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Monads @matyo91 29-09-2021 In PHP

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Why? @matyo91 29-09-2021

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A new way to program with effects “ @matyo91 29-09-2021

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“Once you understand Monads You lose the ability to explain them to other people” Crockford’s Paradox “ @matyo91 29-09-2021

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What are Monads? @matyo91 29-09-2021 As functional programming

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Data Expr = Val Int | Div Expr Expr @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Math world 1 6 / 2 6 / ( 3 / 1 ) @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021 Haskell world Val 1 Div (Val 6) (Val 2) Div (Val 6) (Div (Val 3) (Val 1))

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eval :: Expr -> Int eval (Val n) = n eval (Div (Expr x) (Expr y)) = eval(x) / eval(y) @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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safediv :: Int -> Int -> MayBe Int safediv (Int n) (Int m) = if m == 0 then Nothing else Just(n / m) @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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eval :: Expr -> Maybe eval (Val n) = Just(n) eval (Div (Expr x) (Expr y)) = case eval(x) at Nothing -> Nothing Just n -> case eval(y) of Nothing -> Nothing Just m -> safediv (n m) @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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case [m] as Maybe of Nothing -> Nothing Just x -> [f] as function x @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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m >>= f case m of Nothing -> Nothing Just x -> f x @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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eval :: Expr -> Maybe Int eval (Val n) = return n eval (Div (Expr x) (Expr y)) = eval(x) >>= (ƛn -> eval(y) >>= (ƛm -> safediv n m)) @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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eval :: Expr -> Maybe Int eval (Val n) = return n eval (Div (Expr x) (Expr y)) = do n <- end x m <- end y safediv n m @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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return :: a -> Maybe a >>= :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Pure Function 29-09-2021 @matyo91

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Referential transparency and side effects @matyo91 29-09-2021

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“Go learn Haskell” “Go learn Category Theory” “A monad is just a monoid in category of endofunctors” (M t) -> (t -> Mu) -> (M u) (>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b What is a Monad? @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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I don’t fully understand them I will share what I’ve learned so far You fill in the blanks Monads are a loophole in the “Functional contract” A way to write pure functions with referential transparency The loophole @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Fundamentals @matyo91 29-09-2021 And theory

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function unit($value) function bind($monad, function($value) { … }) $value passed to function in bind <=> $value passed to unit All return a new monad Function that returns new thing <=> constructor All monads are constructors Not all constructors are monads Unit & bind @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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bind(unit($value), $fn) <=> $fn($value) bind($monad, unit) <=> $monad bind(bind($monad, $fnA), $fnB) 
 bind($monad, function($value) { 
 return bind($fnA($value), $fnB); 
 }) Axioms @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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OOP @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Monad::unit($value)->bind($fn) <=> $fn($value) $monad->bind(Monad::unit) <=> $monad $monad->bind($fnA)->bind($fnB) 
 $monad->bind(function($value) { 
 return $fnA($value)->bind($fnB); 
 }) Axioms of class @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Implementation @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Applications @matyo91 29-09-2021 And examples

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Identity @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Maybe @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Maybe applied to GrandParentName @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Maybe applied to GrandParentName @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Maybe applied to GrandParentName @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Everywhere @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Everywhere @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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ircmaxell/monad-php : Monad, Identity, Maybe, Chain, Deferred, ListMonad, Promise schmittjoh/php-option : Option, LazyOption, Some, None GrahamCampbell/Result-Type : Result, Success, Error whsv26/functional : Option (do notation), Some, None, Either darkwood-fr/railway-fbp : Rail Github @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Monads are category of design pattern We have been using them for years Most common forms : simple implementation Strong mathematical knowledge are not required Go play ! Conclusion @matyo91 @matyo91 29-09-2021

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Hello! I Am Mathieu Ledru You can contact me at @matyo91 29-09-2021 @matyo91 Thanks! Any questions?