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Hi, I’m Andrew Godwin • Django core developer • Worked on Migrations, Channels & Async • Dabbled with Python async since 2009

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The Past What is all this async business anyway? The Present The long road and where we've got to The Future Is there a perfect solution to all this?

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The path was forged by other languages And continues to be - we're all one community in the end

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1998 threading module, Stackless Python 2002 Twisted 2006 Greenlets (later gevent, eventlet) 2008 multiprocessing module 2012 Tulip, PEP 3156 2014 asyncio module 2005 Coroutine-friendly generators (PEP 342)

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Threading & Multiprocessing They're concurrency, but not really "async" in the way we use it now

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Twisted The original, and ahead of its time!

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Greenlets & Gevent An almost drop-in solution… but it's never that easy

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Generators & Tulip The foundation of our current, cooperative async

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1998 threading module, Stackless Python 2002 Twisted 2006 Greenlets (later gevent, eventlet) 2008 multiprocessing module 2012 Tulip, PEP 3156 2014 asyncio module 2005 Coroutine-friendly generators (PEP 342)

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What did we learn? A lot, but not everything.

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Let's talk about the present And, of course, asyncio

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Asyncio is here, and it's gaining traction Library support! Framework support!

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# Ready when a timer finishes await asyncio.sleep(1) # Ready when network packets return await client.get("") # Ready when the coroutine exits await my_function("hello", 64.2)

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Network/timer updates An event loop's flow Select a ready task Run task Add new tasks to queue await

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Coroutines Time →

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It is, however, not yet perfect. Turns out, it's a really hard problem to solve

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Everything must cooperate! One bit of synchronous code will ruin the whole thing.

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Can't tell if a function returns a coroutine! There are standard hints, but no actual guaranteed way

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async def calculate(x): result = await coroutine(x) return result # These both return a coroutine def calculate(x): result = coroutine(x) return result

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Can't have one function service both How we got here makes sense, but it's still annoying sometimes.

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You have to namespace async functions I really, really wish we didn't have to

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instance = MyModel.objects.get(id=3) instance = await MyModel.objects.a.get(id=3)

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WSGIHandler __call__ WSGI Server WSGIRequest URLs Middleware View __call__ ASGIHandler __call__ ASGI Server ASGIRequest Asynchronous request path BaseHandler get_response_async BaseHandler get_response URLs Middleware Async View __call__ Django's dual request flows

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But, in many ways, the future is here You can just write full async Python now, and it works pretty well.

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So what does the future hold? Apart from, in my case, a very delicious meal.

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Obviously, more library support Databases & common services are still thin on the ground

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Safety, Safety, Safety Async code is HARD. Really hard.

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How do we design out silent failure? Deadlocks, livelocks, race conditions...

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How do we prioritise? It's not like you have all day to add new things.

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Horizontal scalability is more important It's the difference between life and death for a web service.

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Long-polling and sockets need async Or your server bill will, instead, be the death of you

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I think we need both Sync and async code both have their place.

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Some things don't need async They're better off a little slower and safer

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Asyncio only benefits IO-bound code Code that thrashes the CPU doesn't benefit at all

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What does this mean for the Web? Our roles are changing along with our technology

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Parallel Queries After all, we're the experts in fetching data Notifications & Events Polling will absolutely wreck your servers Microservices / API aggregation It's a lot quicker to call those 10 things in parallel

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What does this mean for you? You're probably not in quite as deep as I am

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Mixed-mode is coming Django has it, Flask is really close.

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Think about your architecture Group things that all do I/O & requests together, for future parallelisation

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Experiment! Take some async code for a spin.

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Be the change you want to see. There's a lot of work to be done, and never enough of us to do it.

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Thanks. Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin //