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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Amanda Perkins, QA @theqadiva

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Amanda Perkins

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What is it like NOT being part of the team

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Lonely, I’m so lonely

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Interpersonal Relationships

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Domo Arigato Mr Roboto

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Rubber Ducky, You’re the one *

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Be De Rubber Duck

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Educate yourself - classes for almost anything (great deals at $10) - from LinkedIn. Job improvement courses - subscription around $30/month Pluralsight - certifications and courses - $35/month or ask your organization coursera.ORG - University courses, certificates available - subscription based

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What happened with New QA?

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So...what have we learned ● Being alone is hard ● Make connections ● ask questions ● Learn, learn, learn

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Questions? [email protected] @theqadiva

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