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1 / 44 Efficient MCMC sampling via asymptotically exact data augmentation Maxime Vono Joint work with P. Chainais, N. Dobigeon, A. Doucet and D. Paulin S3 Seminar - The Paris-Saclay Signal Seminar December 11, 2020

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2 / 44 Bayesian inference1 θ : unknown object of interest y : available data (observations) Prior × Likelihood −→ Posterior θ ∼ π(θ) y|θ ∼ π(y|θ) θ|y ∼ π(θ|y) 1 Robert (2001) , Gelman et al. (2003)

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2 / 44 Bayesian inference θ : unknown object of interest y : available data (observations) E(θ|y) Cα 1 − α Bayesian estimators Credibility regions arg min δ L(δ, θ)π(θ|y)dθ Cα π(θ|y)dθ = 1 − α, α ∈ (0, 1)

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3 / 44 Monte Carlo integration4 h(θ)π(θ|y)dθ ≈ 1 N N n=1 h θ(n) , θ(n) ∼ π(θ|y) Numerous applications : inverse problems1 statistical machine learning2 aggregation of estimators3 1 Idier (2008) 2 Andrieu et al. (2003) 3 Dalalyan and Tsybakov (2012) 4 Robert and Casella (2004)

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3 / 44 Monte Carlo integration1 h(θ)π(θ|y)dθ ≈ 1 N N n=1 h θ(n) , θ(n) ∼ π(θ|y) Sampling challenges: − log π(θ|y) = b i=1 Ui (Ai θ) {Ui ; i ∈ [k]} non-smooth θ ∈ Rd with d 1 1 Robert and Casella (2004)

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4 / 44 Illustrative example: image inpainting y = Hθ + ε, ε ∼ N(0d , σ2Id ) π(θ) : TV prior1 Posterior π(θ|y) : not standard: no conjugacy not smooth: TV prior high-dimensional: d ∼ 105 1 Chambolle et al. (2010)

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5 / 44 Aim of this talk Present a general statistical framework to perform efficient sampling Seminal works: HMC1, (MY)ULA2 efficient & simple sampling scalability in high dimension scalability in big data settings 0 5000 10000 15000 Iteration t 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 ✓ N(0, 1) Random walk with = 1 1 Duane et al. (1987); Neal (2011); Maddison et al. (2018); Dang et al. (2019) 2 Roberts and Tweedie (1996); Pereyra (2016); Durmus et al. (2018); Luu et al. (2020)

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6 / 44 Outline 1. Asymptotically exact data augmentation (AXDA) 2. Theoretical guarantees for Gaussian smoothing 3. Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) 4. Convergence and complexity analyses 5. Experiments

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7 / 44 Outline 1. Asymptotically exact data augmentation (AXDA) 2. Theoretical guarantees for Gaussian smoothing 3. Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) 4. Convergence and complexity analyses 5. Experiments

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8 / 44 Data augmentation (DA) π(θ, z|y)dz = π(θ|y) Numerous well-known advantages: at the core of EM1 π(θ, z|y): simpler full conditionals2 better mixing3 z θ(t) π(θ(t)) Slice sampling 1 Hartley (1958); Dempster et al. (1977); Celeux et al. (2001) 2 Neal (2003) 3 Edwards and Sokal (1988); Marnissi et al. (2018)

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9 / 44 Example: Bayesian LASSO1 y = Xθ + ε, ε ∼ N(0d , σ2Id ) π(θ) ∝ e−τ θ 1 1 Park and Casella (2008)

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9 / 44 Example: Bayesian LASSO1 y = Xθ + ε, ε ∼ N(0d , σ2Id ) π(θ) ∝ e−τ θ 1 Surrogate: DA by exploiting the mixture representation π(θ) = d i=1 ∞ 0 N(θi |0, zi )E(zi |τ2)dzi 1 Park and Casella (2008)

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9 / 44 Example: Bayesian LASSO1 y = Xθ + ε, ε ∼ N(0d , σ2Id ) π(θ) ∝ e−τ θ 1 Surrogate: DA by exploiting the mixture representation π(θ) = d i=1 ∞ 0 N(θi |0, zi )E(zi |τ2)dzi Simple Gibbs sampling: π(θ|y, z1 , . . ., zd ) : Gaussian π(1/zi |θ) : Inverse-Gaussian 1 Park and Casella (2008)

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10 / 44 The art of data augmentation Unfortunately, satisfying π(θ, z|y)dz = π(θ|y) (1) while leading to efficient algorithms is a matter of art.1 1 van Dyk and Meng (2001)

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10 / 44 The art of data augmentation Unfortunately, satisfying π(θ, z|y)dz = π(θ|y) (1) while leading to efficient algorithms is a matter of art.1 Proposed approach: systematic & simple way to relax (1) leading to efficient algorithms πρ (θ, z|y)dz − − − → ρ→0 π(θ|y) 1 van Dyk and Meng (2001)

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10 / 44 The art of data augmentation Unfortunately, satisfying π(θ, z|y)dz = π(θ|y) (1) while leading to efficient algorithms is a matter of art.1 Proposed approach: systematic & simple way to relax (1) leading to efficient algorithms πρ (θ, z|y)dz − − − → ρ→0 π(θ|y) −→ How to build πρ (θ, z|y) ? 1 van Dyk and Meng (2001)

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11 / 44 On building πρ A natural manner to construct πρ is to define πρ (θ, z|y) = π(z|y)κρ (z, θ) where κρ (·, θ) weak − − − → ρ−→0 δθ (·) θ z 0 2 4 6 8 κρ (z; θ) ρ = 0.05 ρ = 0.1 ρ = 0.2 ρ = 0.3

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11 / 44 On building πρ A natural manner to construct πρ is to define πρ (θ, z|y) = π(z|y)κρ (z, θ) where κρ (·, θ) weak − − − → ρ−→0 δθ (·) θ z 0 2 4 6 8 κρ (z; θ) ρ = 0.05 ρ = 0.1 ρ = 0.2 ρ = 0.3 Divide to conquer generalization: π(θ|y) ∝ b i=1 πi (Ai θ|yi ) −→ πρ (θ, z1:b |y) ∝ b i=1 πi (zi |yi )κρ (zi , Ai θ)

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12 / 44 Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) π(θ|y) ∝ b i=1 πi (Ai θ|yi ) −→ πρ (θ, z1:b |y) ∝ b i=1 πi (zi |yi )κρ (zi , Ai θ) Algorithm 1: Split Gibbs Sampler (SGS) 1 for t ← 1 to T do 2 for i ← 1 to b do 3 z(t) i ∼ πi (zi |yi )κρ (zi , Ai θ) 4 end 5 θ(t) ∼ b i=1 κρ (zi , Ai θ) 6 end Divide-to-conquer : b simpler steps −→ πi (zi |yi ) b local steps −→ yi

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13 / 44 Kernel choice : κρ (z, θ) ∝ ρ−dK(z−θ ρ ) name support K(u) Gaussian R 1 √ 2π exp −u2/2 Cauchy R 1 π(1+u2) Laplace R 1 2 exp (−|u|) Dirichlet R sin2(u) πu2 Uniform [−1, 1] 1 2 1 |u|≤1 Triangular [−1, 1] (1 − |u|)1 |u|≤1 Epanechnikov [−1, 1] 3 4 (1 − u2)1 |u|≤1 −4 0 4 u 0 1 K(u) K(0) Gaussian Cauchy Laplace Dirichlet −1 0 1 u 0 1 K(u) K(0) Uniform Triangular Epanechnikov −→ Similarity with “noisy” ABC methods (Marin et al. 2012; Wilkinson 2013)

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13 / 44 Kernel choice : κρ (z, θ) ∝ ρ−dK(z−θ ρ ) name support K(u) Gaussian R 1 √ 2π exp −u2/2 Cauchy R 1 π(1+u2) Laplace R 1 2 exp (−|u|) Dirichlet R sin2(u) πu2 Uniform [−1, 1] 1 2 1 |u|≤1 Triangular [−1, 1] (1 − |u|)1 |u|≤1 Epanechnikov [−1, 1] 3 4 (1 − u2)1 |u|≤1 −4 0 4 u 0 1 K(u) K(0) Gaussian Cauchy Laplace Dirichlet −1 0 1 u 0 1 K(u) K(0) Uniform Triangular Epanechnikov −→ Similarity with “noisy” ABC methods (Marin et al. 2012; Wilkinson 2013)

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14 / 44 Outline 1. Asymptotically exact data augmentation (AXDA) 2. Theoretical guarantees for Gaussian smoothing 3. Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) 4. Convergence and complexity analyses 5. Experiments

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15 / 44 Densities with full domains We assume here that supp(π) = Rd. π(θ|y) ∝ b i=1 e−Ui(Aiθ) πi(Aiθ) Distance Main assumptions Upper bound πρ − π TV Ui Li -Lipschitz b i=1 2 di Li + o(ρ) U1 M1 -smooth, b = 1 1 2 M1 d Ui Mi -smooth & strongly convex 1 2 b i=1 Mi di + o(ρ2) W1 (πρ , π) U1 M1 -smooth & strongly convex min √ d, 1 2 √ M1 d b = 1, A1 = Id

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15 / 44 Densities with full domains π(θ|y) ∝ b i=1 e−Ui(Aiθ) πi(Aiθ) πρ (θ|y) ∝ b i=1 Rdi e−Ui(zi) πi(zi) N zi |Ai θ, ρ2Id κρ(zi,Aiθ) dzi Distance Main assumptions Upper bound πρ − π TV Ui Li -Lipschitz b i=1 2 di Li + o(ρ) U1 M1 -smooth, b = 1 1 2 M1 d Ui Mi -smooth & strongly convex 1 2 b i=1 Mi di + o(ρ2) W1 (πρ , π) U1 M1 -smooth & strongly convex min √ d, 1 2 √ M1 d b = 1, A = I

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15 / 44 Densities with full domains πρ (θ|y) ∝ b i=1 Rdi e−Ui(zi) πi(zi) N zi |Ai θ, ρ2Id κρ(zi,Aiθ) dzi Distance Upper bound Main assumptions πρ − π TV ρ b i=1 2 di Li + o(ρ) Ui Li -Lipschitz 1 2 ρ2M1 d U1 M1 -smooth, b = 1 1 2 ρ2 b i=1 Mi di + o(ρ2) Ui Mi -smooth & strongly convex W1 (πρ , π) min ρ √ d, 1 2 ρ2 √ M1 d U1 M1 -smooth & strongly convex b = 1, A1 = Id

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15 / 44 Densities with full domains Illustration of these bounds for an univariate Gaussian toy example with b = 1 and U1 (θ) = θ2 2σ2 : π(θ) = 1 √ 2πσ2 e− θ2 2σ2 πρ (θ) = 1 2π(σ2 + ρ2) e− θ2 2(σ2+ρ2) 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 ρ 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 π − πρ TV Our bound Cρ2 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 ρ 10−5 10−3 10−1 101 103 W1 (π, πρ ) Upper bound Cρ2

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16 / 44 Uniform prior densities on compact convex sets1 π has bounded support: supp(π) = K, where K ⊂ Rd is a convex body. π(θ) ∝ e−ιK(θ), ιK (θ) = 0 if θ ∈ K ∞ if θ / ∈ K πρ (θ) ∝ Rd e−ιK(z)− z−θ 2 2ρ2 dz H1. There exists r > 0 such that B(0d , r) ⊂ K. For ρ ∈ 0, r 2 √ 2d , πρ − π TV ≤ 2 √ 2ρd r r K B(0d , r) 1 Gelfand et al. (1992); Bubeck et al. (2015); Brosse et al. (2017); Hsieh et al. (2018)

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17 / 44 Outline 1. Asymptotically exact data augmentation (AXDA) 2. Theoretical guarantees for Gaussian smoothing 3. Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) 4. Convergence and complexity analyses 5. Experiments

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18 / 44 Sampling problem π(θ|y) ∝ b i=1 e−Ui(Aiθ) πi(Aiθ) Ai ∈ Rdi×d Ui depends on yi

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18 / 44 Sampling problem π(θ|y) ∝ b i=1 e−Ui(Aiθ) πi(Aiθ) Ai ∈ Rdi×d Ui depends on yi Example: Bayesian logistic regression with Gaussian prior π(θ|y) ∝ e−τ||θ||2 prior n i=1 e−logistic(xT i θ;yi) likelihood not standard high-dimensional possibly distributed data {yi , xi }i∈[n]

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19 / 44 Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) πρ (θ, z1:b |y) ∝ b i=1 e−Ui(zi)κρ (zi , Ai θ) Algorithm 2: Split Gibbs Sampler (SGS) 1 for t ← 1 to T do 2 for i ← 1 to b do 3 z(t) i ∼ πρ (zi |θ(t−1), yi ) ∝ exp −Ui (zi ) − 1 2ρ2 zi − Ai θ 2 4 end 5 θ(t) ∼ πρ (θ|z(t) 1:b ) ∝ b i=1 N z(t) i |Ai θ, ρ2Id 6 end Divide-to-conquer : • b simpler steps −→ Ui (zi ) • b local steps −→ yi

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19 / 44 Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) πρ (θ, z1:b |y) ∝ b i=1 e−Ui(zi)N zi |Ai θ, ρ2Id Algorithm 3: Split Gibbs Sampler (SGS) 1 for t ← 1 to T do 2 for i ← 1 to b do 3 z(t) i ∼ πρ (zi |θ(t−1), yi ) ∝ exp −Ui (zi ) − 1 2ρ2 zi − Ai θ 2 4 end 5 θ(t) ∼ πρ (θ|z(t) 1:b ) ∝ b i=1 N z(t) i |Ai θ, ρ2Id 6 end Divide-to-conquer : • b simpler steps −→ Ui (zi ) • b local steps −→ yi

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19 / 44 Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) πρ (θ, z1:b |y) ∝ b i=1 e−Ui(zi)N zi |Ai θ, ρ2Id Algorithm 1: Split Gibbs Sampler (SGS) 1 for t ← 1 to T do 2 for i ← 1 to b do 3 z(t) i ∼ πρ (zi |θ(t−1), yi ) ∝ exp −Ui (zi ) − 1 2ρ2 zi − Ai θ 2 4 end 5 θ(t) ∼ πρ (θ|z(t) 1:b ) ∝ b i=1 N z(t) i |Ai θ, ρ2Id 6 end Divide-to-conquer : b simpler steps −→ Ui (zi ) b local steps −→ yi

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20 / 44 On the scalability in distributed environments1 θ yi i ∈ [n] θ z1 y1 . . . zi yi . . . zb yb . . . . . . → Each latent variable zi depends on the subset of observations yi 1 For a comprehensive review, see the work by Rendell et al. (2020)

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21 / 44 Sampling efficiently the auxiliary variables {zi }i∈[b] Rejection sampling1 πρ zi |θ(t−1), y i ∝ exp −Ui (zi ) − 1 2ρ2 zi − Ai θ 2 If Ui convex & smooth and ρ ≤ ¯ ρ with ¯ ρ = O(1/di ): exact sampling by rejection sampling with O(1) evals of Ui and ∇Ui . 1 Gilks and Wild (1992)

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21 / 44 Sampling efficiently the auxiliary variables {zi }i∈[b] Rejection sampling1 πρ zi |θ(t−1), y i ∝ exp −Ui (zi ) − 1 2ρ2 zi − Ai θ 2 If Ui convex & smooth and ρ ≤ ¯ ρ with ¯ ρ = O(1/di ): exact sampling by rejection sampling with O(1) evals of Ui and ∇Ui . ρ = 4.49 πρ (zi |θ) qρ (zi |θ) ρ = 2.46 πρ (zi |θ) qρ (zi |θ) ρ = 1.27 πρ (zi |θ) qρ (zi |θ) Here Ui (zi ) = yi zi + log(1 + e−zi ) + αz2 i 2 1 Gilks and Wild (1992)

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22 / 44 Sampling efficiently the master parameter θ High-dimensional Gaussian sampling1 πρ (θ|z(t) 1:b ) ∝ b i=1 N z(t) i |Ai θ, ρ2Id Main difficulty: Handling the high-dimensional matrix Q = b i=1 AT i Ai . 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 −40 −20 0 20 40 −→ Numerous efficient sampling approaches have been proposed by building on numerical linear algebra techniques. 1 For a recent overview, see the work by Vono et al. (2020)

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23 / 44 Comparison with the Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm When SGS meets ULA In the single splitting case (b = 1) with A1 = Id , SGS writes 1. Sample z(t) ∼ πρ (z|θ(t)) ∝ exp −U(z) − z−θ(t) 2 2ρ2 2. Sample θ(t+1) ∼ N(z(t), ρ2Id ). By Taylor’s expansion, when ρ → 0, we have: θ(t+1) ∼ N(θ(t)−ρ2∇U(θ(t)), 2ρ2Id ) −→ one ULA step wih stepsize γ = ρ2.

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24 / 44 Comparison with the Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm Bias comparison1 Distance Upper bound Main assumptions πρ − π TV 1 2 ρ2M1 d M-smooth πULA − π TV √ 2Md · ρ M-smooth & convex W1 (πρ , π) min ρ √ d, 1 2 ρ2 √ Md M-smooth, m-strongly convex W1 (πULA , π) 2M m d · ρ M-smooth, m-strongly convex −→ Higher order approximation based on the explicit form of πρ . 1 Durmus et al. (2019)

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25 / 44 Relation with quadratic penalty methods MAP estimation under each full conditional of πρ (θ, z1:b |y) ∝ b i=1 exp −Ui (zi ) − 1 2ρ2 zi − Ai θ 2 (2) yields at iteration t z(t) i = arg min zi Ui (zi ) + 1 2ρ2 zi − Ai θ(t−1) 2 , ∀i ∈ [b] θ(t) = arg min θ b i=1 1 2ρ2 z(t) i − Ai θ 2 → Steps involved in quadratic penalty methods

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26 / 44 Outline 1. Asymptotically exact data augmentation (AXDA) 2. Theoretical guarantees for Gaussian smoothing 3. Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) 4. Convergence and complexity analyses 5. Experiments

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27 / 44 Mixing times How many SGS iterations should I run to obtain a sample from π? This question can be answered by giving an upper bound on the so-called -mixing time: tmix ( ; ν) = min t ≥ 0 D(νPt SGS , π) ≤ , where > 0, ν is an initial distibution, PSGS is the Markov kernel of SGS and D is a statistical distance. −→ We are here interested in providing explicit bounds w.r.t. d, and regularity constants associated to U.

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28 / 44 Explicit convergence rates Assumptions : Ai = Id and Ui mi -strongly convex for i ∈ [b] W1 (νPt SGS , πρ ) ≤ W1 (ν, πρ ) · (1 − KSGS )t νPt SGS − πρ TV ≤ Varπρ dν dπρ · (1 − KSGS )t, where KSGS = ρ2 b b i=1 mi 1 + mi ρ2 , ν init., PSGS Markov kernel of SGS 0 20 40 60 80 100 Iteration t −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 ρ = 1 log νPt SGS − πρ TV Our bound 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iteration t −20 −15 −10 −5 0 ρ = 0.1 log W1 (δθ0 Pt SGS , πρ ) Our bound

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29 / 44 Explicit guidelines for practitioners Single splitting case π(θ|y) ∝ e−U(θ) πρ (θ, z|y) ∝ e−U(z)N(z|θ, ρ2Id ) 1. Set ∈ (0, 1) 2. Set ρ2 = dM , M: Lipschitz constant of ∇U 3. Start from ν(θ) = N θ|θ , M−1Id 4. Run T iterations of SGS with T = C( , d) KSGS Then, νPT SGS − π TV ≤ −4 −2 0 2 4 aT θ a 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Exact - d = 60 −4 −2 0 2 4 aT θ a 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 SGS - d = 60

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30 / 44 Complexity results for strongly log-concave densities 1-Wasserstein distance Assumptions: U is M-smooth & m-strongly convex, κ = M/m starting point: minimizer θ of U Method Condition on Evals for W1 err. √ d √ m Unadjusted Langevin 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(κ2/ 2) Underdamped Langevin 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(κ2/ ) Underdamped Langevin 0 < ≤ 1/ √ κ O∗(κ3/2/ ) Hamiltonian Dynamics 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(κ3/2/ ) SGS with single splitting 0 < ≤ 1/(d √ κ) O∗(κ1/2/ ) → For small , the rate of the SGS improves upon previous works.

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31 / 44 Complexity results for strongly log-concave densities Total variation distance Assumptions: U is M-smooth & m-strongly convex, κ = M/m starting point θ(0) ∼ N(θ; θ , Id /M) Method Validity Evals ULA 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(κ2d3/ 2) MALA 0 < ≤ 1 O(κ2d2 log1.5( κ 1/d )) SGS 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(κd2/ ) 101 102 103 d 103 104 105 106 107 tmix ( ; ν) Total variation distance theoretical slope = 2 SGS, slope = 1.04 (± 0.02) 102 103 log(2/ )/ 102 103 104 tmix ( ; ν) Total variation distance theoretical slope = 1 SGS, slope = 1.06 (± 0.04)

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32 / 44 Complexity results for log-concave densities Total variation distance Idea: Replace each potential Ui by a strongly-convex approximation: ˜ U(θ) = b i=1 Ui (Ai θ) + λ 2 θ − θ 2 By using results from Dalalyan (2017) , the triangle inequality and our previous bounds, we have: Method Validity Evals ULA 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(M2d3/ 4) MRW 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(M2d3/ 2) SGS 0 < ≤ 1 O∗(Md3/ 2) → Our complexity results improve upon that of ULA and MRW.

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33 / 44 Outline 1. Asymptotically exact data augmentation (AXDA) 2. Theoretical guarantees for Gaussian smoothing 3. Split Gibbs sampler (SGS) 4. Convergence and complexity analyses 5. Experiments

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34 / 44 Unsupervised image deconvolution with a smooth prior Problem statement y = Bθ + ε, ε ∼ N(0d , Ω−1) π(θ) = N 0d , γLT L −1 , B: circulant matrix w.r.t. a blurring kernel Ω−1 = diag(σ2 1 , . . . , σ2 d ), σi ∼ (1 − β)δκ1 + βδκ2 , where κ1 κ2 L: circulant matrix w.r.t. a Laplacian filter Posterior π(θ|y): Gaussian w/ Q = BT ΩB + γLT L challenging: Q cannot be diagonalized easily high-dimensional: d ∼ 105 Observed Original

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35 / 44 Unsupervised image deconvolution with a smooth prior AXDA approximation and SGS π(θ|y, σ, κ1 , κ2 , β, γ) ∝ exp − 1 2 (Bθ − y)T Ω(Bθ − y) + γ Lθ 2 Approximate joint posterior : πρ (θ, z|y, σ, κ1 , κ2 , β, γ) ∝ exp − 1 2 (z − y)T Ω(z − y) + γ Lθ 2 + 1 ρ2 z − Bθ 2 .

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35 / 44 Unsupervised image deconvolution with a smooth prior AXDA approximation and SGS π(θ|y, σ, κ1 , κ2 , β, γ) ∝ exp − 1 2 (Bθ − y)T Ω(Bθ − y) + γ Lθ 2 Approximate joint posterior : πρ (θ, z|y, σ, κ1 , κ2 , β, γ) ∝ exp − 1 2 (z − y)T Ω(z − y) + γ Lθ 2 + 1 ρ2 z − Bθ 2 . Sampling θ : πρ (θ|z, γ) : Gaussian distribution with Qθ = 1 ρ2 BT B + γLT L

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35 / 44 Unsupervised image deconvolution with a smooth prior AXDA approximation and SGS π(θ|y, σ, κ1 , κ2 , β, γ) ∝ exp − 1 2 (Bθ − y)T Ω(Bθ − y) + γ Lθ 2 Approximate joint posterior : πρ (θ, z|y, σ, κ1 , κ2 , β, γ) ∝ exp − 1 2 (z − y)T Ω(z − y) + γ Lθ 2 + 1 ρ2 z − Bθ 2 . Sampling θ : πρ (θ|z, γ) : Gaussian distribution with Qθ = 1 ρ2 BT B + γLT L Sampling {zi }i∈[d] : πρ (z|θ, y, σ, κ1 , κ2 , β) : Gaussian distribution with Qz = 1 ρ2 Id + Ω

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36 / 44 Unsupervised image deconvolution with a smooth prior Restoration results with the MMSE estimator Original Observed MMSE under π Rel. error = 0.004 MMSE under πρ method SNR (dB) PSNR (dB) SGS 17.57 22.92 AuxV1 17.57 22.92 AuxV2 17.58 22.93 RJPO 17.57 22.91

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37 / 44 Unsupervised image deconvolution with a smooth prior Convergence diagnotics of the MCMC samplers 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iteration t 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 γ[t] SGS AuxV1 AuxV2 RJPO 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iteration t 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 β[t] SGS AuxV1 AuxV2 RJPO True value 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iteration t 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 κ[t] 1 SGS AuxV1 AuxV2 RJPO True value 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iteration t 36 38 40 42 44 κ[t] 2 SGS AuxV1 AuxV2 RJPO True value

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38 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior Problem statement and challenges y = Hθ + ε, ε ∼ N(0d , σ2Id ) π(θ) : TV prior H: decimation matrix associated to a binary mask TV(θ) = τ 1≤i≤d Di θ Di θ: 2D discrete gradient applied at pixel i of θ Posterior π(θ|y) : not standard : no conjugacy not smooth : TV prior high-dimensional : d ∼ 105

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39 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior Possible surrogate: MYULA1 π(θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ Diθ π(θ) Approximate posterior : πλ (θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In e−Mλ[T V ](θ) 1 Durmus et al. (2018)

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39 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior Possible surrogate: MYULA1 π(θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ Diθ π(θ) Approximate posterior : πλ (θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In e−Mλ[T V ](θ) MYULA : θ(t+1) ∼ N 1 − λ γ θ(t) + λ∇ log π(y|θ(t)) + λ γ proxγ TV (θ(t)), 2γId 1 Durmus et al. (2018)

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39 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior Possible surrogate: MYULA1 π(θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ Diθ π(θ) Approximate posterior : πλ (θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In e−Mλ[T V ](θ) MYULA : θ(t+1) ∼ N 1 − λ γ θ(t) + λ∇ log π(y|θ(t)) + λ γ proxγ TV (θ(t)), 2γId No closed-form for proxTV : −→ additional approximation −→ computational burden 1 Durmus et al. (2018)

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40 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior AXDA approximation and SGS π(θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ Diθ π(θ) Approximate joint posterior : πρ (θ, z1:d |y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ zi N(zi |Di θ, ρ2Id )

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40 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior AXDA approximation and SGS π(θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ Diθ π(θ) Approximate joint posterior : πρ (θ, z1:d |y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ zi N(zi |Di θ, ρ2Id ) Sampling θ : πρ (θ|z1:d , y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 N(zi |Di θ, ρ2Id )

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40 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior AXDA approximation and SGS π(θ|y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ Diθ π(θ) Approximate joint posterior : πρ (θ, z1:d |y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 e−τ zi N(zi |Di θ, ρ2Id ) Sampling θ : πρ (θ|z1:d , y) ∝ N y|Hθ, σ2In d i=1 N(zi |Di θ, ρ2Id ) Sampling {zi }i∈[d] : πρ (zi |θ) ∝ e−τ zi N(zi |Di θ, ρ2Id ) −→ DA applied to e−τ zi : Gaussian and Inverse Gaussian conditionals

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41 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior Highest posterior density regions C α = {θ ∈ Rd | π(θ|y) ≥ e−γα }, Cα π(θ|y)dθ = 1 − α 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 α 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 |˜ γα −γα | γα ×10−3 SGS MYULA −→ Relative error of the order 0.1%

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42 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior Sampling efficiency U(θ) = − log π(θ|y) 100 101 102 103 104 105 Iteration t 106 107 108 U(θ) SGS MYULA 104 105 Iteration t 1.65 × 105 1.66 × 105 1.67 × 105 1.68 × 105 1.69 × 105 1.7 × 105 U(θ) SGS MYULA −→ Faster convergence towards high probability regions

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42 / 44 Image inpainting with non-smooth prior Sampling efficiency ESSR: effective sample size ratio T1 : CPU time in seconds to draw one sample method ESSR T1 [seconds] SGS 0.22 3.83 MYULA 0.15 4.22 −→ ESSR improved by 47%

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43 / 44 Conclusion Broad and simple approximate statistical framework • Multiple convolutions with smoothing kernels • Related to Approximate Bayesian Computation • Rich interpretation from both simulation and optimisation • Theoretical guarantees Efficient sampling based on AXDA • Parallel and simple Gibbs sampling • Explicit convergence rates and mixing times • State-of-the-art performances on image processing problems Perspectives • Convergence and complexity analyses for Metropolis-within-SGS • Distributed and asynchronous sampling • Applications to challenging machine and deep learning problems • Comparison with stochastic gradient MCMC

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