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Make your SPA a maximum security prison

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@mgonto Dev Advocate Auth0

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Identity made simple for developers

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No content

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Client Database 1990’s Client Server Life was easy

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Client Database auth 1990’s Client Server Life was easy

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Client Database auth persistent connection 1990’s Client Server Life was easy

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Workstation Browser Database 2000’s Intranet Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database 2000’s Intranet Active Directory Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database auth 2000’s Intranet Active Directory Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database auth 2000’s Intranet Active Directory kerberos token Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database auth 2000’s Intranet Web Server Active Directory kerberos token Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database auth 2000’s Intranet Web Server Active Directory kerberos token Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database auth 2000’s Intranet Web Server Active Directory kerberos token Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database auth 2000’s Intranet Web Server Active Directory kerberos token Life inside corp

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Workstation Browser Database Internet Web Server auth C C E-commerce

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Browser Server

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a User session

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a User session 3. Returns a logged in cookie to the browser

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a User session 3. Returns a logged in cookie to the browser 4. Do an authenticated request. Sends the cookie.

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a User session 3. Returns a logged in cookie to the browser 4. Do an authenticated request. Sends the cookie. 5. Check the session based on the cookie and authenticate the user

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a User session 3. Returns a logged in cookie to the browser 4. Do an authenticated request. Sends the cookie. 5. Check the session based on the cookie and authenticate the user 6. Sends response to the client

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Browser Database Today’s applications Web Server (Scala) API (Ruby) API (Node) Phones Tablets Realtime (Sockets) API (Facebook) C M A A A AT

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Cookie-based auth is a sub- optimal solution for today’s systems

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Cookies don’t play well with CORS and different domains 1

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Cookie-based auth keep state in server side session (mongo, redis, etc.)* 2 *default config. Cookie only is possible (Play, Rails)

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Cookies are coupled to the web framework If you try to reuse a cookie issued by Java in Node, not easy 3

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APIs don’t use cookies 4

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Cookies don’t play well with native apps 5

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Cookies lead to CSRF attacks       document.csrf.submit(); 6

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… and other security issues 7

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Cookies can’t be used for delegated authentication (identity does not flow) 8

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A better approach

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A better approach Token-based Authentication

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A better approach Token-based Authentication JSON Web Tokens

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Browser Server

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a token and saves it in the User table

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a token and saves it in the User table 3. Returns the Token to the Browser

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a token and saves it in the User table 3. Returns the Token to the Browser 4. Sends the Token on the Authorization Header.

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a token and saves it in the User table 3. Returns the Token to the Browser 4. Sends the Token on the Authorization Header. 5. Query user DB for a user with this token. Authenticate user

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a token and saves it in the User table 3. Returns the Token to the Browser 4. Sends the Token on the Authorization Header. 5. Query user DB for a user with this token. Authenticate user 6. Sends response to the client

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How it works?

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Browser Server

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a JWT with a secret

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a JWT with a secret 3. Returns the JWT to the Browser

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a JWT with a secret 3. Returns the JWT to the Browser 4. Sends the JWT on the Authorization Header.

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a JWT with a secret 3. Returns the JWT to the Browser 4. Sends the JWT on the Authorization Header. 5. Check JWT signature. Get user information from the JWT.

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Browser Server 1. POST /users/login with username and password 2. Creates a JWT with a secret 3. Returns the JWT to the Browser 4. Sends the JWT on the Authorization Header. 5. Check JWT signature. Get user information from the JWT. 6. Sends response to the client

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Tokens must be stored somewhere in the client 1

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Tokens can expire like cookies, but you have more control 2

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Token expires, deal with refresh

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CORS Preflight requests shouldn’t check the Authorization header. 3

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When you need to stream something, use the token to get a signed request 4

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Try token-based authentication in your next project

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auth0/angularjs-jwt-authentication-tutorial See an example!

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Thanks! @mgonto

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Confidential info, encrypt it

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Social auth

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Tokens can get big Don’t over engineer Don’t do fine grained permissions Define scopes

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How to deal with protected images? Create signed requests (single URI authorization)