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GDSC FCCU 2023 • Lahore, Pakistan Google App Engine Cloud Basics Series

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Technology advisor & consultant for startups, and Manager at Google Developers Group Find me anywhere @sheharyarn Sheharyar Naseer

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Background • Indie Nomad Software Architect • 13+ years of polyglot experience, focus on Web & Cloud • StackOverflow: 70,000+ score (Top 5 in Pakistan) • Author / Contributor of multiple famous libraries & tools • Featured on popular developer communities

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Outline Cloud Basics Intro to Google Cloud Platform Google App Engine Live Demo Learning Resources Q&A

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Cloud Computing The Basics

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Cloud Computing • On-demand access to computing resources, including servers, storage and networking infrastructure, hosted at a remote data-center • "Someone else's computer" • E.g. Domains and Hosting

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Technology Verticals • Web & Mobile • ML / AI • Distributed Systems • Internet of Things • Mixed Reality

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Technology Verticals • Web & Mobile • ML / AI • Distributed Systems • Internet of Things • Mixed Reality CLOUD

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Careers in Cloud • Web Developer (Backend & Frontend) • Site Reliability Engineer • Software/Cloud Architect • Networking Specialist • Cloud Security Specialist • MLOps Engineer • Big Data Engineer

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Google Cloud Platform A Light Introduction

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Google Cloud Platform • IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service • One of the "Big 3" • Servers, Storage, Databases, Networking, etc. • Extremely powerful • $300 in credits when you sign up

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GCP Services • Cloud Storage • Cloud SQL, Firestore, and BigQuery • Compute Engine & App Engine • Cloud AI, Vision & Language

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Google App Engine Getting Started

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Google App Engine • Fully managed and secure serverless platform to host websites and applications • Easy to use and deploy • Supports many popular languages • Use for free (on smallest tier)

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Usage • Create project on Google Cloud • Install GCloud & select your project • Create app.yaml in your code • Run deploy command

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Example • Commands: gcloud config set project [PROJECT-ID] gcloud app deploy • Config: runtime: python3 entrypoint: python

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Live Demo Google App Engine in Action

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