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Mohit Sarveiya, Android & Kotlin Google Dev Expert Unit Testing Kotlin Channels & Flows @heyitsmohit

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Unit Testing Channels & Flows ● Testing Flows ● Errors ● Delays ● View Model Test ● Common Testing Problems 

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Flow of locations

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { it.locationType == LocationType.RESTAURANT } .map { }

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... }

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } How do we test this flow?

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Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines Code ! Issues Pull Requests kotlinx-coroutines-core 2,093 commits 4c28f942 13 hours ago Kotlinx-coroutines-debug Kotlinx-coroutines-test reactive js benchmarks

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Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines Code ! Issues Pull Requests kotlinx-coroutines-core 2,093 commits 4c28f942 13 hours ago Kotlinx-coroutines-debug Kotlinx-coroutines-test reactive js benchmarks Testing Module

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Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines Code ! Issues Pull Requests Module Kotlin-coroutines-test Test utilities for kotlinx.coroutines dependencies { testImplementation ‘org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test:x.x.x’ }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() { }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { } Creates a coroutine

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { } Test Scope

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { } Test Scope + Test Dispatcher

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { } Test Scope + Test Dispatcher What is executed in this coroutine?

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { } Test Scope + Test Dispatcher

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { } Test Scope + Test Dispatcher

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val flowOfLocations = mockFlow() val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() } Create Mock Flow

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val flowOfLocations = mockFlow() val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() locations shouldContainAll listOf(location1, location2, location3) }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val flowOfLocations = mockFlow() val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() locations shouldContainAll listOf(location1, location2, location3) }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() locations shouldContainAll listOf(location1, location2, location3) } How does this work?

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (hasActiveJobs()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs: $endingJobs") } } Our test to run

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Setup

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Setup Run Test

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Setup Run Test Cleanup

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val flowOfLocations = mockFlow() val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() locations shouldContainAll listOf(location1, location2, location3) }

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val flowOfLocations = mockFlow() val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() locations shouldContainAll listOf(location1, location2, location3) } Better way to collect from Flows?

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cashApp/turbine Code ! Issues Pull Requests Turbine Small testing library for kotlinx.coroutines Flow. testImplementation ‘'

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Flow to test How Turbine Works

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Channel (Unlimited) How Turbine Works

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Channel Send Receive

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Channel Types ● Unlimited ● Buffered ● Rendezvous ● Broadcast Channel [Deprecated] 

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How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited) Event

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sealed class Event { 
 object Complete 
 data class Error( ... ) 
 data class Item(val value: T) 
 } How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited) Event

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data class Item(val value: T): Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited)

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data class Item(val value: T): Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited)

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data class Item(val value: T): Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited)

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object Complete: Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited)

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Exception data class Error( ... ): Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited)

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object Complete: Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited) How do I query items in channels?

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interface FlowTurbine { val timeout: Duration fun expectNoEvents() suspend fun expectItem(): T fun expectError(): Throwable suspend fun expectComplete() } API to query Channel How Turbine Works

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interface FlowTurbine { val timeout: Duration fun expectNoEvents() suspend fun expectItem(): T fun expectError(): Throwable suspend fun expectComplete() } Verify duration of emission How Turbine Works

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interface FlowTurbine { val timeout: Duration fun expectNoEvents() suspend fun expectItem(): T fun expectError(): Throwable suspend fun expectComplete() } Verify no emissions How Turbine Works

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interface FlowTurbine { val timeout: Duration fun expectNoEvents() suspend fun expectItem(): T fun expectError(): Throwable suspend fun expectComplete() } Verify item emitted How Turbine Works

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interface FlowTurbine { val timeout: Duration fun expectNoEvents() suspend fun expectItem(): T fun expectError(): Throwable suspend fun expectComplete() } Verify error occurred How Turbine Works

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interface FlowTurbine { val timeout: Duration fun expectNoEvents() suspend fun expectItem(): T fun expectError(): Throwable suspend fun expectComplete() } Verify all items emitted How Turbine Works

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interface FlowTurbine { val timeout: Duration fun expectNoEvents() suspend fun expectItem(): T fun expectError(): Throwable suspend fun expectComplete() } How Turbine Works

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How Turbine Works suspend fun Flow.test( ... ) { coroutineScope { } Create a coroutine

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How Turbine Works suspend fun Flow.test( ... ) { coroutineScope { val events = Channel> (UNLIMITED) } Channel of events

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How Turbine Works suspend fun Flow.test( ... ) { coroutineScope { val events = Channel> (UNLIMITED) 
 launch { } }

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How Turbine Works suspend fun Flow.test( ... ) { coroutineScope { val events = Channel> (UNLIMITED) 
 launch { collect { item ->
 events.send(Event.Item(item)) } } Store emissions

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How Turbine Works suspend fun Flow.test( validate: suspend FlowTurbine.() -> Unit ) { coroutineScope { val events = Channel> (UNLIMITED) 
 launch { try { collect { ... } } catch { events.send(Event.Error) API

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { val locations: List = flowOfLocations.toList() locations shouldContainAll listOf(location1, location2, location3) } How do we use Turbine?

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Channel (Unlimited) Testing With Turbine Location Data

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Channel (Unlimited) Testing With Turbine Location Data

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Channel (Unlimited) Testing With Turbine Query Channel in test

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 expectComplete() } 
 } Read items into Channel

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 expectComplete() } 
 } Get first emitted item

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 expectComplete() } 
 } Assertion

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 expectComplete() } 
 } Get 1st, 2nd, 3rd item

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Channel (Unlimited) Testing With Turbine Verify Flow completed

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 expectComplete() } 
 } Verify flow completed

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 expectComplete() } 

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Channel (Unlimited) Testing With Turbine Miss verifying emission?

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectComplete() } 
 } Missed varying location 3

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectComplete() } 
 } LocationRepoTest.kt Run: LocationRepoTest.kt should get locations Expected complete but found Item(Location(…))

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Channel (Unlimited) Testing With Turbine Miss a Flow completed

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 } 
 } LocationRepoTests.kt Run: LocationRepoTests should get locations Unconsumed events found: 
 - Complete

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@Test fun `should get locations`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location1 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location2 expectItem() shouldBeEqualTo location3 expectComplete() } 

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Unit Testing Channels & Flows ● Testing Flows ● Errors ● Delays ● View Model Test ● Common Testing Problems 

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } Exception

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } .onCompletion { ... } Complete on error

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Exception data class Error( ... ): Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited)

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How Turbine Works suspend fun Flow.test( ... ) { coroutineScope { val events = Channel> (UNLIMITED) 
 launch { try { collect { ... } } catch { events.send(Event.Error( ... )) } } Send error to Channel

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@Test fun `should handle exception`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectError() } 
 } Throwable

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } Better way to 
 handle Exception?

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } .catch { . .. } Catch Exception

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } .catch { this: FlowCollector } Allow you to emit from catch

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } .catch { throwable -> } Exception

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Code ! Issues Pull Requests Jetbrains/kotlin stdlib/src/kotlin/util/Result.kt inline class Result(val value: Any?) { val isSuccess: Boolean val isFailure: Boolean }

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } .catch { throwable -> emit(Result.failure(throwable)) } Emit result

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flowOfLocations .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatMap { ... } .catch { . .. } Go to Catch when exception occurs

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flowOfLocations .collect { result - > result.isFailure }

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Error stored as item data class Item(throwable): Event() How Turbine Works Channel (Unlimited)

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@Test fun `should handle exception`() = runBlockingTest { flowOfLocations.test { expectItem().isFailure } 
 } Verify Failure

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Unit Testing Channels & Flows ● Testing Flows ● Errors ● Delays ● View Model Test ● Common Testing Problems 

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Testing Delays ● Delays in suspending methods ● Delays in coroutines ● Delays in Flows 

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() } suspend fun processData() { delay(1000) calculate() }

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() } suspend fun processData() { delay(1000) calculate() }

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() } suspend fun processData() { delay(1000) calculate() } How does this work in a test?

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Setup Run Test Cleanup

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Run Test Advance virtual time

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() } suspend fun processData() { delay(1000) calculate() } Auto advances time forward

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Testing Delays ● Delays in suspending methods ● Delays in coroutines ● Delays in Flows 

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Creating a new coroutine

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Delay C

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Continue

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Outside of coroutine

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } How is the delay handled?

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } SUSPEND

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Continue execution

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Run Test Advance virtual time

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Proceed forward to calculate

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } How do I control this delay?

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interface DelayController { fun advanceTimeBy(delayTimeMillis: Long) fun advanceUntilIdle(): Long fun pauseDispatcher() fun runCurrent() } Delay Utilities

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() advanceTimeBy(1000) performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Advance virtual time

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() advanceTimeBy(1000) performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Perform calculation

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@Test fun `should handle data updates`() = runBlockingTest { processData() advanceTimeBy(1000) performAssertions() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.processData() { launch { delay(1000) calculate() } } Perform assertions

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Testing Delays ● Delays in suspending methods ● Delays in coroutines ● Delays in Flows 

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } Exception

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } Retry?

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry { delay(2000) ... } Retry extension

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } # of retries

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } Delay before retrying

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } Retry flow operators

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } .flowOn(dispatcher) Flow on Dispatcher Run on Dispatcher

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } .flowOn(dispatcher) How do you test this?

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@Test fun `should retry twice`() = runBlockingTest { }

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val testCoroutineDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher() 
 @Test fun `should retry twice`() = runBlockingTest { }

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } .flowOn(testCoroutineDispatcher) Run on test dispatcher

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val testCoroutineDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher() 
 @Test fun `should retry twice`() = testCoroutineDispatcher.runBlockingTest { } Use dispatcher in test

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fun TestCoroutineDispatcher.runBlockingTest( block: suspend TestCoroutineScope.() -> Unit ) = runBlockingTest(this, block) Extension on dispatcher

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@Test fun `should retry twice`() = testCoroutineDispatcher.runBlockingTest { } flowOfLocations.test { } Start Collecting from Flow

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } .flowOn(dispatcher) Call operators

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } .flowOn(dispatcher) Exception

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } .flowOn(dispatcher) Delay

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@Test fun `should retry twice`() = testCoroutineDispatcher.runBlockingTest { } flowOfLocations.test { advanceTimeBy(2000) // perform assertions } Advance virtual time

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flowOfLocations: Flow .filter { ... } .map { ... } .flatmap { ... } .retry(1) { delay(2000) ... } .flowOn(dispatcher) Retry Flow

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@Test fun `should retry twice`() = testCoroutineDispatcher.runBlockingTest { } flowOfLocations.test { advanceTimeBy(2000) // perform assertions } Perform assertion

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Unit Testing Channels & Flows ● Testing Flows ● Errors ● Delays ● View Model Test ● Common Testing Problems 

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View View Model State

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { } Jetpack View Model

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val ViewModel.viewModelScope: CoroutineScope get() { return setTagIfAbsent(JOB_KEY, CloseableCoroutineScope( 
 SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main.immediate) 
 ) } Main Dispatcher

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val uiState = MutableStateFlow(UIState()) } State Flow

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val uiState = MutableStateFlow(UIState()) } Default value

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val uiState = MutableStateFlow(UIState()) fun getData() { 
 viewModelScope.launchWhenStarted { } } }

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val uiState = MutableStateFlow(UIState()) fun getData() { 
 viewModelScope.launchWhenStarted { newsRepository.getData() } } }

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val uiState = MutableStateFlow(UIState()) fun getData() { 
 viewModelScope.launchWhenStarted { newsRepository.getData() . collect { } } } }

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val uiState = MutableStateFlow(UIState()) fun getData() { 
 viewModelScope.launchWhenStarted { newsRepository.getData() . collect { uiState.value = UiState.Success(it) } } } }

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class MyViewModel(): ViewModel() { val uiState = MutableStateFlow(UIState()) fun getData() { 
 viewModelScope.launchWhenStarted { newsRepository.getData() . collect { uiState.value = UiState.Success(it) } } } } How do we test this flow?

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@Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.states.test { expectItem().data shouldBe state } }

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@Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.getData() viewModel.states.test { expectItem().data shouldBe state } }

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@Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.getData() viewModel.uiState.test { } }

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@Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.getData() viewModel.uiState.test { expectItem() shouldBe UIState.Success( ... ) } }

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@Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.updateState() viewModel.states.test { expectItem().data shouldBe state } } ViewModelTest.kt Run: ViewModelTest should get data Module with the Main dispatcher had failed to initialize. 
 For tests Dispatchers.setMain from kotlinx-coroutines-test module can be used

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val ViewModel.viewModelScope: CoroutineScope get() { return setTagIfAbsent(JOB_KEY, CloseableCoroutineScope( 
 SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main.immediate) 
 ) } Main Dispatcher

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val dispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher() @Before fun setUp() { Dispatchers.setMain(dispatcher) } @After fun tearDown() { Dispatchers.resetMain() } Set Main Dispatcher

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val dispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher() @Before fun setUp() { Dispatchers.setMain(dispatcher) } @After fun tearDown() { Dispatchers.resetMain() } Reset Main Dispatcher

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class CoroutineTestRule(testDispatcher) : TestWatcher() { 
 override fun starting(description) { Dispatchers.setMain(testDispatcher) } override fun finished(description) { Dispatchers.resetMain() testDispatcher.cleanupTestCoroutines() } }

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class CoroutineTestRule(testDispatcher) : TestWatcher() { 
 override fun starting(description) { Dispatchers.setMain(testDispatcher) } override fun finished(description) { Dispatchers.resetMain() testDispatcher.cleanupTestCoroutines() } }

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class CoroutineTestRule(testDispatcher) : TestWatcher() { 
 override fun starting(description) { Dispatchers.setMain(testDispatcher) } override fun finished(description) { Dispatchers.resetMain() testDispatcher.cleanupTestCoroutines() } }

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@get:Rule val testRule = CoroutineTestRule() @Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.updateState() viewModel.states.test { expectItem().data shouldBe state } }

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@get:Rule val testRule = CoroutineTestRule() @Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.getData() viewModel.uiStates.test { expectItem() shouldBe UIState.Success( ... ) } }

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@get:Rule val testRule = CoroutineTestRule() @Test fun `should get data`() = runBlockingTest { 
 viewModel.updateState() viewModel.states.test { expectItem().data shouldBe state } } ViewModelTest.kt Run: ViewModelTest should get data

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https: // State Flow

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Unit Testing Channels & Flows ● Testing Flows ● Errors ● Delays ● View Model Test ● Common Testing Problems 

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Setup Run Test Cleanup

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fun runBlockingTest(testBody) { val scope = TestCoroutineScope(safeContext) 
 val deferred = scope.async { scope.testBody() } dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() deferred.getCompletionExceptionOrNull() ?. let { throw it } 
 scope.cleanupTestCoroutines() if (activeJobs()).isNotEmpty()) { throw UncompletedCoroutinesError("Test finished with active jobs") } } Cleanup Job is Active

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Active Job Causes ● Coroutine is Suspended ● Delays

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val channel = Channel() Active Jobs Rendezvous Channel

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val channel = Channel() Active Jobs Send Receive

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val channel = Channel() Active Jobs fun CoroutineScope.channelSend() { launch { channel.send(Event()) } .. . } Send events

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val channel = Channel() Active Jobs suspend fun processEvents() { channel.consumeAsFlow().collect { event -> ... } } Process event

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Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() } Coroutine

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Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() } channel.send(LocationEvent()) Coroutine

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Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() } channel.send(LocationEvent()) Coroutine Rendezvous Channel

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Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() } channel.send(LocationEvent()) Coroutine SUSPENDED

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Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() } Tests.kt Run: Tests should process event Test finished with active jobs: ["Coroutine#2":StandaloneCoroutine{Active}]

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Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() processEvents() }

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Delay Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.sendEvent() { launch(testCoroutineDispatcher) { delay(1000) ... } } Delay

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@Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() } suspend fun CoroutineScope.sendEvent() { launch(testCoroutineDispatcher) { delay(1000) ... } } Delay Active Jobs Tests.kt Run: Tests should process event Test finished with active jobs: ["Coroutine#2":StandaloneCoroutine{Active}]

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Delay Active Jobs @Test fun `should process event`() = runBlockingTest { sendEvent() testCoroutineDispatcher.advanceTimeBy(1000) } suspend fun CoroutineScope.sendEvent() { launch(testCoroutineDispatcher) { delay(1000) ... } } Advance virtual time

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Testing inside Coroutines Lib ● Learn Coroutines from tests inside lib ● Multiplatform testing - JS, JVM and Native 

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) }

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class JobBasicCancellationTest : TestBase() { @Test fun testCancelJobImpl() { } } Defines utilities

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class JobBasicCancellationTest : TestBase() { @Test fun testCancelJobImpl() { } } Test parent job is not cancelled

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) }

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) } Launch coroutine

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) } Child coroutine Job

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) } Cancel the job

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) } Verify order of execution Verify completion

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) }

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expect open class TestBase { fun error(message, cause) fun expect(index: Int) fun finish(index: Int) fun runTest( block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit ) }

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JVM JS Native Common TestBase.kt TestBase.kt TestBase.kt TestBase.kt

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actual fun runTest( block: suspend CoroutineScope.() - > Unit ) { runBlocking( block = block, context = CoroutineExceptionHandler { ... }) 

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expect open class TestBase { fun error(message, cause) fun expect(index: Int) fun finish(index: Int) fun runTest( block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit ) } How does this work?

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private var actionIndex = AtomicInteger() actual fun expect(index: Int) { 
 val wasIndex = actionIndex.incrementAndGet() check(index == wasIndex) { “Expecting action index $index but it is actually $wasIndex" } }

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private var actionIndex = AtomicInteger() actual fun expect(index: Int) { 
 val wasIndex = actionIndex.incrementAndGet() check(index == wasIndex) { “Expecting action index $index but it is actually $wasIndex" } }

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private var actionIndex = AtomicInteger() actual fun expect(index: Int) { 
 val wasIndex = actionIndex.incrementAndGet() check(index == wasIndex) { “Expecting action index $index but it is actually $wasIndex" } }

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expect open class TestBase { fun error(message, cause) fun expect(index: Int) fun finish(index: Int) fun runTest( block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit ) } How does this work?

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private var finished = AtomicBoolean() actual fun finish(index: Int) { expect(index) check(!finished.getAndSet(true)) { "Should call 'finish( ... )' at most once" } }

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private var finished = AtomicBoolean() actual fun finish(index: Int) { expect(index) check(!finished.getAndSet(true)) { "Should call 'finish( ... )' at most once" } }

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private var finished = AtomicBoolean() actual fun finish(index: Int) { expect(index) check(!finished.getAndSet(true)) { "Should call 'finish( ... )' at most once" } }

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@Test fun testCancelJobImpl() = runTest { val parent = launch { expect(1) val child = Job(coroutineContext[Job]) expect(2) child.cancel() child.join() expect(3) } parent.join() finish(4) }

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https: // Unit Testing

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Kotlin Coroutines Training • Groups or Individual Sessions • Contact for booking

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Resources ● Unit Testing Delays, Errors & Retries with Kotlin Flows 
 https: // 
 errors-retries-with-kotlin-flows/ ● Multiplatform Testing pattern inside Coroutine Lib 
 https: //

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Thank You! @heyitsmohit