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monitoring [still kinda] sucks it gets better Adam Horwich Systems Engineer MetaBroadcast

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• Simple incidents can have disastrous consequences who is my target audience?

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old skool • Limited suite of free applications: Nagios, Cacti, Ganglia • Static, Inflexible, Single-purpose • Commercial applications try to achieve everything (badly) • Limited scope to enhance!

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hashtag monitoringsucks • A couple of years ago, sysadmins despaired • • The notion that monitoring products are ill suited for DevOps needs • And that most are outdated, and misaligned to Cloud architectures • The one tool to solve all problems model is a con

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my first year • My history is with large infrastructure, static, rented/owned Datacentre • Started at MetaBroadcast and spent my time hacking Nagios to play well with AWS • We knew what we needed in terms of quality monitoring but it was uphill struggle • Automated infra changes • Metrics gathering and graphing • I cry

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cloud surfing • Basically, it’s because of IaaS Clouds and DevOps that we need to rethink our models • No longer static hardware with sentimental names and birthdays • Virtual Infrastructure is abstracted. Harder to monitor ‘switches’ and ‘routers’ • VPC Simulates the DC model, but still virtualised • More flexibility but less accessible data

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inspiration • Obfuscurity - Tasseo creator • • Finding the components to build a better way of life • Modular, open-source, framework led design

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monitoring manifesto 1. Proactive not reactive metrics and alerts 2. Focus on instrumentation not thresholds 3. Flexible architecture, built for a flexible infrastructure 4. Tie with configuration management tools (Puppet)

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• Router, Queue, Scheduler • Connects everything together • Designed for the Cloud • High Availability Model be sensu my beating heart

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sensu and pagerduty • Sensu PagerDuty handlers

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sensu and graphite • Sensu Graphite handlers • Tasseo frontend

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syslog-ng and logstalgia • Not Sensu integrated

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syslog-ng and sensu and kairosdb • Integrating KairosDB with Syslog-NG • Delivers metrics to Graphite via Sensu

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sensu and cloudwatch • Collecting metrics from AWS CloudWatch • Pushing Graphite metrics to CloudWatch

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kairosdb • Originally Nimrod, but as a developer focused tool, couldn’t cope with volume of logs • Proof that architecture principles make components easily interchangeable • Apache performance monitoring • APDEX, Aggregation, and Comparison

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graphite and tasseo • Taking data and making it accessible and pretty and stuff • Dashboards, comparisons, oh my •

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logstalgia • Realtime API response time visualisation • Good for SHTF moments

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silver linings • AWS CloudWatch: Amazon’s metrics engine • We collect ‘privileged’ and AWS specific metrics into our Graphite for comparison and persistence • Spot prices! Billing! All can be monitored in AWS or with your own services • Can push metrics to AWS too. Great for Auto Scaling (spot price ;) ) • CloudWatch isn’t an adequate component in itself (API Speed, Cost, Flexibility, Integration)

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monitoring still kinda sucks • Sensu is great but has a poor dashboard, visibility, historical access. • Alerts are still based on thresholds rather than trends and patterns • Monitoring the monitoring with more monitoring • Actively developed and improving every day • Can’t escape from that list of RED services. But it’s next to do!

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hashtag monitoringlove • But, monitoring is as hard as you want to make it • By choosing the right components, they can seamlessly interact • Focus on what you want to achieve, not what you want to monitor • Don’t be afraid of building zords

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questions? • • @mmmkayness