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Ensemble of GANs as a Data Augmentation Technique for Alzheimer research by Raul Pino PyCon Italia 2023

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Designing and Developing your own Capstone Project by Raul Pino PyCon Italia 2023

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Using PyTorch to Generate Demented Brains by Raul Pino PyCon Italia 2023

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● Alzheimer, motivation, and research. ● Capstone project: Idea + value added + metrics. ● Bases: ○ Intro to Deep Learning. ○ Original DCGAN paper. ○ Ensembles of GANs paper. ● Solution & Demo: ○ Dataset exploration. ○ GAN base architecture. ○ Ensemble techniques implementation. ○ Results. ● Takeaways & beyond. Agenda

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About me ● Born in Venezuela. ● +10 years of exp as Software Engineer & AI enthusiast (ML Eng recently). ● Living in Chile. ○ Elementus - uBiome - Groupon. ● <3 AI, Coffee, Scuba Diving, …

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Alzheimer, motivation & research ● Data scarcity. ● Anonymization. ● Sampling Bias. ● Art & awareness. ● Most common case of dementia. ● Neurodegenerative, loss of neurons. ● Difficult diagnosis. ● No cure.

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Capstone project: idea + value added + metrics Deep Learning & Machine Learning Engineer programs. ● Something related to Alzheimer? Datasets? ● Background research? Previous work? ● Anything new? Any papers? Any interesting mix? ○ Ensembles of GANs? #wat? ● Any metrics to test solution?

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Basics: Intro Deep Learning Neural Network on structured data like a csv.

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Basics: Intro Deep Learning Neural Network on structured data like a csv.

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Basics: Intro Deep Learning Neural Network on structured data like a csv.

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Basics: Intro Deep Learning Unstructured data like an img. (But what is a neural network? | Chapter 1, Deep learning - 3Blue1Brown)

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Basics: Intro Deep Learning Supervised Learning

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Basics: GANs & DCGAN Paper Unsupervised Learning

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Basics: GANs & DCGAN Paper Architecture guidelines for stable Deep Convolutional GANs: ● Replace any pooling layers with strided convolutions (discriminator) and fractional-strided convolutions (generator). ● Use batchnorm in both the generator and the discriminator. ● Remove fully connected hidden layers for deeper architectures. ● Use ReLU activation in generator for all layers except for the output, which uses Tanh. ● Use LeakyReLU activation in the discriminator for all layers. .

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Basics: Ensembles of GANs Ensemble learners - Udacity

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Suggest three different training techniques: ● Standard Ensemble of GANs (eGANs). ● Self-ensemble of GANs (seGANs). ● Cascade of GANs (cGANs). Basics: Ensembles of GANs

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Standard Ensemble of GANs (eGANs) Basics: Ensembles of GANs

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Self-ensemble of GANs (seGANs) Basics: Ensembles of GANs

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Cascade of GANs (cGANs) Basics: Ensembles of GANs

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Solution & Demo: Dataset exploration Go to

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Solution & Demo: GAN base architecture Go to

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Solution & Demo: Ensemble techniques implementation Go to

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Solution & Demo: Dataset exploration Go to

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Takeaways & beyond Stable Diffusion Midjourney v5 01 Brain Imaging Generation with Latent Diffusion Models 02

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Resources ● Ensemble of Generative Adversarial Networks as a Data Augmentation Technique for Alzheimer research ● Hello Future (2022) Generative AI: a new approach to overcome data scarcity. ● 3Blue1Brown: “But what is a neural network? | Chapter 1, Deep learning” - ● Ian Good fellow at Lex Fridman Podcast (2019) Ian Goodfellow: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | Lex Fridman Podcast #19. ● Martin Heusel, Hubert Ramsauer, Thomas Unterthiner, Bernhard Nessler, and Sepp Hochreiter (2018) GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium. ● Kaggle (2019) Alzheimer's Dataset ( 4 class of Images) - Images of MRI Segementation. ● Kaggle (2020) I'm Something of a Painter Myself: Use GANs to create art - will you be the next Monet?. ● Can Kocagil (2021) DCGAN paper implementation using PyTorch to generate faces. ● Steven Lang (2021) FID score for PyTorch. ● Udacity Ensembles learners

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“mri happy brain“ Grazie