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Building Tooling & Culture Together Nishan Subedi Sr. Software Engineer @subedinishan

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@subedinishan Overview: • Present some tools we use at Etsy • Talk about why we use these tools • Highlight the inter relationship between tooling & culture

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Culture Tooling

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[email protected] Etsy (Dec 2015)

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[email protected] We have lots of homegrown tools!

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@subedinishan How did we get here?

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Organically, with iterations.

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[email protected] Virtual Madness

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[email protected] Deployinator

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[email protected] Supergrep

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[email protected] Some functions of tools • Simplify • Empower • Automate

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@subedinishan Why do we like these tools?

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@subedinishan Encapsulate ideas

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@subedinishan Provides reasonable defaults

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[email protected] Make users feel comfortable

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No content

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@subedinishan Abstractions will not capture the complete context.

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[email protected] Cool new feature!

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[email protected] Cool new feature in production

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[email protected] Obligatory devOps slide

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No content

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Technology is a product of the culture that builds it.

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[email protected] Cultural differences in tooling

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@subedinishan Every tool carries with it the spirit by which it has been created. Werner Karl Heisenberg

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[email protected] Tools: window into the culture Implicit Assumptions Beliefs & Values Tools Edgar Schein

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[email protected] Just Ship!

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[email protected] If it moves graph it!

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[email protected] Beliefs & Values @ Etsy • Just ship. • If it moves, graph it. • Optimize for developer happiness. • Don’t be an a**hole. • Engineering with a captial E.

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[email protected] Manifestation of beliefs Implicit Assumptions Beliefs & Values Tools

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[email protected] Implicit assumptions

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[email protected] First Day Deploy

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[email protected] Deploying changes

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[email protected] Chatrooms are our watercoolers

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@subedinishan We are a learning organization.

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[email protected] We learn what we see

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[email protected] Make the implicit explicit

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[email protected] Conscious shaping of culture Implicit Assumptions Beliefs & Values Tools

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Culture Tooling

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[email protected] References • Notes on the Synthesis of Form by Christopher Alexander • Cognition in the Wild by Edwin Hutchins • Organizational Culture and Leadership by Edgar Schein • • • • • • • • • • • •