ riak-admin bucket-type activate maps Create bucket type for data types;

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$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:10018/types/counters/buckets/counters/ datatypes/traffic_tickets \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"increment": 1}’ $ curl http://localhost:10018/types/counters/buckets/counters/ datatypes/traffic_tickets Operate on counters;

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$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:10018/types/sets/buckets/travel/ datatypes/cities \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"add_all":["Toronto", “Montreal"]}' $ curl -XPOST http://localhost:10018/types/sets/buckets/travel/ datatypes/cities \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"remove": “Montreal"}' $ curl http://localhost:10018/types/sets/buckets/travel/datatypes/ cities Operate on sets;

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$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:10018/types/maps/buckets/customers/ datatypes/ahmed_info \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d ' { "update": { "first_name_register": "Ahmed", "phone_number_register": "5551234567" } }' $ curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/types/maps/buckets/customers/ datatypes/ahmed_info \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d ' { "update": { "annika_info_map": { "update": { "interests_set": { "add": "tango dancing" } } } } } ' Operate on maps;

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