Slide 5
Slide 5 text
All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go
The opportunity for an experience-driven website
This chart describes traffic from the UTD home page
to the five main audience pages. The audience pages
function like an airport terminal: they are a layover
point on your way to your destination.
These pages are full of links. The Current Students
page, for instance, has 59 links.
The UTD home page and the five main audience
pages make up nearly 40% of the traffic through the
Our original idea was to leverage the popularity of
these audience pages where we could invite visitors
to explore another website where they could learn
more about the university.
UTD Home Page
Rank 1, 30.4%
Other pages
Alumni & Friends
Rank 44, 0.1%
Visitors Page
Rank 28, 0.3%
Faculty & Staff Page
Rank 9, 1.3%
Prospective Students Page
Rank 8, 1.6%
Current Students Page
Rank 2, 5.7%
37,611,513 total views from November 30, 2005 to November 25, 2006
Information provided by WebTrends Analytics
Leverage the popularity of the home page and the five audience pages
61% 9%
30% Home Page
The Five Audience Pages
Other Pages