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Symfony & Docker A new pattern to build fast and reliable web APIs A refreshing new development experience

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Kévin Dunglas ➔ Co-founder of ➔ Symfony Core Team ➔ Symfony Docker ➔ API Platform @dunglas

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API, cloud, PHP and JS experts ➔ Scop, 100% employee-owned ✊ ➔ Democratically managed 💬 ➔ 55 people 🦄 ➔ France, Tunisia, Morocco 🌎 ➔ 💌

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➔ An OS-level virtualization platform ● Build: Dockerfile ● Share: Registry (hub) ● Run: Engine ➔ Software is packaged in containers ● Embedded binaries, libs, config files... ● Run in isolation ● Share a single OS kernel: ⬆performance Docker

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Why should you use Docker? ➔ Easy onboarding ● docker-compose up ● No more cumbersome and outdated README files ➔ Versioned, same software and configs everywhere: git pull ● locally, for the entire team ● CI ● staging ● prod ➔ Standardized, industry standard ➔ Great tooling, large ecosystem (GitHub Actions, Rancher, K8s...) ➔ (Almost) cross platform: Linux, Windows, Mac @dunglas

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➔ Define and run multi-container apps ➔ In dev, staging and even prod (single host) ➔ Example for a Symfony app: ● PHP container ● Web server container ● DBMS container ● Cache server container ● … Docker Compose

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Docker Compose

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Docker and Symfony: an Old Story

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7 years ago @ Sensiolabs I’ve been introduced to a brand new tool for hipsters during a workshop led by Jérémy Derussé at Sensiolabs.

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6 years ago @ Vincent Chalamon proposed a patch adding Docker support to API Platform.

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4 years ago I started the “Symfony Docker” installer and project skeleton (co-maintained by Maxime Helias).

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2 years ago I contributed experimental Flex configurators for Docker and Docker Compose.

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Today @ SymfonyWorld 2021 ➔ I’m very happy to announce the immediate availability of the official Symfony Docker integration @dunglas

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Symfony Flex

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Symfony Flex ➔ Composer plugin ➔ Generates the configuration of newly installed PHP packages ➔ New: Docker support ● Dockerfile: add PHP extensions, libs, binaries ● Docker Compose: adds new services @dunglas

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Docker Compose Flex Configurator

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Supported Packages Package Image symfony/orm-pack postgres symfony/mercure-bundle dunglas/mercure symfony/panther n/a (Dockerfile only) symfony/mailer schickling/mailcatcher blackfireio/blackfire-symfony-meta blackfire/blackfire More to come: PRs welcome!

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Symfony CLI

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Symfony CLI ➔ Create new Symfony applications ➔ Deploy in SymfonyCloud ➔ Local web server, built-in TLS support ➔ Integration with Docker Compose ➔ Dev environments only ➔ Require local installations of PHP and Symfony CLI @dunglas

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Symfony CLI: Docker Compose Support

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Symfony CLI: Docker Compose Support

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Symfony Docker Skeleton

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Symfony Docker ➔ Docker-based skeleton and installer ➔ Prod ready ➔ Compatible with the Flex configurators ➔ No local dependencies, you just need Docker ➔ No bloat, readable config: only 2 containers ● PHP ● Web server ➔ Automatic TLS certificate generation and renewal ➔ Native support for Mercure and Vulcain @dunglas

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GitHub Template (optional)

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Get Started

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Deploy in prod (single host)

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Dockerfile Flex Configurator Support

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docker-compose exec php \ composer req orm

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➔ Free and Open Source web server ➔ Secure and super fast, written in Go ➔ Extensible ➔ Native PHP FPM support 😍 ➔ Automatic HTTPS, even for localhost ➔ HTTP/3! ➔ Mercure, Vulcain, OAuth, OIDC modules ➔ Cloud native (API, hot config reloading…) Caddy Inside

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➔ Free and Open Source container orchestration system ➔ Unlike Docker Compose: native cluster support ➔ Allows to scale deployments (with autoscaling support) ➔ Industry standard ➔ Managed clusters offered by AWS, GCP, Azure, DO, OVH, Scaleway… ➔ Battery included, but complex Kubernetes

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➔ The Kubernetes package manager ➔ Like apt but, for Kubernetes ➔ Charts: packages for Kubernetes ➔ Graphical tools (Lens IDE, Ahoy) ➔ Templates for Kubernetes YAML manifests Helm

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Symfony & Kubernetes ➔ Images provided by Symfony Docker are compatible with Kubernetes ➔ Images provided by API Platform are compatible too ➔ API Platform provides a ready-made Helm chart that you can use with Symfony Docker too! ➔ Just copy it and run helm install @dunglas

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➔ Any questions? Thank you!