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Supporting keyboard navigation with Compose DroidKaigi 2024 Tiphaine Handling navigation focus in 2024

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2 Tiphaine ● Android engineer @ DeNA (Pococha) ● DroidKaigi volunteer staff ● Mobile Dev Japan co-organizer

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3 Slides & Video: It's 2021, let's support accessibility (Japanese only) Better late than never ✌🤠✌ Today is a sequel to this talk

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4 01 Introduction to Focus Common Problems 02 Focus in Compose 03

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01 5 Introduction to Focus

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8 Focus Navigation

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9 ● Alternative way to interact with a smartphone without using the touch screen ● Move through the UI one element at a time Focus Navigation Focus Elements Ref: Google Play Store

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Focus Focus 10 ● Current position in the UI ● Can only interact with this element ● Element will have some visual changes when focused Ref: Google Play Store

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Focus 11 ● Accessibility Focus ≠ Navigation Focus ● Navigation Focus is sometimes called “Keyboard Navigation” ● Both focuses are Focus Navigation variants 😵💫 Focus Types

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12 Differences between focuses

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Don’t touch the screen 👋 👀 Don’t see the screen 13 Navigation Focus Accessibility Focus

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Only actionable elements All elements Navigation Focus Accessibility Focus 14

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focusable attribute importantForAccessibility and focusable attributes 15 Only actionable elements All elements Navigation Focus Accessibility Focus

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Keyboard, Switch Access, D-pad (arrow keys)… Screen readers like TalkBack 16 focusable attribute importantForAccessibility and focusable attributes Only actionable elements All elements Navigation Focus Accessibility Focus

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17 ● Hardware keyboard (tablets, Chromebooks) ● On-screen keyboard (soft input keyboard) Image: Sergi Kabrera Devices for Nav Focus

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18 ● TV remote controller ● Smartwatches rotating bezel ● Game controller ● Switch Access Image: Erik Mclean Devices for Nav Focus

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19 Changeable indicator Only one default indicator Keyboard, Switch Access, D-pad (arrow keys)… Screen readers like TalkBack focusable attribute importantForAccessibility and focusable attributes Only actionable elements All elements Navigation Focus Accessibility Focus

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20 Focus indicator Navigation Focus Accessibility Focus

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21 Due to the time restriction, today’s focus will be Nav Focus (🥶)

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22 For more info on Accessibility Focus, check out my 2021 talk 💁 Slides & Video: It's 2021, let's support accessibility (Japanese only)

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23 Types of navigation (relying on Nav Focus)

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24 ● Using a D-pad (directional pad) or arrow keys ● Two-dimensional navigation ● Focus goes up, down, left, or right Directional Navigation

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25 ● Using “tab” key or Switch Access ● One-dimensional navigation (forward or backward) ● Focus follows the order in which elements appear in the layout Tab Navigation 1 2 3

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26 Focus Navigation Accessibility Focus Navigation Focus Directional Navigation Tab Navigation

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01 27 Introduction to Focus Common Problems Focus in Compose 02 03 Introduction to Focus

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02 28 Common Problems

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1/3 29 Can all actions be done?

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30 ● Make actionable elements focusable (if you don’t use OnClickListener) // Also focusable with // Accessibility Focus android:focusable="true" Handle click actions

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myView.setOnLongClickListener { // Do something true } 31 Can’t reach the view 🥲

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myView.setOnLongClickListener { // Do something true } // Set this for any listener 
 // except setOnClickListener⚠ myView.isFocusable = true 32

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33 How about gesture-based actions? 🤔

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34 Focusable, but nothing happens 😢 true } myView.isFocusable = true view.performClick() myView.setOnTouchListener { view, event -> // Do something with the event

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35 ● Nav Focus can’t trigger OnTouchListener 😣 ● Need a different way to detect input events 👉 Listen to KeyEvents instead Handle gesture-based actions

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myView.setOnKeyListener { view, keyCode, event -> 36 } // Choose which one(s) you want to support KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, ... -> { // Do something true } else -> false when (keyCode) { Ref: Android Developers }

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myView.setOnKeyListener { view, keyCode, event -> } when (keyCode) { } 37 Don’t forget to parse duplicate events ⚠ when (keyCode) { ... } // The same event will come several times if (event.action != KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { return@setOnKeyListener false }

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override fun onKeyUp(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent?)
 : Boolean { } return when (keyCode) { KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER -> performClick() else -> ... } 38 Use this instead for custom Views 🚀

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39 Is it easy to use and navigate the app? 2/3

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40 ● Skip non-interactive elements ● Wait for an action to initiate changes // Skip this View android:focusable=“false” Meet the user’s expectations

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41 ● Make sure the focus can always be removed ● Verify the Esc key allows to move away ● Double check your WebViews, scrolls and drop-down lists Prevent keyboard traps

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42 Try to test on different manufacturers 😇

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43 ● Keep the flow logical and consistent // Tab navigation
 android:nextFocusForward=“@id/...” // Directional navigation // Can also set up, down and left android:nextFocusRight=“@id/...” Maintain the expected flow

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44 Facilitate navigation Ref: Android Developers // Available from API 26+ android:keyboardNavigationCluster ● Group elements with clusters 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 Main content Bottom nav bar Top tabs

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45 ● Request the focus when the start is obvious // Available from API 26+ // Won’t show on-screen keyboard Facilitate navigation

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46 Ref: Alex Zlatkus Start here instead

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47 Is the focus always visible? 3/3

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48 ● Ensure the focus is visible ● Customize the indicator color and/or shape when necessary Don’t let the user get lost Ref: Google Play Store app in 2021

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Customize the indicator: whole app 49 ... <item name="colorControlHighlight">...</item> Customize the indicator

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50 ... Customize the indicator: single View ᶃ Customize the indicator: single View Customize the indicator

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51 Customize the indicator: single View ᶄ Customize the indicator: single View Customize the indicator

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// Set click effect as state_pressed in selector 52 Customize the indicator: single View ᶅ Customize the indicator: single View Customize the indicator

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53 I will talk about on-screen keyboard another time… 🥲

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01 54 Introduction to Focus Common Problems Focus in Compose 02 03 Introduction to Focus Common Problems

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03 55 Focus in Compose

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56 Compose specificities

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57 ● Focus follows the declaration order of Composables ● Priorities goes to elements inside the same level Tab Navigation flow // Level ᶃ // Level ᶄ // Level ᶄ Column { Row { Row { } } } ... ...

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58 CustomButton("1") CustomButton("2") CustomButton("3") CustomButton("4") Column { } Row { Row { } }

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59 Row { Column { } Column { } } CustomButton("1") CustomButton("2") CustomButton("3") CustomButton("4")

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60 Modifier order matters 🧐

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61 Handling actions (in Compose)

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Modifier.focusable() 62 ● Need to provide a focus indicator and handle the displaying logic by yourself 😭 Make the element focusable

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63 Modifier var color by remember { .focusable() mutableStateOf(transparent) } // Modifier of your Composable Must set focusable as the last Modifier ⚠

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64 Modifier .border(5.dp, indicatorColor) .onFocusChanged { focusState -> } color = if (focusState.isFocused) { black } else { transparent } var color by remember { ...} .focusable() 🎉

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65 Modifier.clickable { // Do something } ● With this Modifier, the Composable will automatically become focusable Handle click actions

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66 👀 How about other actionsʁ

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67 Handle other actions 👉 Listen to KeyEvents instead (Again) ● Can’t trigger anything (including long click) 😢

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68 Listen to KeyEvents Modifier.onPreviewKeyEvent {} Modifier.onKeyEvent {} // Parent callback is invoked first // Start from children callback

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69 Modifier.onKeyEvent { keyEvent -> } when (keyEvent.key) { Modifier.onKeyEvent Key.Enter -> { // Do something true } else -> false }

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70 // Parse duplicates if (keyEvent.type != KeyEventType.KeyUp) { return@onPreviewKeyEvent false } when (keyEvent.key) { } when (keyEvent.key) { ... } Modifier.onKeyEvent { keyEvent -> } Modifier.onKeyEvent

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71 Controls & Navigation (in Compose)

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● Can still be clicked in TouchMode 👋 72 Modifier.focusProperties { Skip an element canFocus = false }

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73 Change the flow - Tab Navigation Modifier.focusProperties { } next = } previous = ... ... ● Use FocusProperties with FocusRequester Change the flow

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74 val (first, second) = remember { FocusRequester.createRefs() }

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Modifier 75 val (first, second) = remember { FocusRequester.createRefs() } first // First Composable // Second Composable (Destination) Modifier.focusRequester( ) ) second .focusRequester(

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76 val (first, second) = remember { FocusRequester.createRefs() } Modifier .focusProperties { } second next = first) .focusRequester(

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77 // Won’t be used The top most Modifier wins ⚠ Modifier .focusProperties { } .focusProperties { previous = second } next = second

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78 Modifier.focusProperties { left = ... right = ... up = ... down = ... } Change the flow - Directional Nav Change the flow

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79 val focusManager = LocalFocusManager.current Move the focus focusManager.moveFocus( ) FocusDirection.Down // Go to the nearest focusable Composable // Direction you want the focus to go

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80 ● Go wherever you want (as long as it’s focusable) val requester = remember { FocusRequester() } requester.requestFocus() Request the focus

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Button( onClick = { ) { ... } TextField(... // If clicked, move to the TextField 81 ) }

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82 Button( onClick = { ) { ... } TextField(... } ) val requester = remember { FocusRequester() } Modifier.focusRequester(requester) // If clicked, move to the TextField

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83 Button( onClick = { ) { ... } TextField(... } ) val requester = remember { FocusRequester() } Modifier.focusRequester(requester) requester.requestFocus() // If clicked, move to the TextField

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84 Try it out!

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85 ᶃ Plug it to your phone ᶄ Tap any key ᶅ The focus indicator will appear (Same steps with other external tools 🎮) With a hardware keyboard

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86 1⃣ Use an emulator OR 2⃣ Use device mirroring With your computer keyboard

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87 ● D-pad navigation is enabled by default with pre-set hardware profiles ✅ ● For custom profiles, select the option when creating the device 1⃣ Use an emulator

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91 Control your phone with your computer keyboard 🥳

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92 ● Use a real device through AndroidStudio ● Preferences → Tools → Device mirroring 2⃣ Use device mirroring

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94 Quickly test on real devices while coding 🎉

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95 ● Focus in Compose ɹ- Android Developers official documentation ● Android App Development: Accessibility ɹ(LinkedIn Learning) - Renato Iwashima References

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Thanks! Theme: SlidesCarnival ɹ tahia910 Special thanks: ● Shogo Takasaki ● Hidenari Tajima