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τϐοΫϞσϧ Sorami Hisamoto AS^2 LT April 18, 2015

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๏ Modeling latent “topics” of each data. ๏ Originally a method for text,
 but not limited to text. What is topic modeling? 2 Figure from [Blei+ 2003] Data e.g. document Topics e.g. word distribution

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๏ Matrix Decompositions: LSI, SVD, … ๏ 1999: pLSI ๏ 2003: LDA
 Same method independently found in population genetics [Pritchard+ 200] ๏ 2003-: Extensions of LDA ๏ 2007-: Scalable algorithms 7 History of the topic models

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latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [Blei+ 2003] 8 ๏ “Document” is a set of “Words”. ๏ “Document” consists of multiple “Topics”. ๏ “Topic” is a distribution over a vocabulary (all possible words). ๏ “Words” are generated by “Topics”.

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latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [Blei+ 2003] 8 Two-stage generation process for each document 1. Randomly choose a distribution over topics. 2. For each word in the document a) Randomly choose a topic from the distribution over topic in step #1. b) Randomly choose a word from the corresponding topic. ๏ “Document” is a set of “Words”. ๏ “Document” consists of multiple “Topics”. ๏ “Topic” is a distribution over a vocabulary (all possible words). ๏ “Words” are generated by “Topics”.

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latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [Blei+ 2003] 8 Two-stage generation process for each document 1. Randomly choose a distribution over topics. 2. For each word in the document a) Randomly choose a topic from the distribution over topic in step #1. b) Randomly choose a word from the corresponding topic. ๏ “Document” is a set of “Words”. ๏ “Document” consists of multiple “Topics”. ๏ “Topic” is a distribution over a vocabulary (all possible words). ๏ “Words” are generated by “Topics”.

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latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [Blei+ 2003] 8 Two-stage generation process for each document 1. Randomly choose a distribution over topics. 2. For each word in the document a) Randomly choose a topic from the distribution over topic in step #1. b) Randomly choose a word from the corresponding topic. ๏ “Document” is a set of “Words”. ๏ “Document” consists of multiple “Topics”. ๏ “Topic” is a distribution over a vocabulary (all possible words). ๏ “Words” are generated by “Topics”.

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latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [Blei+ 2003] 8 Two-stage generation process for each document 1. Randomly choose a distribution over topics. 2. For each word in the document a) Randomly choose a topic from the distribution over topic in step #1. b) Randomly choose a word from the corresponding topic. ๏ “Document” is a set of “Words”. ๏ “Document” consists of multiple “Topics”. ๏ “Topic” is a distribution over a vocabulary (all possible words). ๏ “Words” are generated by “Topics”.

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9 Figure from [Blei 2011]

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9 Figure from [Blei 2011] Topic: distribution over vocabulary

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9 Figure from [Blei 2011] Topic: distribution over vocabulary Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics

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9 Figure from [Blei 2011] Topic: distribution over vocabulary Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics Step 2a: Choose a topic from distribution

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9 Figure from [Blei 2011] Topic: distribution over vocabulary Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics Step 2a: Choose a topic from distribution Step 2b: Choose a word from topic

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] Graphical model representation

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] topic Graphical model representation

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] topic proportion topic Graphical model representation

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] topic assignment topic proportion topic Graphical model representation

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] observed word topic assignment topic proportion topic Graphical model representation

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] Joint probability of hidden and observed variables observed word topic assignment topic proportion topic Graphical model representation

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] Joint probability of hidden and observed variables observed word topic assignment topic proportion topic Graphical model representation

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10 Figures from [Blei 2011] Joint probability of hidden and observed variables observed word topic assignment topic proportion topic Graphical model representation

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Geometric interpretation 11 Figure from [Blei+ 2003]

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Geometric interpretation 11 Figure from [Blei+ 2003] Topic: in word simplex

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Geometric interpretation 11 Figure from [Blei+ 2003] Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics Topic: in word simplex В

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Geometric interpretation 11 Figure from [Blei+ 2003] Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics Topic: in word simplex Step 2a: Choose a topic from distribution В ;

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Geometric interpretation 11 Figure from [Blei+ 2003] Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics Step 2b: Choose a word from topic Topic: in word simplex 8 Step 2a: Choose a topic from distribution В ;

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Geometric interpretation 11 Figure from [Blei+ 2003] Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics Step 2b: Choose a word from topic Topic: in word simplex 8 Step 2a: Choose a topic from distribution В ; LDA: finding the optimal sub-simplex to represent documents.

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Geometric interpretation 11 Figure from [Blei+ 2003] Step 1: Choose a distribution over topics Step 2b: Choose a word from topic Topic: in word simplex 8 Step 2a: Choose a topic from distribution В ; LDA: finding the optimal sub-simplex to represent documents. sub-simplex

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“reverse” the generation process ๏ We are interested in the posterior distribution. ๏ latent topic structure, given the observed documents. ๏ But it is difficult … → approximate: ๏ 1. Sampling-based methods (e.g. Gibbs sampling) ๏ 2. Variational methods (e.g. variational Bayes) ๏ etc… 12

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“reverse” the generation process ๏ We are interested in the posterior distribution. ๏ latent topic structure, given the observed documents. ๏ But it is difficult … → approximate: ๏ 1. Sampling-based methods (e.g. Gibbs sampling) ๏ 2. Variational methods (e.g. variational Bayes) ๏ etc… 12

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“reverse” the generation process ๏ We are interested in the posterior distribution. ๏ latent topic structure, given the observed documents. ๏ But it is difficult … → approximate: ๏ 1. Sampling-based methods (e.g. Gibbs sampling) ๏ 2. Variational methods (e.g. variational Bayes) ๏ etc… 12

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“reverse” the generation process ๏ We are interested in the posterior distribution. ๏ latent topic structure, given the observed documents. ๏ But it is difficult … → approximate: ๏ 1. Sampling-based methods (e.g. Gibbs sampling) ๏ 2. Variational methods (e.g. variational Bayes) ๏ etc… 12

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๏ Hierarchical Dirichlet Process [Teh+ 2005] ๏ Correlated Topic Models [Blei+ 2006] ๏ Supervised Topic Models [Blei+ 2007] ๏ Topic Models with Power-law using Pitman-Yor process [Sato+ 2010] ๏ Time-series: ๏ Dynamic Topic Models [Blei+ 2006] ๏ Continuous Time Dynamic Topic Models [Wang+ 2008] ๏ Online Multiscale Dynamic Topic Models [Iwata+ 2010] ๏ Various learning methods ๏ Various scaling algorithms ๏ Various applications ๏ … 13 Extensions of LDA

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๏ Text analysis
 Papers, Blogs, Classical texts … ๏ Video analysis ๏ Audio analysis ๏ Bioinformatics ๏ Network analysis ๏ … 14 Applications

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๏ Gensim
 Python-based, Radim Řehůřek
 ๏ Mallet
 Java-based, UMass
 ๏ Stanford Topic Modeling Toolbox
 Java-based, Stanford
 15 Tools

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References (1): books 16 “τϐοΫϞσϧʹΑΔ౷ܭతજࡏҙຯղੳ” ࠤ౻Ұ੣, 2015 “τϐοΫϞσϧ (ػցֶशϓϩϑΣογϣφϧγϦʔζ) ” ؠా۩࣏, 2015

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๏ [Blei&Lafferty 2009] Topic Models ๏ [Blei 2011] Introduction to Probabilistic Topic Models ๏ [Blei 2012] Review Articles: Probabilistic Topic Models
 Communications of The ACM ๏ [Blei 2012] Probabilistic Topic Models
 Machine Learning Summer School ๏ Topic Models by David Blei (video) 17 References (2): papers, videos, and articles ๏ What is a good explanation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation? - Quora ๏ The LDA Buffet is Now Open by Matthew L. Jockers ๏ [ࠤ౻ 2012] ࢲͷϒοΫϚʔΫ Latent Topic Model (જࡏతτϐοΫϞσϧ) ๏ [࣋ڮ&ੴࠇ 2013] ֬཰తτϐοΫϞσϧ
 ౷ܭ਺ཧݚڀॴ H24೥౓ެ։ߨ࠲ ๏ Links to the Papers Related to Topic Models by Tomonori Masada