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A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital Introducing The Instruction Pipeline How To Design And Build
 Bespoke Middleware

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@GanbaroDigital I’m going to show you how to build a pipeline that’s built to your specs.

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@GanbaroDigital We’re going to build a real-life, production-ready bespoke pipeline.

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@GanbaroDigital Full design process, writing the code, and testing: all in around 45 mins.

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@GanbaroDigital We’re going to build it using an open-source package: ganbarodigital/ php-mv-instruction-pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital If you want to read along:

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@GanbaroDigital What Is A Pipeline?

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@GanbaroDigital “ A pipeline is an assembly of isolated modules, for data to flow along.

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@GanbaroDigital “ A pipeline is an assembly of isolated modules, for data to flow along.

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital “ A pipeline is an assembly of isolated modules, for data to flow along.

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital “ A pipeline is an assembly of isolated modules, for data to flow along.

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital • Pipelines are ordered • We decide the order of the modules on the pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital • Pipelines are ordered • We decide the order of the modules on the pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Pipelines are perfect if you need flexibility and the ability to respond rapidly to change.

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@GanbaroDigital “ We can chop and change the modules - and their order - without having to touch the modules themselves

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@GanbaroDigital “ We can chop and change the modules - and their order - without having to touch the modules themselves

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital “ We can chop and change the modules - and their order - without having to touch the modules themselves

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 5 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital Module 1 Module 3 Module 4

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@GanbaroDigital “ We can chop and change the modules - and their order - without having to touch the modules themselves

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@GanbaroDigital The pipeline itself is defined in config, not code.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What Happens To The Data?

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@GanbaroDigital Data In A Pipeline Can Be … 1. modified 2. transformed 3. or rejected

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@GanbaroDigital Data In A Pipeline Can Be … 1. modified 2. transformed 3. or rejected

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@GanbaroDigital Data In A Pipeline Can Be … 1. modified 2. transformed 3. or rejected

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@GanbaroDigital PSR7 Middleware is a data transformation pipeline: It turns HTTP requests into HTTP responses.

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@GanbaroDigital Building A Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Real-life use case: messaging in the #cloud

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@GanbaroDigital Back Office Service Public
 Web App API

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@GanbaroDigital Back Office Service Public
 Web App API Status Events

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@GanbaroDigital Back Office Service Public
 Web App API Status Events Message Queue

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@GanbaroDigital Design Constraints 1. We must use the cloud-provider’s message queueing service 2. Different programming languages in use for transmitting and receiving systems

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@GanbaroDigital Principle: Always treat the cloud-provider’s infrastructure as an untrusted third-party system.

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@GanbaroDigital Traffic to and from the message queue goes over HTTPS. The messages are encrypted on the wire / in transit.

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@GanbaroDigital Messages at rest inside the queue? Not guaranteed to be encrypted.

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital The message queue does not accept arbitrary binary data. Only 7-bit ASCII. Their castle, their rules.

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital Design Constraints 1. We must use the cloud-provider’s message queueing service 2. Different programming languages in use for transmitting and receiving systems

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital In real life, the requirements to encrypt came late in the day.

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital Because We Built A Pipeline • Created new modules • Dropped them in where we needed them • Zero changes to signed-off code

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Ascii-Safe Encrypt HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital Because We Built A Pipeline • Created new modules • Dropped them in where we needed them • Zero changes to signed-off code • Reduced impact on deployment pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Requirements drive the design of your pipelines.

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@GanbaroDigital Let’s break down how to implement your requirements.

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe Not the code that runs inside the pipeline!

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe Instruction Builders

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@GanbaroDigital “Instruction Builders” are factories that instantiate pipeline “Instructions”.

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@GanbaroDigital “Instructions” are the individual modules added to each pipeline.

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@GanbaroDigital Scope “Instructions” to be small and flexible.

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@GanbaroDigital JSON Encrypt HMAC Ascii-Safe Instruction Builders

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@GanbaroDigital Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instructions

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@GanbaroDigital Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instructions Decode From Ascii-Safe Verify & Strip HMAC Decrypt Decode From JSON Transmit Receive

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@GanbaroDigital “Instruction Builders” instantiate Instructions for both transmit and receive pipelines.

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@GanbaroDigital (Yes, you can build just the one pipeline if you need to)

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Instruction Builder HMAC Ascii-Safe JSON Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Instruction Builder HMAC Encode To JSON Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital We have discovered the individual Instructions that we need to code up.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? So we’re ready to jump into writing the code?!?

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@GanbaroDigital There’s one more level of decomposition to do first. We need to break down our Instructions.

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@GanbaroDigital There’s one more level of decomposition to do first. We need to break down our Instructions.

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@GanbaroDigital Treat your Instructions like you would treat your MVC controllers.

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Add HMAC Operation(s)

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Calc HMAC Add HMAC Operation(s) Add HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Verify & Strip HMAC Calc HMAC Add HMAC Operation(s) Add HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Verify & Strip HMAC Calc HMAC Add HMAC Find HMAC Remove HMAC Operation(s) Verify HMAC Add HMAC Calc HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Verify & Strip HMAC Calc HMAC Add HMAC Find HMAC Remove HMAC Operation(s) Verify HMAC Add HMAC Calc HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital “Operations” are the smallest units of work that it makes sense to reuse.

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@GanbaroDigital “Operations” have no dependency whatsoever on the pipeline framework.

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@GanbaroDigital NOW we are ready to write some code :)

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@GanbaroDigital Operations are very boring. They’re just plain PHP code. In my experience, boring code is reliable code.

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Verify & Strip HMAC Calc HMAC Add HMAC Find HMAC Remove HMAC Operation(s) Verify HMAC Add HMAC Calc HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Verify & Strip HMAC Calc HMAC Add HMAC Find HMAC Remove HMAC Operation(s) Verify HMAC Add HMAC Calc HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital Our Operations are ready to run. We can go ahead and code up our Instructions.

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Verify & Strip HMAC Calc HMAC Add HMAC Find HMAC Remove HMAC Operation(s) Verify HMAC Add HMAC Calc HMAC

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@GanbaroDigital Instructions aggregate Operations to get the work done.

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@GanbaroDigital Aggregation vs Inheritance: aggregation for reuse, inheritance for specialisation

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@GanbaroDigital Thanks to identifying and building the Operations, the Instructions are very lean and very clean.

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@GanbaroDigital Unlike the Operations, the Instructions won’t execute yet. They depend upon NextInstruction.

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@GanbaroDigital Let’s talk about (and build) the NextInstruction class.

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@GanbaroDigital NextInstruction is the secret sauce that powers Instruction pipelines!

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@GanbaroDigital Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instructions

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@GanbaroDigital NextInstruction Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital $next->process() Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe

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@GanbaroDigital Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe $next->process() $next->process()

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@GanbaroDigital $next->process() Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe $next->process() $next->process() $next->process() $next->process()

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@GanbaroDigital $next->process() Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe $next->process() $next->process() $next->process()

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@GanbaroDigital $next->process() Encode To JSON Encrypt Add HMAC $next->process() $next->process() $next->process()

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@GanbaroDigital $next->process() Encode To JSON

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@GanbaroDigital $next->process()

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@GanbaroDigital We’re now starting to see how to use the underlying InstructionPipeline framework. ganbarodigital/ php-mv-instruction-pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Now that we have working Instructions, we can build out their factories: the “Instruction Builders”

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital GenericInstructionBuilder expects your Instruction to take a config array as its only parameter.

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital Follow the same process (Operations > Instructions > Builders) to complete the pipeline’s code.

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Add HMAC Encode To Ascii-Safe Instruction Builder HMAC Verify & Strip HMAC Encode To JSON Decode From Ascii-Safe Ascii-Safe JSON Decode From JSON Encrypt Decrypt Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline

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@GanbaroDigital How do we execute the Instruction Builders to assemble the pipelines? We need to build one last helper class.

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@GanbaroDigital We’re done building :)

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@GanbaroDigital We Have Built … • 11 x Operations (inc base classes) • 10 x Instructions • 4 x Instruction Builders

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@GanbaroDigital We Have Built … • 11 x Operations (inc base classes) • 10 x Instructions • 4 x Instruction Builders

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@GanbaroDigital We Have Built … • 11 x Operations (inc base classes) • 10 x Instructions • 4 x Instruction Builders

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@GanbaroDigital They Are Supported By … • 8 x Robustness helpers 
 (Checks & Requirements) • 11 x Exceptions • 2 x Type-safety Interfaces

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@GanbaroDigital They Are Supported By … • 8 x Robustness helpers 
 (Checks & Requirements) • 11 x Exceptions • 2 x Type-safety Interfaces

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@GanbaroDigital They Are Supported By … • 8 x Robustness helpers 
 (Checks & Requirements) • 11 x Exceptions • 2 x Type-safety Interfaces

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@GanbaroDigital Let’s see it all together.

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@GanbaroDigital Build Order 1. Operations 2. NextInstruction & build helper 3. Instructions 4. Instruction Builders

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@GanbaroDigital Type Safety

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@GanbaroDigital PSR7 (HTTP Messages) and the associated Middleware have been loudly criticised for lack of type-safety.

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@GanbaroDigital declare(strict_types=1); Enables enforcement of PHP 7 type declarations.

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@GanbaroDigital “ Types are policy. Policy belongs in your code, not in underlying libraries.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? How hard is it to add type declarations to a library like MessagingPipeline?

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@GanbaroDigital There are no problems adding type declarations to Operations. They’re just plain PHP.

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@GanbaroDigital Instructions … well, it depends on what your pipeline does to the data it processes.

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@GanbaroDigital Data In A Pipeline Can Be … 1. modified 2. transformed 3. or rejected

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@GanbaroDigital When we transform data, we change its data type.

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@GanbaroDigital Instructions are isolated from each other. They cannot know what data transformations will happen elsewhere on the pipeline.

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@GanbaroDigital The return type from your pipeline’s last Instruction determines how type-strict you can be.

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Instruction Builder HMAC Ascii-Safe JSON Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline mixed > string string > string string > string string > string string > string string > mixed string > string string > string

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@GanbaroDigital You can define interfaces to enforce type safety on your Instructions.

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Instruction Builder HMAC Ascii-Safe JSON Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline mixed > string string > string string > string string > string string > string string > mixed string > string string > string

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@GanbaroDigital Encrypt Instruction Builder HMAC Ascii-Safe JSON Transmit Pipeline Receive Pipeline mixed > string string > string string > string string > string string > string string > mixed string > string string > string

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@GanbaroDigital NextInstruction also enforces type safety. It’s unique to your library. Only Instructions written for your library will accept your NextInstruction.

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? Did you notice the runtime checks that we still needed?

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@GanbaroDigital Strict typing is the equivalent of ‘filters’ from ‘input filtering and validation’. Strict typing doesn’t cover your data validation responsibilities.

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@GanbaroDigital You still need appropriate runtime checks. You still need appropriate unit tests.

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@GanbaroDigital Testing

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@GanbaroDigital Instruction Pipelines are easy to test.

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@GanbaroDigital Unit Test Build Order 1. Operations 2. Instructions 3. NextInstruction & build helper

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@GanbaroDigital Operations are plain PHP, by design. There’s nothing special required to test them.

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@GanbaroDigital Unit Test Build Order 1. Operations 2. Instructions 3. NextInstruction & build helper

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@GanbaroDigital Unit Test Build Order 1. Operations 2. Instructions 3. NextInstruction & build helper

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@GanbaroDigital They have single responsibilities. We don’t need many tests to prove that they work.

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@GanbaroDigital “With 100% code coverage, you could still ship bugs. Without 100% code coverage, you’re definitely shipping bugs.

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@GanbaroDigital Full code available on GitHub & Packagist: ganbarodigital/ php-mv-messaging-pipeline

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Thank You Any Questions? A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital