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Working at Cookpad UK Cookpad Tech Kitchen #14 Yusei Nishiyama (@yuseinishiyama) 1

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The Goal • You get to know • We expand abroad • We have a HQ in the UK • We are hiring people there • And finally, you can imagine clearly how working at Cookpad UK is like 2

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Agenda • Who am I? • Life in Bristol • The product and the team • Using English at work 3

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Who am I? 4

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Hi there ! , I'm Yusei Nishiyama • An iOS Engineer • Majored in Aesthe4cs • Live in Bristol, UK 5

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Conferences • CodeMobile (Chester, UK) • iOSDevUK (Aberystwyth, UK) • FrenchKit (Paris, France) • MobilizaAon (Łódź, Poland) 7

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References • h#ps:/ / mobiliza9on-2017-building-ios-apps-at-scale/ • h#ps:/ / 8

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Mo#va#on to move • I'm so lazy • I should put myself in a challenging environment where I can't escape from • Maximise my odds • I don't know what's going to happen. I just want to be in a be@er posiAon at the right Aming 9

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Systems vs. Goals 10

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Life in Bristol 11

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The product and the team 19

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Cookpad Global • 30M Monthly Users • Supports 22 languages in 68 countries • Approximately 200 members in different countries 20

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Squad & Chapter 21

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The iOS chapter 22

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• Challenges in working on a product suppor5ng different languages and loca5ons • ! Kentaro's talk • Challenges in process and workflow in a highly distributed team • ! Pawel & Chris' talks 23

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Using English at work 24

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Do you speak English? 25

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Yes 26

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Well, it really varies • You may convey and understand only general meaning in very familiar situa5ons • You may be able to handle basic communica5on in your own field • You may handle complex detailed argumenta5on very well 27

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Knowing where you are Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERF) 28

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Facts • Cookpad Global is a 100% English environment • The half of the iOS chapter is English na?ve speakers • 80% of members in Bristol are non-Japanese 29

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My takeaways • You may need to be at or above B2 • Once you get to this stage, moving to an English-speaking country speeds up your learning significantly • If you are below B2, the environment may be too much and studying more beforehand may be a good idea • Intake vs. Input. Only intake can serve as the basis for language development 30

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What worked for me • Cheap online English lessons (to maximise 3me to produce con3nuous speech) • Checking through a grammar book to know your weak points • Building vocabularies with apps with a reminder • English to English dic3onary 31

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• Cultural understanding • Ge0ng all info in English • Medium, Ne9lix, language se0ngs, etc • Thinking in English 32

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• bicycle • binary • bilingual 34

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• biped • biennial • binoculars 35

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Let's make a PR 36

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People will like it! 38

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#$@&%*! 40

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It's not that easy • In a team, just being an English user is not enough • You need to be good enough to be a good communicator • Moving from intermediate to advanced is hard • I can cope with most of the situa=ons with my very limited ability as people normally try to understand me 41

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• There's no methodology works for everyone at this stage • Language produc;on may be adequate but o>en lacks the characteris;cs of natural speech • There are persistent, fossilized language errors 42

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Moving beyond the plateau 43

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The only thing I want you to remember is... 44

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• If you fulfil the following condi3ons, this should be a perfect opportunity • You have a good understanding of either iOS, Android, Web, Data Analysis, Infrastructur, or ML • You want to work abroad • You have an intermediate level English skill • Issues regarding reloca3on and visa will be handled by the company. Don't worry about it. 46

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Ques%ons? 47