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1 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Flutter, let’s try

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2 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Flut.. what ? ● An open-source toolkit, developed by Google ● An SDK that makes building high-performing, modern and beautiful apps easy ● Works for both Android and iOS * Currently in Beta 2

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3 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Native Architecture

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4 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Flutter Architecture

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5 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Flutter Architecture Skia Dart Text Foundation Animation Painting Rendering Widgets Material Gestures Engine (C++) Framework (Dart) Cupertino

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6 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Dart ● Class-based, single-inheritance, pure object-oriented programming language. void main() { print('Hello, World!'); } int fibonacci(int n) { if (n == 0 || n == 1) return n; return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2); } var result = fibonacci(20);

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7 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Set-up Installation : quick and easy, get the Flutter SDK then $ flutter doctor // to fix issues $ flutter update // for new version Editor : use your favorite IDE, Android Studio (Flutter plugin) 1 2

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8 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Tools Pubspec.yaml // Manage dependencies $ flutter format // reformat code according to Flutter-style $ flutter analyze // help you find possible mistakes

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9 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Tools ● Hot Reload

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10 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Let’s build an app !

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11 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Widgets everywhere !

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12 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Everything is a widget

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13 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Code new Text( 'Hello, $_name! How are you?', textAlign:, style: new TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ) new AlertDialog( title: new Text('Title'), content: new SingleChildScrollView( child: new ListBody( children: [ new Text('some text.'), ], ), ), actions: [ new FlatButton( child: new Text('OK'), onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], new MaterialApp( home: new MyHomeScreen(), )

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14 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Examples

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15 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Layouts

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16 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 What you want

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17 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Subdivise ● Look for rows and columns ● Is there a grid? ● Any overlapping elements? ● Do we need tabs? ● Padding, alignment or borders needed?

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18 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Subdivise

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19 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Let’s code

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20 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Let’s code ● Montreal forecast ! ● Simple ListView App ● Async Http code ● Details on touch ● Display an iOS or Android alert

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21 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Future

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22 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Package dependency ● Get last package version here ● Add it to your pubspec.yaml : ● Add import : import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

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23 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Future> fetchForecast() async { final response = await http.get(',ca'); final responseJson = json.decode(response.body); List forecast = new List(); for(final item in responseJson['list']) { final weather = new Weather.fromJson(item); forecast.add(weather); } return forecast; } Future

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24 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 var futureBuilder = new FutureBuilder( future: _getData(), builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { switch (snapshot.connectionState) { case ConnectionState.none: return new Text("Not started"); case ConnectionState.waiting: return new Text("loading..."); default: if(snapshot.hasError) return new Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}'); else return createListView(context, snapshot); } } ); FutureBuilder

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25 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Navigation

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26 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Navigator.of(context).pop(true); Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/weather'); new MaterialApp( home: new ForecastScreen(), routes: { '/forecast': (BuildContext context) => new ForecastScreen(), '/weather' : (BuildContext context) => new WeatherScreen() }, ) Push / Pop

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27 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Dialog

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28 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 return new AlertDialog( title: new Text('Hey !'), content: new SingleChildScrollView( child: new ListBody( children: [ new Text('Good weather will come back one day.'), new Text('For real ;)'), ], ), ), actions: [ new FlatButton( child: new Text('OK'), onPressed: () { Navigator.of(context).pop(); }, ), ], ); AlertDialog

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29 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 AlertDialog

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30 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show defaultTargetPlatform; Detection iOS or Android if(defaultTargetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS) { showDialog(context: context, builder: _getiOSDialog); } else { showDialog(context: context, builder: _getAndroidDialog); }

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31 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 AlertDialog

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32 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 So ?

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33 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 First impressions ● Easy to set-up and start a projet ● Clear examples and documentation ● Dart : quick and easy to learn ● Dart + Android Studio = feels like coding native ;) ● A lot of Nested object for Layout ● Beta … missing a lot of options to be really cool (Navigation, widget...) ● Same display on iOS/Android (or manage it)

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34 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Native vs Flutter Flutter Native ● One codebase 2 platforms ● Use the same rendering engine than Native : Sia (performances) ● No access to OEM Widgets ● Access to all device feature easily ● Good performances ● IDE + debug tools ● More docs, samples, community

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35 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Flutter vs React Native

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36 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Flutter vs React Native

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37 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Flutter vs React Native Flutter React Native ● Dart vs javascript ● Quicker installation ● IDE + debug tools ● Use OEM widgets so it looks closer to native ● Separate View from logic ● Been around for some time so it’s still far more popular ● Less beta : more possibilities, samples… ● Share code with website as well

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38 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Bilan ● As a developer ○ Really attractive ○ Feels close to native coding ○ Good performances ● As a UX/UI ○ Closer to Android than iOS ○ Customizable ● As a client ○ Too Young (you feel the Beta)

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39 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Links ● Flutter documentation ● Package dependencies ● Widgets Catalog ● The magic of Flutter ● What’s revolutionary about Flutter

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40 Proprietary & Confidential | GDG Android - April 2018 Thank you.