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Making sense of event-driven systems Distributed tracing for Apache Ka a®-based applications with Zipkin @jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone “Complexity symptoms: - Change amplification - Cognitive load - Unknown unknowns” John Ousterhout, “A Philosophy of Software Design”

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@jeqo89 | #codeone “Complexity is caused by two things: dependencies and obscurity” John Ousterhout, “A Philosophy of Software Design”

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@jeqo89 | #codeone SERVER CLIENT SERVER

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Complexity happens…

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya twitter: @jeqo89 | github: jeqo Peruvian in Oslo, Norway Integration team at SYSCO AS Unclogging Data pipelines by day Contributing to Apache Kafka and OpenZipkin communities by night

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Talk: “Making sense of your event-driven systems” 37 min Q&A Why? What’s distributed tracing? How to instrument Kafka apps? Demo What’s next? Demo time depth sync/async causal relation

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Traces in Zipkin

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@jeqo89 | #codeone “Demystifying” Kafka client configurations Kafka producers Kafka Streams Kafka Consumer

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Blocking call kafkaProducer.send(record, (metadata, exception) -> { //... }).get(); // Synchronous send

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Non-blocking call kafkaProducer.send(record, (metadata, exception) -> { //... }); // Async send

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Batched send var producerConfig = new Properties(); // ... producerConfig.put(ProducerConfig.LINGER_MS_CONFIG, 1_000); producerConfig.put(ProducerConfig.BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG, 100_000);

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@jeqo89 | #codeone auto.commit=true config = new Properties(); //... config.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, true);

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@jeqo89 | #codeone commit per record var records = consumer.poll(TIMEOUT); records.forEach(record -> { doSomething(record); consumer.commitSync(Map.of(new TopicPartition(...), new OffsetAndMetadata(...))); });

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Record

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@jeqo89 | #codeone CLIENT SERVER TraceContext=abc tracer tracer Annotation-based TRACES

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@jeqo89 | #codeone PRODUCER CONSUMER tracer tracer TraceContext=abc BROKER TraceContext=abc TRACES

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Annotation-based approach **/ ScopedSpan span = tracer.startScopedSpan("process"); try { // The span is in "scope" doProcess(); } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { span.error(e); // mark as error throw e; } finally { span.finish(); // always finish }

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Annotation-based approach **/ ScopedSpan span = tracer.startScopedSpan("process"); try { // The span is in "scope" doProcess(); } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { span.error(e); // mark as error throw e; } finally { span.finish(); // always finish }

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Annotation-based approach **/ ScopedSpan span = tracer.startScopedSpan("process"); try { // The span is in "scope" doProcess(); } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { span.error(e); // mark as error throw e; } finally { span.finish(); // always finish }

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@jeqo89 | #codeone B3 Propagation

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@jeqo89 | #codeone B3 Propagation

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@jeqo89 | #codeone CLIENT SERVER TraceContext=abc Black-box agent agent TRACES

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone CLIENT SERVER TraceContext=abc mixed agent agent TRACES tracer tracer

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@jeqo89 | #codeone “The more accurately you try to measure the position of a particle, the less accurately you can measure its speed” Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Record services Collect

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Record Collect Store BringYourOwnDB services

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Record Collect Store Dependencies (batch) services

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Streaming Messaging Kafka Clients REST Proxy KSQL Kafka Source Connector Kafka Streams Kafka Sink Connector

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Clients **/ Producer producer = new KafkaProducer<>(settings); Producer tracedProducer = kafkaTracing.producer(producer); producer.send( new ProducerRecord<>( "my-topic", key, value ));

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Clients **/ Producer producer = new KafkaProducer<>(settings); Producer tracedProducer = kafkaTracing.producer(producer); // wrap tracedProducer.send( new ProducerRecord<>( "my-topic", key, value ));

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Clients **/ Consumer consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(settings); Consumer tracedConsumer = kafkaTracing.consumer(consumer); while (running) { var records = consumer.poll(1000); records.forEach(this::process); }

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Clients **/ Consumer consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(settings); Consumer tracedConsumer = kafkaTracing.consumer(consumer); // wrap while (running) { var records = tracedConsumer.poll(1000); records.forEach(this::process); }

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Clients **/ void process(ConsumerRecord record){ // extract span from record headers Span span = kafkaTracing.nextSpan(record) .name("process") .start(); try (var ws = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) { doProcess(record); } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { span.error(e); throw e; } finally { span.finish(); } }

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Streams **/ var b = new StreamsBuilder();"input-topic") .map(this::prepare)) .join(table, this::tableJoiner) .transformValues(this::transform)) .to("output-topic"); var topology =; KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(topology, config); kafkaStreams.start();

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Streams **/ var b = new StreamsBuilder();"input-topic") .map(this::prepare)) .join(table, this::tableJoiner) .transformValues(this::transform)) .to("output-topic"); var topology =; KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = // wrap ksTracing.kafkaStreams(topology, config); kafkaStreams.start();

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Streams **/ var b = new StreamsBuilder();"input-topic") .map(this::prepare)) .join(table, this::tableJoiner) .transformValues(this::transform)) .to("output-topic"); var topology =;

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@jeqo89 | #codeone /** Instrumentation for Kafka Streams **/ var b = new StreamsBuilder();"input-topic") .transform(“preparing”, () -> this::prepare)) .join(table, this::tableJoiner) .transformValues(ksTracing.transformValues( “transforming”, () -> this::transform))) .to("output-topic");

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@jeqo89 | #codeone REST Proxy KSQL Kafka Source Connector Kafka Sink Connector Kafka Interceptors

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@jeqo89 at #kafkasummit Demo: Tracing Kafka-based applications

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Record Collect Store Dependencies (batch) Distributed Tracing is a Event Streaming problem Data-at-rest services

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Netflix pipeline

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Netflix pipeline

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Distributed Tracing is a Stream Processing Problem Span Collected partitioned-spans Traces Store

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Scatter-gather/scalable back-end

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Distributed Tracing is a Stream Processing Problem Span Collected Trace Aggregation partitioned-spans traces-completed Traces Store

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Session windows and suppression

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Session windows and suppression

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@jeqo89 | #codeone var b = new StreamsBuilder();, ...).groupByKey() // how long to wait for another span .windowedBy(SessionWindows.with(timeout)...) .aggregate(ArrayList::new, aggregateSpans(), joinAggregates(), ...) // hold until a new record tells that a window is closed and we can process it further .suppress(untilWindowCloses(unbounded())) .toStream()

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Distributed Tracing is a Stream Processing Problem Span Collected Trace Aggregation partitioned-spans traces-completed dependencies Traces Store

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@jeqo89 | #codeone var b = new StreamsBuilder();, ...).groupByKey() ... // session windows and suppression .toStream() // traceStream .flatMapValues(spansToDependencyLinks()) .selectKey((key, value) -> linkKey(value)) .to(dependencyTopic, ...));

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Distributed Tracing is a Stream Processing Problem Span Collected Trace Aggregation Traces Store partitioned-spans traces-completed Dependencies Store dependencies

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Tumbling window aggregates

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Distributed Tracing is a Stream Processing Problem Span Collected Trace Aggregation Traces Store partitioned-spans traces-completed Dependencies Store Custom processors dependencies

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Distributed Tracing is a Stream Processing Problem partitioned-spans traces-completed error-traces dependencies Long-term Error Trace Store path-aggregate

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Haystack: tracing and analysis platform Tracing Trends and Metrics Anomaly Detection Remediation Alerting services

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Haystack: tracing and analysis platform

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Haystack

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@jeqo89 | #codeone Wrapping up: Consider Distributed Tracing as better data source to deal with system collaboration complexity Distributed Tracing pipeline is an Event Streaming pipeline Focus on aggregation, model extraction and signals (!)

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@jeqo89 | #codeone * Demos, source code: * Blog post: * Zipkin Kafka Backend: * Kafka Interceptor for Zipkin: * Sites using Zipkin: * Haystack:, * Martin Kleppmann et al. 2019. Online Event Processing. * John Ousterhout. A Philosophy of Software Design. * Jonathan Kaldor et al.2017. Canopy: An End-to-End Performance Tracing And Analysis System.SOSP’17(2017). * Peter Alvaro et al.2016. Automating Failure Testing Research at Internet Scale.SoCC ’16. * Mark Burgess 2019. From Observability to Significance in Distributed Information Systems. Resources

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@jeqo89 | #codeone

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@jeqo89 | #codeone fin