Slide 32
Slide 32 text
“That? The Girl does that.”
“We don’t need to be running all
that fancy digital stuff. We need
to hire some REAL LIBRARIANS.”
“Para{professional|legal} work.”
Remember the skeevy gross echoes I was talking about? It’s the ignorant-like-a-fox folks
who do like ninety percent of the damage here, I really believe that!
‘Cos you see, the ignorant-like-a-fox folks will write job ads for Purple Squirrels, and they’ll
hire ’em, sure, because they need ’em, but THESE are the ones who have a way of not
thinking of Purple Squirrels as fellow professionals, much less colleagues, and yeah, sure,
they’ll talk smack about Purple Squirrels behind their back because hey, not Real Lawyers or
Real Librarians, right?
And that’s the gross, skeevy, insidious thing about this. A thing foxes refuse to do, often
because they can’t, they refuse to respect or reward other people for doing. Take social
media. A fox might “dabble” in social media, and then write snide editorials about it.
Someone the fox respects might be “engaged” with social media. Purple Squirrels? What’s the
word in those snide editorials? Oh, yeah, I’m hearing it -- “obsessed.” I dabble, you engage
-- they’re obsessed.